Recent content by GMmarine
  1. GMmarine

    Broken headphones...

    Alright I've taken these suggestions into consideration and I suppose I will just say they broke in the case... which purpose is to protect them but was poorly designed. In truth, the case that comes with the UE headphones is too small anyways I so I can just say the case put pressure on my...
  2. GMmarine

    Broken headphones...

    1 Year-Warranty, but what I did isn't covered because... well I broke it. :\
  3. GMmarine

    Broken headphones...

    Wow,I feel like a complete idiot because I broke my UE 5 EB's the other day. The cord was starting to cut in and out so I decided to pull the cord out of the headphone because UE's cables are replaceable... but I accidentally broke my headphones. Now all I see is one red wire and one green wire...
  4. GMmarine

    Will a portable amp fix my problem...

    Well I bought a Creative Zen not to long ago and I've been experiencing problems playing music. Basically my headphones(UE Super fi. 5 EB's - 11ohm) cut in and out after I turn the music up so loud. I was just curious would an amp fix this problem? Also, my headphones work fine with my stereo...
  5. GMmarine

    IEM for my music taste

    Hope they suite you well. :P But I've looked at them.. and I think there ugly, but that doesn't matter much, you can't see your ears!
  6. GMmarine

    Need help deciding on what IEM is best for me...

    Hmm...interesting, I will check out the Atrio M8's.... Thanks for the suggestions! Keep em up.
  7. GMmarine

    Need help deciding on what IEM is best for me...

    Alright well I plan on getting the Ultimate Ears Super. fi 5 EB And now I need to get a sound card for my comp to listen to them( onboard audio sounds terrible). Are these worth the... $156 price tag? I hope the..."you get what you paid for" applies here. Any help(more) appreciated.
  8. GMmarine

    Need help deciding on what IEM is best for me...

    Then again people say the Shure SE110 lack bass as well...
  9. GMmarine

    Need help deciding on what IEM is best for me...

    Thanks for the input, the Denon one's seem alright but they don't look like they'll block out as much outside noise as the ER-6i. Also my price I'm willing to pay is varying really(-$150). So keep the suggestions coming!
  10. GMmarine

    Need help deciding on what IEM is best for me...

    Hello Head-Fi community, ...I guess you could say I'm overwhelmed by the vast amount of IEMs to chose from on the market today. Basically I have a couple I'm choosing from. They are( but are not limited to ): Etymotic Research ER-6i $75 << Preferred right now Ultimate Ears 3 $78...