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      edwadl reacted to samandhi's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      I can't compare the DB1 with any of the others, but I have the other three and can give some insight (according to my ears anyhow). I...
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      edwadl replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      I ended up ordering the RW3000 :relaxed:. Big thanks to everyone who jumped in and provided some input :beerchug:
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      edwadl replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      I haven't seen a comparison of the SBS with the RW3000 although it would be a great read. You're right in that I probably don't care...
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      edwadl reacted to samandhi's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Both are worthy of having... The RW3000 does indeed have more bass than the RW3000. They are also a bit darker (rolled off treble...
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      edwadl reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Did someone post that they have both RW3000 and SBS? I'd be surprised if RW3000 has better imaging and timbre than SBS, but I'm not sure...
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      edwadl replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Oh that's good to know. I seem to only have this issue on my right ear. The earbud tends to work its way out on the top right ( towards...
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      edwadl reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      If you want to try a truly comfortable shell, I'd recommend Rikubuds from @RikudouGoku. He has custom designed his shells and they are...
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      edwadl reacted to assassin10000's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      The diameter is the same, it's just a little thicker due to shell shape. You may be ok, depending on what your fit issues are.
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      edwadl reacted to samandhi's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Welcome back. I am glad to see that all is well (even though you didn't exactly say that, I assume it is or you wouldn't be back...
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      edwadl replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      ahhhhh choices :cold_sweat: . I didn't know the RW-3000 was bigger than the mx500. I was starting to lean towards the RW-3000s, but I...
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      edwadl reacted to fooltoque's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      ear dependent for sure, but the RW-3000 fit me better than any other bud I've tried so far. I'm also fond of the design that you can...
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      edwadl reacted to Brillig's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      The RW3000 is a bit large, but it works for me very well with stem up and cable over ear.
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      edwadl reacted to tamahome77's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      I've heard the Chaconne briefly at a store and have the red serratus and SBS - both are great earbuds. The Chaconne sounds full in the...
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      edwadl reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      If mx500 shells are comfortable for you, and you want to try TGXEAR house sound, then SBS is a great start. I'm fairly sure that, based...
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      edwadl replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Currently I find myself swapping between the two when I want to enjoy the vocals/instruments more or want more bass. Seems like the SBS...
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