Recent content by dabeststax
  1. dabeststax

    I'm Lovin' It? More like I Hate It.

    McDonalds is still the bomb. I don't care if the quality is low, there is nowhere else on earth that you are going to get a cheeseburger quite as tasty as a classic McDonalds burger. I don't know what it is, i admit its a pathetic thin, little burger, but the flavor is unique.
  2. dabeststax

    so... who saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonite?

    Quote: Originally Posted by oneeyedhobbit He very carefully interweaves so many homages to old movies, and so many bits of creative genius. Oh yeah, I forgot, watching old movies and taking scenes from them is the height of creativity.... He does it carefully too, wow...
  3. dabeststax

    Email SPAM : I just got an email from

    Quote: Originally posted by daycart1 I don't think that these emails always mean that the "sender" has the virus. It might be that some third party has the virus and that third party has the "sender" in the third party address book. Thats correct, but you should still let the...
  4. dabeststax

    Nature photography

    Thanks Eric343!! Regarding sharpening, I get good results with photoshops USM, you don't really notice the artifacts at printouts up to 6x8, and then if you are careful you won't notice them at sizes higher than that. A good site to check out would be
  5. dabeststax

    Who is lives in Hawaii?

    Man, I was just in Hawaii twice in the past 4 months. 3 weeks over christmas and a week and a half in the beginning of april... Dont know when ill be getting back. As soon as possible would be nice
  6. dabeststax

    Email SPAM : I just got an email from

    It happens occassionaly. I haven't gotten any from head-fi but I've gotten them from friends. And no the person whos account it comes from is not responsible. So just delete it and let the person you got the mail from know that their computer may be infected.
  7. dabeststax

    so... who saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonite?

    Quote: Originally posted by Lil_JV Are you kidding me? How can you say it doesn't take a creative mind to write the script of pulp fiction. Obviously all you were paying attention to was the a** screwing. Ok JV. The thing is, there is creative, and then there is, pulling...
  8. dabeststax

    so... who saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonite?

    Tarantino is the most overrated director I know of. His films are such shock value tripe. He seems to think that blood and suffering and gore are some kind of movie miracle. Not to mention people screwing each other in the a**. Oh wow, so shocking, what a movie miracle, congrats to tarantino...
  9. dabeststax

    Stopping the booze

    Quote: Originally posted by Welly Wu Yeah. I should have mentioned that too. Getting professional help is nothing to be ashamed of. It works if you work at it. Heh, sure its true, but wait until you get in argument with someone and they decide to bring that up and use it to beat...
  10. dabeststax

    so... who saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonite?

    Not me!!! (You asked) Tarantino is an idiot too. (thats free)
  11. dabeststax

    Nature photography

    Quote: Originally posted by Mr.PD Nice photos dabeststax. Thanks MR. PD. I've heard some bad things about the G5, although its a decent camera. If sheer portability is what you are after try the optio s4i, its a tiny machine that would fit in an altoids tin with ease. But...
  12. dabeststax

    Nature photography

    Quote: Originally posted by eric343 You mean a really fast Windows computer... (my Powerbook handles it fine) Have you ever tried printing out an image from your digital camera? I'd imagine you could get up to poster-size and above with amazing results. Actually Mac's advantage...
  13. dabeststax

    Nature photography

    I use the pentax *istD. which if you arent printing above 16x20, which I'm sure most of you aren't, provides plenty of resolution... And it's available now for close to the D70's price. The two cameras are very similar, the D70 is about a year newer so it has a couple advantages, and the istD is...
  14. dabeststax

    Help.. Need fast internet connection..which one?

    Something that I didn't see mentioned was upload/download rates. I have a cable connection and the download speed I get 99% of the time is 360kbps or higher. My uploads on the other hand are stuck around 15k a second. If you upload stuff to webservers or maintain a website cable may not be...
  15. dabeststax

    One of the Best Essays I've Ever Read

    great read, makes perfect sense. Definately meshed well with the feelings I had about the subject. There were certainly some enlightening tid bits in there though.