Recent content by BDub
  1. BDub

    Why do I hate rap and hip-hop, but love Public Enemy?

    No love for Yo! Bum Rush The Show?
  2. BDub

    artist/album name help (electronic music)

    Thats what I had but everything I saw referenced a Death Metal group. Thanks!
  3. BDub

    artist/album name help (electronic music)

    Anyone recognize this album of lush, instrumental electronica? Tracks (supposedly) are: 1. Blue Light 2. Surf 3. Lost-Found 4. Sept 05 2 5. HJ4 (Live) Thanks.
  4. BDub

    Saw Porcupine Tree in Albany last night...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Lollan I saw them a few weeks ago in Raleigh As did I (for the first time). What did you think of 3?
  5. BDub

    Overhyped and should be avoided!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 I agree there are albums that you have to listen to a few times to grasp the brilliance of them. None of my favorite albums I loved right away. I thought they sounded good. A few listens later and I'd get knocked off my socks. For...
  6. BDub

    integrated amp as power amp?

    Quote: Originally Posted by hciman77 Can you enlighten us as to why you want to do this ? I was just trying to find a good use for this thing. Looks like it goes in the yard sale pile. Thanks for the info.
  7. BDub

    integrated amp as power amp?

    Yamaha HTR-5440 (5.1)
  8. BDub

    integrated amp as power amp?

    Bought it used. I don't know how much it was new. It's not that old - early 90's model. But it is pretty heavy, so I'm guessing the 200w rating is correct. When you say pre-amp, do you mean my receiver (Yamaha HTR-5440)?
  9. BDub

    integrated amp as power amp?

    Thanks but all that is beyond me. Maybe I'll just sell it. Anyone know if it's worth anything? Couldn't find any mention of it online.
  10. BDub

    integrated amp as power amp?

    sorry for the noob question: I have a Kenwood KA-691 integrated amp (200w) that is sitting in the attic collecting dust. Can I add it to my existing system as a power amp? Thanks.
  11. BDub

    Recommend me a Van Halen CD

    Or you could go with: Best Of Van Halen Volume 1 (1996) The Best Of Both Worlds (2004) Both of which contain Panama. Can't vouch for the recording quality though.
  12. BDub

    any info on these Mirage speakers?

    Thanks! Think they're worth 100 bucks?
  13. BDub

    any info on these Mirage speakers?

    Going to look at these soon. Can't find any info online. Mirage 12" tall is all I know right now. Thanks.
  14. BDub

    Chaintech AV-710 for $20 or TurtleBeach Riviera for $15?

    Which is the better deal given the AV710 is open-box online and the Riviera is local? Thanks.
  15. BDub

    You know your getting old when...

    It didn't make me feel old, but just the other day in a grocery store I was surprised to hear Muse's Black Holes & Revelations. Quote: Originally Posted by Masonjar I know I'm getting old: It's "cool" again to wear AC/DC t-shirts. Depends on the demographic. That was "cool"...