Recent content by alexseiji
  1. alexseiji

    Looking for a closed back over-ear that give me the detail and clarity up high like my AKG 240's but with a stronger low end

    Thanks for the advice! This was my original choice but internet can change a thought very quickly haha. In your experience does the K550/553 have a stronger lower presence? 
  2. alexseiji

    Looking for a closed back over-ear that give me the detail and clarity up high like my AKG 240's but with a stronger low end

    I am traveling a lot more lately and would love something that doesnt bleed sound but doesnt lack the soundstage, presence, and clarity of an AKG sound signature but with stronger lows. Any suggestions? Ive read too many reviews on too many headphones to know what to do. 
  3. alexseiji

    Looking for something to replace my AKG k240's

    So heres the deal... I LOVE my AKG 240's... I love the distance it feels like it gives me from the headphones themselves. The sound feels so open and spacial and offers and nice touch of airy goodness that I truly love. I tried the HiFiman HE400's per forum recommendation and was I not impressed...
  4. alexseiji

    MIYO Portable DAC

    Could this be used to produce better sound through a pair of studio monitors? 
  5. alexseiji

    Beyer T51 for mixing

    I know these cans are fairly new and the reviews so far have been fantastic however I have a question about their sound signature. Im looking for excellent cans no doubt but I may do a little mixing as well and was wondering if these headphones are accurate enough to do so with. I have a pair of...