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      Alan Sk replied to the thread Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier.
      I should have clarified the $90. It was for shipping as it was still under warranty. I have the repair slip for the first time it went...
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      Alan Sk replied to the thread Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier.
      This is an older post but it interested me as I have now had my Ragnarok 2 go out on me twice with the eternal blinking light. I have...
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      Alan Sk replied to the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC.
      https://www.head-fi.org/threads/schiit-happened-the-story-of-the-worlds-most-improbable-start-up.701900/page-3798 There are many ways...
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      Alan Sk reacted to TomSix's post in the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC with Like Like.
      What utility is there in making empiricism a fetish and then chasing people around as though one is some sort of evangelical priest of...
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      I use the bluejean 1694A coax, but I have plenty of room to work with behind my audio system. No problems. I could see how it could be a...
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      Linear powers supples make sense with a DAC. Your Yiggy (and my Gungnir multibit) have linear power supplies built in along with pretty...
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      Alan Sk replied to the thread Schiit Gungnir DAC.
      Surprised this hasn’t shown up yet on this appreciation thread. The Gungnir is now only available in multbit. Schiit has dropped the...
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