  1. ClieOS

    Earbuds Round-Up

    This thread is dedicated to Tom (@HungryPanda), our friend and fellow earbuds lover that we lost to COVID-19. Please DO NOT PM me for any question. Sennheiser MX985, Blox TM7, Venture Electronic Zen 1.0, Rose Technology Mojito. From top to bottom, left to right: Audio Technica ATH-CM999...
  2. Baldoor EarBell E100 MK1

    Baldoor EarBell E100 MK1

    Most reviews are about E100 MK1, currently not available anymore. All E100 and E100A sold after mid-2015 are MK2 and MK3 (which sound vastly different)- however they are not marked as such. An excellent earbud with balanced sound. Looks great, sounds even better. Sweet, non-fatiguing sound.