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  • Users: shinndigg
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  1. shinndigg

    Xonar STX RCA output amped?

    I just bought an Asgard 2 to go along with my Xonar STX. I was expecting if I plugged the Asgard into the Xonar, the only volume control would be via the asgard. But I can also control it via the computer. Am I double amping? Google searches have not helped me determine whether the RCA outputs...
  2. shinndigg

    Will using the High Gain (+12dB for 64-300ohm headphones) setting on my Xonar STX damage the Q701?

    I know the Q701 have an impedance of only 62 ohms, but the normal gain setting on the STX just doesn't cut it for me. I can crank the volume to 100% and it still sounds a bit weak. On the high gain setting, 30% is uncomfortable loud. Is it just a bad amp match? I didn't have this problem with...
  3. shinndigg

    Volume control for headphones with in-line volume

    I have a Sennheiser PC 360 headset that has volume control integrated into the right ear cup. I also have a Fiio E9 external amp (for my MacBook Pro), and my desktop has a Xonar Essence STX. My question is, which is better to control volume with? I've just been setting the PC 360 to half volume...
  4. shinndigg

    ATH M50 suitable for Rage Against the Machine and similar music?

    So I mostly listen to more laid back music, like Ben Folds, Elliott Smith, The Shins, etc. For this type of music, I have the HD 598 and the Q701. Sometimes though, I want something a little harder. So I go to Rage and other metal bands my brother is trying to get me in to. As versatile as the...
  5. shinndigg

    So far, disappointed with AKG Q701.

    I will, right off the bat, say that I have not given these the appropriate burn in period. They've been used for about 8 hours so far. I'm not a huge believer in significant burn in effects, but if someone thinks my issues will be solved by burn in, that would be great, because I am in love with...
  6. shinndigg

    AKG Q 701 amping

    Hey all,   Right now I own a pair of Sennheiser HD 598. They sound great, but I despise the way they look, so I ordered a pair of AKG Q 701 which, from the pictures, look sexy as hell. If you want to comment on the sonic differences, be my guest. But this is about amping.   I know the...
  7. shinndigg

    At $400, can Audioengine 5+ be beat?

    I'm looking to get some nicer speakers for my apartment. Currently I have audioengine 2s connected to my iMac. Pretty decent sound when I'm sitting at my desk, but I'm looking for something with a more room filling sound. Those little guys just aren't big enough. Since I don't have an amp or...