Recent content by Tessor
  1. Tessor

    A warning about headphone listening to appear in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine

    Well, that read was a waste of time. Does the Times really think we have such a dumbed down population that they need articles on obvious dangers that can easily be avoided?
  2. Tessor

    I hate wires. It's now 2011, are there any real wireless options?

    I would love to hear whether or not any wireless models are worthwhile. Every one I have tried has been terrible at delivering decent sound.
  3. Tessor

    Are CDs obsolete

    I don't think they're obsolete. Like books, there will always be some demand for a physical item to own or collect, at least for a certain subset of people. The purely digital will never fly for many decades, if ever. It's very possible things like CDs, DVDs, and books could become more of an...
  4. Tessor

    best $10, or $20 headphones/earbuds/inear/whatever

    Always go for online vendors if you're able to. There are some dirt cheap earbuds on Amazon. I always buy there and have accumulated at least a dozen pairs of earbuds over the last few years.
  5. Tessor

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    Fantastic setups! This thread gives me all kinds of new ideas to try.
  6. Tessor

    New Headphone Stand

    I like the looks of the Home Depot stand too. These are probably cheaper and just as good as any other stand specifically made for headphones.
  7. Tessor

    Should I get skullcandy Skullcrushers or somthing else

    Despite the considerate opinions here against Skullcandy, I recommend the OP (or others looking) do their own research and always consider cost. Skullcandy's main advantage at this point is that it's dirt cheap through certain retailers. Of course, you can say the same about most any headphones...
  8. Tessor

    SkullCandy Hesh Review Video, Done by HeadFi Noob.

    Thanks for the review. I'm admittedly not as hardcore as some people here when it comes to high end headphones. I think that Hesh can be suitable for the average joe who's looking for something affordable. I would definitely only buy Skullcandy stuff online, though, where it's much cheaper if...
  9. Tessor

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    Not exactly high end, but I've gotten plenty of weird looks because I own nearly a dozen functional sets of earbuds that I keep spread out for convenience. I'm never without some sort of headphones within reach.
  10. Tessor

    Million dollar stereos..

    I wonder what it costs to actually produce these million dollar plus systems? I'm sure that like luxury cars and other high end items, the price is set by demand, and what these producers think they can sell them for. But how huge is the profit they get from these compared to production costs?
  11. Tessor

    A great article I found on Amazon, of all places.

    Decent article. I'm sure there's a lot more to it that's not covered in the piece, but this is a good guideline when considering what to buy.
  12. Tessor

    King Crimson 40th Anniversary releases

    Thanks for this thread, everyone. I had no idea King Crimson was so prolific. I've only listened to the "In the Court of the Crimson King" album. For some reason, I guessed their other work was hard to come by. Now that I know they're available fairly easily, I'll have to check out their discs.
  13. Tessor

    Million dollar stereos..

    Amazing. Those million dollar plus systems have got to be record breakers.
  14. Tessor

    Safe volume limits

    I try to take a balanced approach: short bursts of loud music when I feel like I really need it, but otherwise a more reasonable volume for casual listening/gaming. The older I get, the more I am interested in preserving my hearing.
  15. Tessor

    What would you name your band?

    I'd call mine Terrapin Stew.