Recent content by Sumpfkraut
  1. Sumpfkraut

    what are your thoughts on when your favorite band/artist/musician sells out to make more money?

    I don't have any peculiar feelings about it, I just stop buying their new records in case their new style doesn't appeal to me and enjoy the old ones.   I mean it's pretty sad if I can't find something else to listen to in the whole world anyway, isn't it? There are lots of good artist to...
  2. Sumpfkraut

    Isn't it quite peculiar?

    We have here a forum that is all about material whose sole raison d'être is the enjoyment of music (I know there is gear for other purposes, but it's not really discussed here), and yet we only grant a measly subforum in the off-topic section to music herself, which doesn't even have any...
  3. Sumpfkraut

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 7 - II. Nachtmusik 1: Allegro moderato  
  4. Sumpfkraut

    Most boring movie of ALL TIME

    The Exorcist for me, very clearly. Spitting on priests just doesn't cut it.     Not saying it's bad, just saying of all the movies I watched it was the least exciting one. Of those I remember anyway...
  5. Sumpfkraut

    Music Game IX

    Quote: Nile - "Cast Down the Heretic"  
  6. Sumpfkraut

    Music Game IX

      Quote: Terry Scott Taylor - "Low Down Doe"
  7. Sumpfkraut

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Györgi Ligeti - "Hamburg concerto" for horn and one chamber orchestra with 4 obligato Natural horns - VII. Hymnus
  8. Sumpfkraut

    Post your desktop!

    Alphacoders has some nice pics.
  9. Sumpfkraut

    European meetup - post your ideas here

    Hm. Doesn't matter for me anyway because my current economic situation doesn't permit this, but it was worth a try.
  10. Sumpfkraut

    European meetup - post your ideas here

    You really should choose Hamburg instead, it's a much prettier city.
  11. Sumpfkraut

    THE best female vocals? (your favorite female singers)

    Oh my god, didn't notice this until now. Her singing is as beautiful as she is. <3
  12. Sumpfkraut

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Nicolau de Figueiredo - Soler i Ramos - Sonate für Clavicembalo Des-Dur - Allegretto
  13. Sumpfkraut

    Post your computer specs!~

    It's all here.
  14. Sumpfkraut

    Why do we use lossless?

    That's why I put the sidenote there.
  15. Sumpfkraut

    Kaku finally vindicates UFO believers

      Quote: Whoops.    *plays the newbie card*