Recent content by Rizumu
  1. Rizumu

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Ditto <3
  2. Rizumu

    What headphones are you currently rocking?

    Currently rocking out to Arcturus with my Sony MA900's. Comfiest, least-fatiguing headphones I've ever had. I love open headphones so much.   obobskivich: Oh man, I would love to listen to the F1's and compare.
  3. Rizumu

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Cradle of Filth - Midian
  4. Rizumu

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Sideways 9/10. Very enjoyable. I'd rather have a root canal than watch Mamma Mia again.
  5. Rizumu

    I've never seen Star Wars...and I never want to either

    omg, I'm special because I don't watch movies other people do!!! grow up.
  6. Rizumu

    How do you store your cd´s??

    i got this cool cd shelf thing about a year back from my parents with piano keys all on the side, so it looks like a keyboard. it's really neat. it probably holds like 100 cds, it's totally full now... so the cds are now overtaking my desk space and other random spots of the room. i just...
  7. Rizumu

    okay, i think the DS games suck...

    the batteries melted inside my game gear and destroyed it. >< that was the end of a previously beautiful relationship...
  8. Rizumu

    somebody please stop this christmas music, I cant take it!

    Quote: Originally Posted by bhd812 omg its the same thing jingle bells (sung by atleast 20 different people) frosty the snow man (5 different) rudi the red nose (15) need I go on....ahhhh *ahem*
  9. Rizumu

    somebody please stop this christmas music, I cant take it!

    Look. I have nothing against Christmas music, in fact I have a lot of favorite songs and it can be great for the whole festive mood that Christmas brings about. But jesus tapdancing christ, you go into a store and they bombard you non-stop with terrible renditions of Christmas music that make...
  10. Rizumu

    white earbuds = iPod

    Quote: Originally Posted by 450 This one kid thought I got KSC-35's from the trash. Smack him, then make him listen to them. Then smack him again. For earbuds though I don't see what the big deal about using the ipod ones is. I hate walking around in canalphones, and so i find...
  11. Rizumu

    pathetic plea to moderators

    it's not pathetic, in fact it takes a lot of will to do this. ^^ i did this once for finals... just pm jude or another moderator and that will do the trick.
  12. Rizumu

    radiohead tmglmoat dvd

    ehh?? what?? i feel way out of the loop (because i am).
  13. Rizumu

    Create your own South Park Character

    check me out in spooky, goth forest.
  14. Rizumu

    Poll: Are you a Coke person or a Pepsi person?

    Umm, I'm sort of both. Like I usually drink Diet Pepsi and prefer Pepsi to normal Coke, but I have C2 and Diet Coke w/ Lime in my fridge right now, both of which I like a lot. And I love Cherry Coke. So whatever, I'll drink any of them. ^___^ Can't live without it, lol.