Closed: HD800/S, Arya Non-Stealth, Clear
Listing ID: 15837 Views: 596
750.00 USD
Excellent/Like new
Or best offer
Ships to
  1. North America
Hello! I'm looking for one of the following to purchase:

1. Sennheiser HD800S
2. Hifiman Arya (NON-STEALTH MAGNET)
3. Focal Clear

I would love to be able to get them for ~700-750 used, but am willing to negotiate pricing. Shoot me a PM and let's see what we can do!
Listed by: takuta (3)
Listed: 2021-12-05
Last edited: 2021-12-10


New Head-Fier
Arya v1 was $1099 during Black Friday
Yeah, I missed out on the massive sale, although to be honest I would really rather trade my monarchs and give payment after considering the IEM's value since I'm a bit strapped for cash anyways...
Still looking?