Nogoodnamesleft reacted to Halimj7's post in the thread New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread with Like.Anyone compare these to Audiotechnica WB2022?
Nogoodnamesleft reacted to damascato's post in the thread Can you handle the Beast! Introducing the iDSD Diablo 2!! with Like.Hey guys has anyone tried it with Susvara or Tungsten?
Nogoodnamesleft reacted to WDitters's post in the thread Audio Technica WB2022, question about the Codecs with Like.Not sure how the WB operates, and not sure whether they even are able to fix themselves on a codec. And not even sure whether this is...
Nogoodnamesleft reacted to bluex's post in the thread Audio Technica WB2022, question about the Codecs with Like.Hello everyone, I received today the Audio Technica WB2022 After listening ( testing ) music ( different genres ) for about 6 hours, I...
Nogoodnamesleft posted a comment on classifieds listing iFi Diablo 2.US shipping?
Nogoodnamesleft posted feedback on the classifieds listing Hifiman EF600.Good to work with, very good buyer.
Nogoodnamesleft added classifieds listing Audiophile Ninja Solitaire T balanced cable to category Cables, Speakers, Accessories For Sale / Trade.Audiophile Ninja balanced 4.4 mm terminated 5 ft cable for solitaire T.
Nogoodnamesleft replied to the thread T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone.Still waiting for mine.
Nogoodnamesleft replied to the thread T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone.https://www.lavricables.com/cables/ultimate-silver-ta-solitaire-t-upgrade-cable/
Nogoodnamesleft reacted to polymathic's post in the thread New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread with Like.The AAC quality gets better with every iPhone iteration. There is quite a difference between my old iPhone 7 and my iPhone 15 Pro. I...