What you think about Head-Fi's new look?
Apr 18, 2004 at 3:57 PM Post #106 of 220

Originally Posted by pigmode
It's the size of the fonts. Like other new versions of forum software, you can't increase the size of the fonts. I run 16x12 now , but will get a bigger monitor soon and run a higher rez. At this rate I'll need a magnifying glass. At a couple of other forums i just stopped going there.

Yeah, it's 'cause all the fonts seem to be defined by exact pixel sizes, i.e. 10px, 15px instead of "em" units which actually take into account the user's Internet Explorer font size settings... I'm sure Neil can do something about that?
Apr 18, 2004 at 4:43 PM Post #107 of 220
[size=xx-small]i think the text size it way too big actaully.

i like the color, it don't bother me because my monitor brightness is set to a pretty low level. i think there should be different color schemes so people can choose which they like.[/size]
Apr 18, 2004 at 4:50 PM Post #108 of 220

Originally Posted by Earwax
I agree.


BUT on 1024 x 768 the text doesn't scale to the browser window correctly, so I have to scroll horizontally on each new page.

Now my senility sets in again
I just told Edwood I was running 1280 x 1024 but I'm actually running 1024 x 768
DOH! Anyways, don't have to scroll horizontally on my screen...
Apr 18, 2004 at 4:58 PM Post #110 of 220

Originally Posted by Zuerst
I think it's nicer looking but the user avatar and info row is taking a bit too much space to me...

EDIT: And where did the search function go??? Or is the transformation not complete yet?

Is there a search function in this new version? Also, is there a way to get a combined output of all new threads/inputs (i.e., same as in the old version)?
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:07 PM Post #111 of 220
Hmm...This new design isn't that bad, ill get used to it with time.

My only concerns are:

1) It is a bit bright...ahh my eyes!

2) It seems, with all the new stuff going on and the bigger posts that it takes a little longer to load, and as I am usually on headfi on my laptop, which is connected via a my phone line (56k), it gets a little annoying.

Nevertheless, I think we should just give jude some time to figure this thing out. It will get better.
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:21 PM Post #112 of 220

Originally Posted by ipodstudio
Anyways, don't have to scroll horizontally on my screen...

Now it's working OK for me too.

I was fiddling with some IE security settings just now, but nothing that I thought should change the display.

Or maybe Jude and/or Neil changed something to fix it just now?
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:35 PM Post #113 of 220
only the fonts in the signatures work for me.

also, this is not about the look, but i think there should be a way to search for members by location, that way i can find out who's near me and audition there gears.
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:07 PM Post #118 of 220
[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally Posted by Calanctus
....locking down the font size is a great way of telling users, 'We don't care about your preferences'....

[/size]No, in this case it's more like, "Oh, that's a new default setting with the new software, too?"

I'll look into it. I also liked to occasionally re-size fonts via the browser.
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:11 PM Post #120 of 220

Originally Posted by jude
No, in this case it's more like, "Oh, that's a new default setting with the new software, too?"

I'll look into it. I also liked to occasionally re-size fonts via the browser.

Yeah, that seems to be the trend in forum software--they tend to cater to the smaller monitors which obviously must be the vast majority out there.

The new colors are super classy.

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