What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Jan 19, 2011 at 12:53 AM Post #23,417 of 137,195
I'm sorry I came over that way to you; I thought I wrote to me somewhere in my sentence, meaning I was only expressing my own feeling on Tutu, and certainly not criticizing your choice. I tend to never criticize anyone's choice: everyone is free to enjoy whatever they want! When you shared your playing album, it just reminded of the time I bought the album, and how disappointed I was after listening to it, since it went in a direction I liked less. Come to think of it like this, I didn't criticize you in any way, but only that particular album. If you felt personally designated, I must say there is some misunderstanding there.
I was trying to tactfully say that I don't really care what you like or don't when you choose to criticize my choices. IMO this is a thread for sharing what we like, not to criticize what anyone else finds pleasing to the ear. Just because I don't agree with one of your favorites I still wouldn't use that as an excuse to troll in this thread. It's just not the place for doing that, so please show some restraint and keep your opinions to yourself if you can't find it within you to share something positive.

Back on topic, currently listening to: The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
Jan 19, 2011 at 3:48 AM Post #23,420 of 137,195

Jan 19, 2011 at 6:12 AM Post #23,423 of 137,195

On the D7000's that came in today

Jan 19, 2011 at 7:34 AM Post #23,424 of 137,195
UFO's album "Strangers In The Night".
Set up: CD690 + AU-217 I + Pioneer Monitor 10R
P.S. Proglover, I am still a newbie with 'Progressive Rock' but I already have their first five albums. King Crimson owns if you like their approach. That said I am not done collecting and listening even though it takes time. Regarding UFO, this album is good which leads me to conclude I have to get more live albums. 
Jan 19, 2011 at 7:38 AM Post #23,425 of 137,195
I'm sorry I came over that way to you; I thought I wrote to me somewhere in my sentence, meaning I was only expressing my own feeling on Tutu, and certainly not criticizing your choice. I tend to never criticize anyone's choice: everyone is free to enjoy whatever they want! When you shared your playing album, it just reminded of the time I bought the album, and how disappointed I was after listening to it, since it went in a direction I liked less. Come to think of it like this, I didn't criticize you in any way, but only that particular album. If you felt personally designated, I must say there is some misunderstanding there.
I was trying to tactfully say that I don't really care what you like or don't when you choose to criticize my choices. IMO this is a thread for sharing what we like, not to criticize what anyone else finds pleasing to the ear. Just because I don't agree with one of your favorites I still wouldn't use that as an excuse to troll in this thread. It's just not the place for doing that, so please show some restraint and keep your opinions to yourself if you can't find it within you to share something positive.

Back on topic, currently listening to: The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet

It's all good, I have a huge Miles Davis collection and I really like how his career evolved into his later years. So when I said one of my favorites was Tutu, and you quoted me saying that while responding with, "Tutu has far too much synthesizer & junk like that in it... to me, that is; too distracting & even annoying on certain titles", it truly felt like you were criticizing my choices.
And then when you followed up by discounting the awards I mentioned that Miles garnered for his efforts, that kind of got my goat as well. I do have great appreciation for his earlier, more traditional offerings so like I said it's all good and let's keep it positive from now on. It's really hard to write negative things regarding other's choices "to yourself" in a public forum.
Jan 19, 2011 at 7:54 AM Post #23,427 of 137,195
ok, I'm going to try King Crimson, unbelievable I listened to so many prog. but never heard them, pfff (shame on me probably)
Jan 19, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #23,430 of 137,195


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