Westone 3 - You asked for it, we listened !
Oct 12, 2007 at 3:50 PM Post #1,576 of 2,524

Originally Posted by p0wderh0und23 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The tentative launch date of May 21st for the Westone 3 Earphone has been delayed due to technical difficulties with product packaging. We are doing everything within our power to have the product available by early summer. Please make sure to visit our website over the coming weeks for official update information. We thank you for your patience and for choosing Westone.

Hmm and this, coming from the same source (p0wderh0und23, which is a man inside Westone - yeah I know, I met him at the Meet at Westone), which you yourself quoted in post 978 on this very same thread.

See above for the meaning of the word tentative.

Now, Pay attention here.. I clearly started no FIRM release date, and the date of May 21st was stated to have been a TENTATIVE date.

I'm not sure how much clearer I can make it for you.
Oct 12, 2007 at 4:28 PM Post #1,578 of 2,524
Won't be long now I'm sure.

I'm waiting for something official from Doug, last thing I heard was that they're hearing good things from the guys down the hall.. (I take that to be the testing/manufacturing department..)

I may even have to get me a nice lil amp to go with them when I get some, although looking at the specs, they look as though they'll be pretty good unamped too. Might need to check Rays site out come christmas time
Oct 12, 2007 at 4:52 PM Post #1,579 of 2,524

Originally Posted by craiglester /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Won't be long now I'm sure.

I'm waiting for something official from Doug, last thing I heard was that they're hearing good things from the guys down the hall.. (I take that to be the testing/manufacturing department..)

I may even have to get me a nice lil amp to go with them when I get some, although looking at the specs, they look as though they'll be pretty good unamped too. Might need to check Rays site out come christmas time

If I recall, Ray Samuels thought they sounded great through a Hornet and Tomahawk. I used an iBasso D1 with iRiver optical out and was impressed, but that wont be my main portable setup.

More likely my PenguinAmp Caffeine or Tomahawk if using ipod, but iRiver head-out is pretty good as well. I shoulda tried that too, but time was short.
Oct 12, 2007 at 4:59 PM Post #1,580 of 2,524
Hmm maybe I'll try my old Go Vibe first, just for fun. It's got the 8620 in so it might be a little bright for them, but we'll see.

You mean Ray said his own amps worked real well with it
lol he's such a salesman that guy. Nice amps though. And he did help me look for the bit that fell off my headphones, nice of him. Oh and he let me play about with a b52 powering his R-10s... damn, that's one killer setup.
Oct 13, 2007 at 3:23 AM Post #1,581 of 2,524

Your whole argument about the release date seems like a silly exercise in splitting hairs. Though you have succeeded in dissecting the lexicon within several posts to prove your point, your argument still feels bogus to me. It doesn't account for the larger context of the situation months ago. It requires too many mental acrobatics to sustain itself - the truth is actually quite simple (Though it will require a lengthy explanation

I'm not sure there is such a thing as a firm, in red, release date in the world of consumer electronics. What if Westone actually used the word 'firm,' with everything else remaining the same? Would that change things for you? The bottom-line is they gave everyone here the impression that the 21st was the date. Powdie took a lot of care in not giving a release date until they were sure. I don't remember if you were around, but we were bugging Powdie since January for a release date, and he wouldn't tell us anything until he was certain - or at least as certain, in red, as one can be in the world of consumer electronics. So when that was posted, they were sure, and so were we. For god's sake, they actually shipped all the units out to distributors, that's how firm they felt about releasing the product.

I really don't blame Westone for doing a recall. They obviously identified a significant issue that would cause a bigger headache in the longrun with product returns. Heck, maybe the flaw was insignificant and they really just wanted to make the perfect product. Either way, they did the right thing. It was unfortunate it had to happen. But let's not kid ourselves here - we all thought the product was within reach, and suddenly, the day before release, the situation turned upside down. Now, that's going to upset some customers, regardless of whether or not it fulfills your microscopic parsing of one or two posts.

I just don't think you can deny that unpleasant reality to people. I don't think you can tell people they're being unreasonable for feeling hung out to dry. Their expectations were different from yours, or at least, their emotional investment was. The fact that you are not upset is equally valid, certainly desirable, and probably the result of hanging around these forums long enough. I don't think Westone did itself any favors by going silent for months and misleading us about the severity of their "packaging" problem. I'm sure there's a minority of people wondering if this product will ever come out. I've got to believe we're in the homestretch here. Missing the holiday season would have Westone missing out on a significant chunk of their expected annual revenue (I would imagine).

I want to make clear my feelings on Westone. Like you pointed out, it's not like they did this out of vindictiveness... this kind of thing is not unusual in their line of work. They're doing their best, and I respect their decision to take as long as needed to produce a worthy product. Equally worthy of respect are the feelings of the customer, who has the right to get angry and buy something else, or stick around and wait for the W3, and the freedom to tell all the rest of us here on Head-Fi all about it.

Godspeed Westone, Godspeed.
Oct 13, 2007 at 1:33 PM Post #1,584 of 2,524

Originally Posted by Killercrush /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I want my Westone 3, NOW. ; P

You're not the only one!
Oct 13, 2007 at 7:29 PM Post #1,587 of 2,524
Westone is no where near a Xin! At lease we get updates from powderhound23 regularly and he always answers questions from us, even if we don't like the answer. I'll be glad to wait seeing what kind of people work for Westone!
Oct 13, 2007 at 7:44 PM Post #1,588 of 2,524
Yes, it was a silly exercise in splitting hairs, but really, if you're going to bring it up, perhaps brininging it up with the person who started splitting those hairs - Krmathis, would the best place to start.

Whensomeone misquotes someone else with the express intention of making someone look bad, and not only does, but does so in error, well I think it only fair that i point out the error.

And as for outlandos, i don't know what his issue is but he obviously doesn't have anything constructive to add to the dialogue.

All in all I think it's kind of amusing that people are getting their knickers in a twist over one word in a post, rather than the actual meaning of the post itself. It's the whole can't see the wood for trees syndrome.

The whole point of my post was not to start some banal conversation over the meaning of the individual words in my post, but rather to attemp to put a stop to all the hopelessly unconstructive criticism of the company for doing the right thing.

I'm sure the Westone people aren't too happy about all the crap people keep posting about them in the thread they sponsor, and frankly , making snide comments about missing shipping dates (official or not), is a little childish.

Yeah, we all wanted them to come out months ago, but whining isnt going to help one iota.
Let's just give the occasional nudge and question to the guys in Colorado Spings and keep our fingers crossed for a speedy release (of a well tested product)
Oct 13, 2007 at 8:10 PM Post #1,590 of 2,524

Originally Posted by outlandos
If you want to think bad you would believe there is something serious wrong with the Westone 3.


Originally Posted by craiglester /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And as for outlandos, i don't know what his issue is but he obviously doesn't have anything constructive to add to the dialogue.

Not constructive?

All I say is that the Westone 3's were delayed to May 21, then later they had another delay to mid-late summer duo "packaging problems" and now another delay to god knows when (and why!)...

Westone is the one going dark for the last couple of months by giving us no explanation nor another release date, it's already clear it can't just be a packaging problem taking more than 6 months to fix...

hence...they had even send out copy's to retailers already half a year ago!


Originally Posted by craiglester /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm sure the Westone people aren't too happy about all the crap people keep posting about them in the thread they sponsor, and frankly , making snide comments about missing shipping dates (official or not), is a little childish.

Posting negative stuff about Westone is not allowed here because they sponsor this thread? Welcome to the world of propaganda then!

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