Thoughts on a bunch of DACs (and why delta-sigma kinda sucks, just to get you to think about stuff)
May 8, 2015 at 10:50 PM Post #4,997 of 6,500
I'm not saying the Yggy isn't good.  It clearly is.  I'm saying that you're essentially insulting anyone who was stupid enough to buy any of your previous products and think it sounds good.  That doesn't make business sense to me.

That's your perception of what he's saying by wearing a t-shirt that puts down the quality of D-S output.  It's probably not just your perception, so they ought to think about that probably.  However, I'm apparently not the only person who isn't bothered in the slightest bit by it, nor would I be if I owned a bunch of Schiit D-S DACs preceding the Yggdrasil.  It took them forever and a day to release it; clearly required enormous feats of engineering skill if you believe anything Moffat has said.
He's proud of his baby, and it seems to me by the t-shirt that he honestly feels this is the future for DACs of the highest quality sound reproduction.  Not, "ha ha, suckers!" but "if you want something better, get this instead."
At the same time, I believe people who have demoed recent D-S based DACs of the portable variety, who say they actually sound "musical" and "quite good."
"Delta-Sigma, when music doesn't matter" is probably marketing hyperbole.  I can't possibly think of it as anything but that, so I can't bring myself to be offended by it, either.
May 8, 2015 at 10:59 PM Post #4,999 of 6,500
Yeesh!! It's a t-shirt with a clever slogan that might be a bit cheeky... ever seen one before? Just because we're total music geeks doesn't mean we have to get all bent out of shape over someone having fun with a new product. 

May 8, 2015 at 11:06 PM Post #5,001 of 6,500
While not the end of the world, a senior company employee wearing a shirt that denigrates it's own products and insults many of their paying customers isn't the smartest move.

On the other hand… If you're insulted by a t-shirt, you're probably not their type of customer, in which case they ought not be too concerned.
May 8, 2015 at 11:12 PM Post #5,004 of 6,500
This part of the cocky FAQ?
They seem to me to be honest people, direct and to the point.  I find that refreshing in this hobby, personally.

Not just the FAQ, there's a few other parts of the website that have a rather colorful approach. Take for example the Principles page where they play on the word Schiit throughout. Don't get me wrong - none of this really bothers me. It's just unusual, like the name. But they do seem like nice people and it's definitely nice that their products are affordable and made in North America.
I just find it odd that they would slam D/S while they're still selling that topology and even referring to Gungnir as having ''End-Game Performance''
Who knows my next DAC could end up being the Yggy but I'll wait until the dust settles first. One thing is that I'm glad for is that I don't own one of their D/S products. Each time I'd be listening to it I'd subconsciously be hearing ♫D/S sucks, D/S sucks, D/S sucks♫
May 8, 2015 at 11:12 PM Post #5,005 of 6,500
You can't call a Cadillac luxurious without implying the Cavalier is a piece of Schiit. 
May 8, 2015 at 11:26 PM Post #5,006 of 6,500
  That company definitely likes to attract attention to itself in strange ways. From the company name to the component names (Yggdrasil?) to the cocky FAQ section on their website.
Whether the T-shirt is a deliberate inflammatory statement or a wardrobe malfunction doesn't matter -  it will draw attention.
If the yggy is as good as anticipation hype would lead us to believe then they may be able to walk the walk despite. If not that attention grabbing statement may backfire - leaving a few loyal D/S customers with a bad taste in their mouth.

Retracted, no point in getting into this mess.
May 8, 2015 at 11:36 PM Post #5,008 of 6,500
While not the end of the world, a senior company employee wearing a shirt that denigrates it's own products and insults many of their paying customers isn't the smartest move.

On the other hand… If you're insulted by a t-shirt, you're probably not their type of customer, in which case they ought not be too concerned.

I wonder if their customers who spent money on their D-S products would agree. If Schiit makes that shirt available for sale, I guess we'll have the answer. Somehow, I don't see them adding it to their web store.
May 8, 2015 at 11:37 PM Post #5,009 of 6,500
  Was the shirt even a thing here or elsewhere on head-fi before Purrin mentioned it? I think someone's getting a kick out of this.

Not a good thing in my view to wear in public as a business person. The optics read like this, what we do is the best, other things suck. Not sure it is a great public persona to cast.
May 8, 2015 at 11:44 PM Post #5,010 of 6,500
I like how people now all of a sudden have an opinion on sigma-delta. I see tons of people now arguing over types of digital filters, old school R2R ladder topologies, absolute phase, oversampling... I actually had a few EE classes in college, so I get the basics of all of this, probably more than most people discussing here, and there is no way I would formulate an opinion on the benefits or the drawbacks of any DAC topology, let alone doing a direct correlation between a specific design choice and a subjective sound impression. Such opinion needs (imo) years and years of design work and experience, which I don't have in that domain. I won't argue over the 21st bit of a DAC when I can't hear the 12th with ambiant noise. I read debates on how R2R is suppose to bring us closer to the music, I think such debates  only pull ourselves away from the real point of interest here, music.
  Head-Fi will never cease to surprise me.

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