The Wizard Appreciation Thread - Long Live the Wizard - The former HA Appreciation Thread
Sep 14, 2012 at 1:41 AM Post #2,161 of 7,980
I decided to splurge a little and get the 6.a, since while I am not a bass-head per se when it comes to bass quantity, I really like some (sub)bass presence and very good bass quality. Based on the (very) limited information I have been able to find on it, the 6.a seems like a good match for my tastes.  I'm hoping these have more clarity than the W4s, which I like tonally, but have always sounded a bit muddy/muffled to my ears, but are a bit warmer than the extremely clear Grado gr10s I also own (and am currently using as an interim iem solution).  Crossing my fingers that I made the right decision, because ciems are not cheap!  Kunlun, since you seem to be one of the few individuals on here that own the 6.a, how do you like them?  How would you compare them to other iems you own?  Even though I've already paid for mine, I'm just curious as to what I should be looking forward to, and there is so little information out there about these currently (as far as I can tell, only a single review). 

I love the 6.A.
My super short take on the 6.A is that they're great if you want a more musical take on a clear, balanced sound and want to avoid the defects of supposedly neutral iems. By defects, I mean harsh treble/thin, brittle sound and bass anemia which people pretend to be "tight and punchy" or some nonsense.
They are like a smoother, slightly fuller, more musical UERM.
No, they aren't bassy, that's not what they are about. That is part of what the 8.A is about. I also love the 8.A, but they are quite different.
See my (coming) short review for more. Of course, project86's review is excellent, I'm just offering my own take.
Sep 14, 2012 at 1:44 AM Post #2,162 of 7,980
Part of the issue about the 6.A is just that it's so hard to describe the improvements over the 4.A, and thus hard for me to convey how great they are. I look forward to reading whatever Kunlun decides to write about them because maybe he can do a better job than I did. 
On the one hand, they 4.A is a spectacular achievement, and gets you most of the way there. So I don't want to overstate things. On the other had, the 6.A takes me that last bit of distance between really great sound (the 4.A) and world class sound (the 6.A). Yes, the added bass impact and definition is welcome, but that's not all there is. We're talking layering, textures, and just a sense of realism that has to be heard to be believed. In some ways they are in fact better than the 8.A in my opinion.
The downside, potentially another reason why they aren't as popular, is that it requires a highly resolving setup to take advantage of them. Running them from an iPad or something will just show you the added bass and not much else. In that case yes, it would be a waste of money. To put things in perspective - I generally run them with around $3k to $6k worth of gear and in that case I do appreciate the extra resolving power.

I am thinking about getting a desktop setup for my portable, and I don't know where to start.  I will be using it with a laptop so I know I need it to have a dac with a USB input, then I will need an amp, I am not sure what kind of amp is needed to properly power BA CIEM's.  I just bought a rocoo BA for my 8.A and I am pretty happy with it.  So I think I am set as far as portable goes, but this desktop setup is something I will be needing help, any suggestions? thanks
Sep 14, 2012 at 3:13 AM Post #2,163 of 7,980
Thanks Project86 and Kunlun for your 6.a impressions!  The way you describe them they sound perfect for me (although, we'll see for sure once I receive them).  I owned an LCD2rev2 for a while (not a huge fan of their sound stage, although their bass is pretty impressive -- eventually returned them for a few reasons, but that's another story), and while there were aspects of their sound that I enjoyed, that is not really the sound signature I'm looking for in iems at the moment.  I definitely like detail and layering, as a well as a more realistic sound (I guess this was what I was trying to get at in my previous post).  I decided these would be a good investment for me, because I spend several hours a day using iems at work and home.  As for DACs and amps, I have been doing most of my listening these days off my MacBook Air using an HRT Headstreamer, which although admittedly a budget item, I have been pleased with the improvements it imparts in the sound of my iems, and is quiet enough that I don't have to worry about any background hissing.  I also have a V-DAC coupled to an ALO Amphora SE, but that setup is hit-or-miss when used with iems due to the background noise I get with some of the more sensitive iems, although it sounds great with my big K702s.  The only time I really listen straight out of my iphone is when I am at the gym or on an airplane, and I will probably not use the 6.a in the gym due to fear of breaking them/sweating in them, and in an airplane actually hearing low key background material is not really realistic anyway.  In the next year or two I definitely plan on finding an upgrade to the Headstreamer though, especially if I actually have an audio component (the 6.a) that makes it worthwhile. 
Sep 14, 2012 at 12:01 PM Post #2,164 of 7,980
My heart just died a little, and I'm hesitating... For the innocent headfi'ers who are currently reading this, please skip this post if it's possible. I kind of need an outlet to vent now.
Just some background info -snip-
Apologies for having made you innocent headfi'ers sit through that verbal (written) diarrhea. I'll commit seppuku for inconveniencing you guys

Sep 14, 2012 at 12:48 PM Post #2,165 of 7,980
Seeing how you feel we should take your matters to the public floor.
Out of the hundreds of e-mails we get a day, your case got confused with others....
Out of the hundreds of decissions I have to make in a blink of an eye, I heard partial statements regarding your case and I made a decission.  Nancy, knowing more about your situation, plead your case in a more concise manner, and I agreed with her.
Again, her English is not the strongest, and my Chinese is not the strongest, but we do our best. I saw the e-mail exchanges between the two of you and I saw that a miscommuncation was under way.  I stepped forward, and I thought I ended this matter...  
If you feel that is not the case, and if you feel that we have slighted you...   let me know how we can correct things for you.
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 14, 2012 at 12:54 PM Post #2,166 of 7,980
My heart just died a little, and I'm hesitating...
Apologies for having made you innocent headfi'ers sit through that verbal (written) diarrhea. I'll commit seppuku for inconveniencing you guys

It sounds like Heir Audio lost your impressions, these things happen with every company occasionally, it's how they respond that matters. It sounds like Heir Audio offered several options to make it up to you.
I'm not sure your heart dying and committing suicide with a sword are reasonable responses. In the future, I would recommend politely corresponding with Dr. Moulton in private as an alternative.
Maybe take a walk outside for a little and get some fresh air?
Sep 14, 2012 at 1:48 PM Post #2,167 of 7,980
Seeing how you feel we should take your matters to the public floor.
Out of the hundreds of e-mails we get a day, your case got confused with others....
Out of the hundreds of decissions I have to make in a blink of an eye, I heard partial statements regarding your case and I made a decission.  Nancy, knowing more about your situation, plead your case in a more concise manner, and I agreed with her.
Again, her English is not the strongest, and my Chinese is not the strongest, but we do our best. I saw the e-mail exchanges between the two of you and I saw that a miscommuncation was under way.  I stepped forward, and I thought I ended this matter...  
If you feel that is not the case, and if you feel that we have slighted you...   let me know how we can correct things for you.

It's all fine now, and I apologise for what I did. I was a little frustrated earlier because to me it felt like HA was taking the stance of 'Oh we lost your molds, we'll give you the 3 options. Your new impressions will not be stored unless you pay an additional $50'. Like you mentioned, at the time of that email you've only heard my case partially and I was ignorant of that fact (your partial knowledge) which was the reason why I had that impression that it was somehow my fault that the molds were lost and I have to pay to keep my prints in the lab if I made the new order because you won't be replacing it with the one HA lost.
It sounds like Heir Audio lost your impressions, these things happen with every company occasionally, it's how they respond that matters. It sounds like Heir Audio offered several options to make it up to you.
I'm not sure your heart dying and committing suicide with a sword are reasonable responses. In the future, I would recommend politely corresponding with Dr. Moulton in private as an alternative.
Maybe take a walk outside for a little and get some fresh air?

That line didn't turn out funny eh? Haha.. I did mull things over in the washroom earlier, and has since removed the body from the post. But I don't think I ever sounded rude in all my emails or PMs. Apologies if it turned out that way - it was unintentional.
Sep 14, 2012 at 4:31 PM Post #2,168 of 7,980
Just wondering on what the wait time is atm for orders being placed in the next week or so for either the 3ai or 4ai? 
Sep 14, 2012 at 6:03 PM Post #2,169 of 7,980
It sounds like Heir Audio lost your impressions, these things happen with every company occasionally, it's how they respond that matters. It sounds like Heir Audio offered several options to make it up to you.

I'm not sure your heart dying and committing suicide with a sword are reasonable responses. In the future, I would recommend politely corresponding with Dr. Moulton in private as an alternative.

Maybe take a walk outside for a little and get some fresh air?

Agreed! How do I "LIKE" a post, damn u Facebook!
Sep 14, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #2,172 of 7,980
I'm under the impression that the 8s are jaw-droppingly good. I think I'll have to start saving for a set...I have 1964 Quads which are decent for a first pair of customs, but I'm longing for customs that make me go "Holy

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