The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
May 10, 2024 at 8:42 AM Post #88,816 of 91,330
Watercooler friends - quick Q: I got hold of the Aroma Jewel. Really lovely IEM but the treble is a wee bit hot for me. Are there good tips that dampen the highs a bit? I don't EQ.

Related: I've got it up for trade if anyone wants to trade for other high end IEMs (or IEM+cash).

Thanks in advance,
May 10, 2024 at 8:43 AM Post #88,817 of 91,330
Naming only one, which piece of head-fi gear represents the very best value for money for you?

Austrian Audio Composer
TOTL Sound for not so TOTL price
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May 10, 2024 at 8:47 AM Post #88,818 of 91,330
Watercooler friends - quick Q: I got hold of the Aroma Jewel. Really lovely IEM but the treble is a wee bit hot for me. Are there good tips that dampen the highs a bit? I don't EQ.

Related: I've got it up for trade if anyone wants to trade for other high end IEMs (or IEM+cash).

Thanks in advance,
For cable you can just go with full copper cable . For eartips you can try Azla Xelastec 2.
May 10, 2024 at 9:23 AM Post #88,819 of 91,330

Because quite simply, there are others who disagree with you. And many who have bought the player.

The R8ii and R6proii are both very capable players. The R8ii has a warm, comforting but colored tuning. It’s technically capable and the amplification stage is accomplished. It drove the 622b well. Whilst the sp3000 I had with me had the superior layering, positioning and separation, I felt it wasn’t quite enough for the 622B and Anni 2023.

Reminded me of the Naim Headphone Edition - a very capable “one and done” if you like the tuning. And attractive for the price.

It should be near the top of the list to audition for anyone looking for a player on that category.

Follow-on from my earlier 622B post, i quite enjoyed this pairing. Less warm than the stock Socrates cable but opened up beautifully.
That's really good to hear, as I have a R8ii and a CP622B incoming. The RS8ii is a superb player and pairs really well with the F7U, it makes the music wonderfully emotive with the warm tinge and driving power. You can really get lost in long listening sessions, it's one of the nicest players I've owned and sounds pretty close to the P6 Pro from memory.
May 10, 2024 at 9:32 AM Post #88,820 of 91,330
Watercooler friends - quick Q: I got hold of the Aroma Jewel. Really lovely IEM but the treble is a wee bit hot for me. Are there good tips that dampen the highs a bit? I don't EQ.

Related: I've got it up for trade if anyone wants to trade for other high end IEMs (or IEM+cash).

Thanks in advance,
final type e, epro ep00, or divinus velvet might be worth a shot
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May 10, 2024 at 9:59 AM Post #88,821 of 91,330
Is that a new addition?
Don't remember mine had Fusion1 included before I sold it but I am happily pairing Fusion1 with my Anni23

Haha sorry for the confusion! The Eletech Socrates is the stock cable still, I just took a picture with the Fusion 1 after I had switched it from my Anni23 to the Canpur to share pictures on the thread.
May 10, 2024 at 10:01 AM Post #88,822 of 91,330
Hello Folks!

Cross-posting here my daydreams, also known as impressions on Eletech Virtues series as I kinda liked how it ended up. :)


First and forefront…thanks to @Eric Chong and @Damz87 to make this tour happen, I was really looking forward to testing these cables and can’t wait to get more time with the rest of the offerings, specially the Dante's series. :wink:

The Eletech Virtues Series: An audio journey into traditions and beliefs

Like in cultural traditions and religions, in audio we seek for representation on our beliefs. The quest for sonic perfection transcends simply acquiring high-end Sources and Transducers. Cables, often relegated to mere functional necessities, can subtly sculpt the sonic landscape, revealing hidden details or adding a touch of warmth, therefore filing the gaps on our main beliefs. Enter the Eletech Virtues Series: Azrael, Cassiel, and Raphael – a trio of cables targeting budget-conscious audiophiles.

Like old impressions I will try to cover technical specifications, sound signatures, and how they perform with a variety of metal subgenres, all through a bit of fun. :)

Most of this listening was done with Luxury&Precision P6 Pro Ti99, 64a A12t and Empire Ears LX. As always, with music I really enjoy and listen on my daily bases. I don't choose music to do review, I just take notes as I go with my listening.

Unveiling Eletech's Virtues:

1. Azrael: From the Angel of Death to Embracing the Warmth of Analog (USD $249)

Azrael employs a 4-wire, 25.5 AWG ultra-high purity OCC copper design. OCC stands for "Ohno Continuous Casting," a technique that minimizes grain boundaries within the copper, resulting in smoother signal transmission. This translates to a focus on warmth and a touch of roll-off in the upper treble frequencies.

Sound Signature: Imagine the comforting crackle of vinyl on a warm turntable. Azrael infuses the sound with a subtle analog character, smoothing out harsh edges and emphasizing the midrange. This signature caters to audiophiles who find their IEMs a tad too bright or sibilant, particularly in the cymbal, snares, and hi-hat regions.


Technical Performance:

Azrael's emphasis on the midrange might slightly impact the stereo imaging capabilities of some IEMs. However, the overall presentation remains coherent and instrument placement is still discernible. But clearly the focus Is on the laid-back experience.
Soundstage: The soundstage presentation leans towards intimate, focusing on the vocalist and core instrumentation. This can be a positive for genres like classic metal or doom metal, where a more upfront and personal experience is desired.
Detail Retrieval: While not as analytical as its siblings, Azrael still delivers a respectable level of detail retrieval. Subtle nuances in guitar work or bass lines remain present, albeit presented with a touch of warmth.

That sound journey:

Black Sabbath – Paranoid:
Iommi's iconic riffs retain their power and low-end growl, benefiting from Azrael's emphasis on the lower midrange. Ozzy Osbourne's vocals become even more captivating; his melancholic character accentuated by the cable's warmth.
Candlemass – Nightfall: The sorrowful atmosphere of doom metal flourishes with Azrael. The slow, deliberate riffs and mournful vocals are delivered with a sense of intimacy, drawing the listener deeper into the depths of the music.
Budget-friendly, ideal for those seeking a warmer, more forgiving sound. Excellent for taming harsh treble in certain IEMs, creating a more analog-like listening experience.

2. Cassiel: The Saturn Angel (USD $299)

Cassiel builds upon Azrael's foundation, utilizing silver-plated OCC copper. Silver is renowned for its ability to enhance detail retrieval and improve high-frequency extension. This translates to a more balanced sound with a touch more sparkle in the treble region.

Sound Signature: Picture a crisp autumn day, the air clear and invigorating. Cassiel injects a dose of detail and clarity without sacrificing the overall warmth inherited from Azrael. This balanced slightly skewed to the upper end presentation caters to audiophiles who desire a sense of clarity and detail representation of the music, while still maintaining a balanced warmth for extended listening sessions.


Technical Performance:

The improved detail retrieval of Cassiel translates to a more precise stereo image. Listeners can pinpoint the location of instruments within the soundstage with greater accuracy.
Soundstage: Compared to Azrael, Cassiel expands the soundstage slightly, creating a more spacious presentation. This can be beneficial for genres like progressive metal or symphonic metal, where a wider sonic canvas is appreciated.
Detail Retrieval: Cassiel shines in its ability to reveal subtle upper mids details within the music. Brighter guitar solos higher pitch vocals like power metal legend Andre Matos from Angra and cymbal/snares/hats fills become more apparent, enriching the listening experience.


That sound journey:

Megadeth - Rust in Peace:
The rapid-fire guitar work of Marty Friedman and Dave Mustaine becomes quite impressive with Cassiel. Each note is rendered with clarity, allowing me to appreciate the technical mastery of the musicians.
Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage: The complex and layered soundscapes of Gojira benefit from Cassiel's balanced presentation (not as Raphael, but better than Azrael). The intricate interplay between guitars, vocals, and electronics is faithfully reproduced, creating a truly immersive listening experience focused on the clarity.

Cassiel Offers a balanced soundscape with improved detail retrieval compared to Azrael. Ideal for those who want a more analytical sound without being piercing or losing much oomph on the lower end.

3. Raphael: The leader of the Virtues (USD $499)

In some religions Raphael is known as the Archangel leader of the virtues, but for Eletech Raphael is the artist behind the paintings (fresco) found in the Vatican. In my journey here, Raphael can easily be seen as the master of the series, the one that clearly oversee the others.

Construction: Raphael boasts a hybrid design, combining gold/copper alloy and gold-plated copper for smooth detail retrieval and a refined soundstage. This premium cable targets audiophiles seeking a smooth yet refined sonic improvement.

Sound Signature: Imagine a vast concert hall with pristine acoustics. Raphael strives for a spacious soundstage and nice detail retrieval. The emphasis remains on warmth inherited from its gold infusion but presented with a touch of added brilliance and clarity.

The emphasis on both warmth (from the copper) and clarity (from the gold) creates a well-balanced presentation that caters to audiophiles who desire a faithful representation of the music, yet still crave a touch of musicality.


Technical Performance:

With the improved detail retrieval and wider soundstage, Raphael offers the most precise stereo imaging capability of the Virtues Series. I can pinpoint the location of instruments within the soundstage rather easy, creating a more realistic and immersive listening experience.
Soundstage: Raphael expands upon the soundstage presentation of Cassiel, creating a truly expansive and immersive atmosphere. This is ideal for genres like progressive metal, symphonic metal, and atmospheric black metal, where a wide soundscape enhances the listening experience.
Detail Retrieval: Raphael shines in its ability to reveal some intricate details within the music. Guitar picking, subtle vocal inflections, and the subtle nuances of cymbals and hi-hats become readily apparent.


That sound journey:

Opeth - Ghost Reveries:
The legendary interplay between Mikael Åkerfeldt's melancholic vocals, the soaring clean guitars, and the growling death growls are all rendered with stunning clarity and separation by Raphael. The expansive soundstage allowed me to appreciate the full emotional depth and atmospheric beauty of Opeth's music.
Dream Theater – Brigdes in the Sky: The bass can be felt on the gut. The chants immersive and engaging, then guitars jump in with power and details giving me goosebumps. This complex and layered masterpiece comes alive with Raphael. Each instrument, from John Petrucci's virtuosic guitar work to Jordan Rudess's technical keyboard lines, it felt exceptional with great separation. The wide soundstage allowed me to appreciate the full sonic immersion of Dream Theater's music.

Top-of-the-entry-line option for audiophiles seeking the most refined sound and widest soundstage within the Virtues Series. Offers a spacious, detailed presentation that allows each instrument to shine, creating a truly immersive listening experience. Fully capable of getting me kicking feet with the song.

Last but not Least: The Versa System


Eletech new Versa system, which focus on versatility and easy of use, offers exactly what it's purposed to do. Really easy to replace terminations without the need of any special tool makes it a step ahead of Effect Audio's ConX system, which is well known in the community and currently offers more connection options. But Eletech is already working on expanding its offering with P-ear connector under final development and coming out soon.

Just one caveat on Versa system, it does make the connector barrel thicker than usual, making it not possible to use with Sony IEMs.


Final Thoughts:

The Eletech Virtues Series offers a compelling upgrade path for budget-conscious audiophiles seeking to elevate their IEM experience. It also fits someone entering the cable rolling rabbit hole without completely breaking the bank. Azrael provides warmth and a forgiving sound, ideal for those looking to tame harsh treble. Cassiel offers a more balanced presentation with improved detail retrieval.

Finally, Raphael stands as the pinnacle of the series, delivering a spacious soundstage, exceptional detail, and a refined sonic experience. The choice between these cables ultimately depends on your sonic preferences and budget. However, one thing is certain: the Eletech Virtues Series has a good range of cables to help you fine tune one’s system and take one’s listening experience a step up the ladder.

I'm personally an 8w guy when that pushes the cable material engineering to the next level. I wish I could see an 8W Raphael, I guess it would sound amazing pushing even further it's great characteristics.

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May 10, 2024 at 10:06 AM Post #88,823 of 91,330
May 10, 2024 at 11:20 AM Post #88,825 of 91,330
May 10, 2024 at 11:33 AM Post #88,826 of 91,330
Most likely the Koss Porta Pro or the Koss KPH40 that I find slightly better.
Porta Pro launched in 1984 and is still selling.

As you can see I'm a Koss KPH30i man myself, lol. I noticed in your sig you also have the 30i... I'm curious, how does it compare to the 40?

May 10, 2024 at 12:31 PM Post #88,827 of 91,330
Nice! Let me know what you think. I had some mental hurdles to overcome on buying this one, especially because the price of it compared to a used DAP from 2023 is quite high but at the end of the day I just went with what my ears were telling me.
Early hours still for me and just using on full tube high current with FeiWan, but really enjoying the SP3000T. Background is clean (when you arent hearing the occasional tube ringing or 'eeeee'-ing), dynamics, details, and FR balance is good. Bass is really nice with good articulation. Treble is typical AKM sweetness. It sounds to me musical, elegant and with its slightly slower attacks, a bit nostalgic. It is an interesting pairing...this dac and the tubes. It doesnt sound as pristine as Sp3000 nor does it bloated tubey but it is very musical and enjoyable to listen to. AK did a really good job in my opinion.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-10 at 19.21.25.jpeg
May 10, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #88,828 of 91,330
That's really good to hear, as I have a R8ii and a CP622B incoming. The RS8ii is a superb player and pairs really well with the F7U, it makes the music wonderfully emotive with the warm tinge and driving power. You can really get lost in long listening sessions, it's one of the nicest players I've owned and sounds pretty close to the P6 Pro from memory.
Had an extensive listen and I think it is wonderfully emotive with lovely mids and if enveloping BCD staging/sound is what you’re after you won’t be disappointed. Socrates is warm but could be more open on the low end. I’d love to try 622B with SOA or Nightjar 2 wire Sovereign which has a lovely musical, fluid timbre but wouldn’t be too rich.

I usually skip over any discussion of Eletech cables but that Azrael sounds like it is right up my alley.

I enjoy Eletech cables. They can be technically excellent and great quality.
May 10, 2024 at 12:37 PM Post #88,829 of 91,330
Early hours still for me and just using on full tube high current with FeiWan, but really enjoying the SP3000T. Background is clean (when you arent hearing the occasional tube ringing or 'eeeee'-ing), dynamics, details, and FR balance is good. Bass is really nice with good articulation. Treble is typical AKM sweetness. It sounds to me musical, elegant and with its slightly slower attacks, a bit nostalgic. It is an interesting pairing...this dac and the tubes. It doesnt sound as pristine as Sp3000 nor does it bloated tubey but it is very musical and enjoyable to listen to. AK did a really good job in my opinion.

How often do you hear the ringing with Fei Wan? I’m hearing from a friend who has the SP3000T and is using it with Campfire Fathom that the tube mode is just about unusable with very sensitive gear. This obviously doesn’t apply to me with me using Storm and sets that aren’t so sensitive, but now I’m curious just how noisy it can get. I received my purchased unit yesterday but I haven’t unboxed it yet as I’m waiting for more data on this.
May 10, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #88,830 of 91,330
Watercooler friends - quick Q: I got hold of the Aroma Jewel. Really lovely IEM but the treble is a wee bit hot for me. Are there good tips that dampen the highs a bit? I don't EQ.

Related: I've got it up for trade if anyone wants to trade for other high end IEMs (or IEM+cash).

Thanks in advance,
Azla Max ; Eletech Baroque ; and perhaps Velvet?

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