The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 28, 2024 at 5:41 PM Post #84,856 of 91,276
@Sebastien Chiu - have you considered working with Nostalgia Audio at all? Definitely a brand that could do with more exposure, Camelot in particular is a really fantastic set and remains the one to beat for me for about a year now - most who try it appreciate it immediately.

Mar 28, 2024 at 5:44 PM Post #84,857 of 91,276
About Anni: With them it happens to me like with no other iem. For example, I come home from work, put them on, and at that moment I'm lost. I'm always sorry I have to go to bed. I can't stop listening. That's what these iems are about for me. It's like magic. I don't need to rate anything, I'm just enjoying the fun..
Mar 28, 2024 at 5:48 PM Post #84,859 of 91,276
I don't think I'll like it, but I should go to Bloom to demo the Trifecta just to be able to say I demoed it, even if I can't afford it if I did like it.

The Xe6 is/was my favorite and I regret ever getting rid of it.

Should treat yourself with a XE6 CIEM :xf_wink:
Mar 28, 2024 at 5:50 PM Post #84,860 of 91,276
Monachaa biggest of them all imo.

I will never understand when people say this. As if the faster pace of the music somehow outdoes the driver's ability to respond. I just don't think that's actually what's going on. I think it's a timbral difference, related to PRAT, and DD's perceived "slowness" to me is actually temporal accuracy. Even "fast-paced music," by which I think you mean a faster time signature (?) can sound either frenetic or relaxed, meaning either etched and disjointed and on-edge or it can flow smoothly and correctly. I don't think DDs can't "keep up" just but I do think there is a way to tune a set where it sounds "slower" or "faster" and then you either prefer one or the other tuning.

Yes yes and yes. I listen almost exclusively to EDM right now and Trifectas are my preferred set for all kinds of electronica...

Massive fan of this IEM. Thank you for you review. I agree with all of it to a "T."

Sure, I guess this is pretty universal. Trifecta does a lot more right for me than Anni, so I went the other way,

Just listened to Silent Alarm. DC-Elite -> VT Lavinia -> Trifecta -> Clarion tips = sublime. I very much don't understand. Not wonky at all to my ears.

The theme of wonky treble (peaks) keeps coming up too and I can't help but wonder if TIPS are to blame here. Because I just don't hear it.

Sounds great on Trifecta! Sounds better on Monachaa but still great on Trifectas...
Very interested in the Monachaa now!
Mar 28, 2024 at 5:55 PM Post #84,861 of 91,276
keep me in the loop about when another eu meet happens and I will try to arrange as much as I can for yall!
To be honest some other brands like Canpur, Noble, and Subtonic didn't send out any demo models either. But then VE did and if I'm correct 2 of us bought Aura and 1 VE10. That's a pretty good score on just 24 attendees if you're asking me.

The meetup was a great event all the same, but I would have liked to create opportunities for both sides of the trade as we're in it together.

Mar 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM Post #84,862 of 91,276
But isn't comparing Trifecta to Annihilator like comparing a Bentley cruiser to a Ferrari?
Maybe? But I look at it as where do I want to allocate $3k, and for me Annihilator is a dead-easy choice.
Thank you!! Ok now we have some common ground to make comparisons. Compared with Xe6:

Raindrops: can definitely hear the improved detail and articulation of the mids --> treble notes, and finer treble details, which Trifecta smears (or smooths over). On this track, bass is dominant on Trifecta and treble lags, while Xe6 is more balanced, with less bass quantity and more detail/separation throughout. Xe6 lets you dig into the details more, whereas Tri is more about the overall feel, the beat, and not getting too hooked up on tiny nuances. Easy to see why one would prefer either of these over the other based on this.

B.Y.O.B.: unlike Raindrops I don't have any of this type of fast/aggressive music in my library. The main difference for me here is not so much the detail or articulation, but the exposure of Trifecta's treble peaks in the cymbal crashes. Trifecta is significantly brighter than Xe6 with this track. I don't actually think speed is an issue for Tri, ironically, but all I'm hearing is grunge - treble peak - growl - treble peak etc. Whereas Xe6 is much more even-keeled and less in your face. Again, easy to pick a preference based on this track.

I'd say with EDM like Raindrops I have zero issues with Trifecta, although now that you've focused my attention on the treble details I can notice them more. The other track I wouldn't listen to regardless, but I've come across plenty of rock tracks with hectic cymbal strikes and sadly Trifecta just murders those for me.
Any IEM that "murders" music that I want to listen to is not an IEM for me.
Yes, they are apples-oranges. I say this as someone who migrated from the Annihlator to the Trifecta originally. For me and my tastes the Trifecta was an upgrade.
I'm still scratching my head over that one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
As someone who loves/hates Trifecta (more loves than hates), I find there's better ways to counterbalance the fuller bass and mids without overdoing the treble. Maybe it was just technically impossible with three direct-firing full-range DDs, but the likes of Xe6, N8 and X4 show how you can have your cake (fuller lower notes) and eat it too (more relaxed/refined treble). I probably just answered my own question given those are all hybrid/tribrids.
I like having cake. But I really like eating cake, which is why for just north of $3k Xe6 is a permanent member of my collection.
Annihilator shouldn't appeal to me then, right? With it's omni present treble and "brighter" tuning philosophy. But, it's beguiling in the fact that its treble is free of perceptible peaks and smoother, yet still quite elevated, very detailed and able to cut through a well north of neutral low end. All with no glare, sibilance or harshness to boot. Really quite a feat, IMO. Annihilator has been the epitome of "a having your cake and eating too IEM" for me personally.
Ooooh, more cake!!! Funny how much I agree, a few years ago the idea of a "treble specialist" was something I could not abide. I just didn't know how well it could be done when counterbalanced against high-quality bass, mid-bass in particular with Anni.
If these hit right where my sensitivities are, at the same time as a cymbal crash for instance, it takes me right out of the music. Nothing triggers my tinnitus faster than sudden sharp treble.
Once again, if a $3k IEM did that to me, I would not own that IEM.
Mar 28, 2024 at 6:36 PM Post #84,863 of 91,276
Maybe? But I look at it as where do I want to allocate $3k, and for me Annihilator is a dead-easy choice.

Any IEM that "murders" music that I want to listen to is not an IEM for me.

I'm still scratching my head over that one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I like having cake. But I really like eating cake, which is why for just north of $3k Xe6 is a permanent member of my collection.

Ooooh, more cake!!! Funny how much I agree, a few years ago the idea of a "treble specialist" was something I could not abide. I just didn't know how well it could be done when counterbalanced against high-quality bass, mid-bass in particular with Anni.

Once again, if a $3k IEM did that to me, I would not own that IEM.
Yeah, for something $$$$$$ like Trifecta, I would expect perfection

Mar 28, 2024 at 6:44 PM Post #84,864 of 91,276
Any IEM that "murders" music that I want to listen to is not an IEM for me.
That's why I generally avoid 'specialist' IEMs. Plenty people I know have $4K+ IEMs they use exclusively with certain narrow genres. I want any IEM, regardless of price, to play nice with ALL my music, even if some are better with certain genres than others.
I like having cake. But I really like eating cake, which is why for just north of $3k Xe6 is a permanent member of my collection.
I feel humbled and privileged to have both Rn6 and Xe6 customs on hand. Together they make one the 'best' IEMs I've heard (and aren't too shabby on their own either).
Yeah, for something $$$$$$ like Trifecta, I would expect perfection
That's exactly why it's so divisive. If it cost $1000 no-one would bat an eyelid (and many more people would own one).
Mar 28, 2024 at 7:01 PM Post #84,865 of 91,276
That's why I generally avoid 'specialist' IEMs. Plenty people I know have $4K+ IEMs they use exclusively with certain narrow genres. I want any IEM, regardless of price, to play nice with ALL my music, even if some are better with certain genres than others.
Honestly , I’m open-minded with trying a specialist IEM. To me it’s like having a good glass of wine or a good meal it’s always fun to try different flavors. Now would I keep it as a go to all the time? Depends and not a lot of stuff out there makes me want to mash the “BUY” button just like I wouldn’t want steak every day even if I had access to be served top shelf Wagyu every day. I haven’t bought an high end IEM in nearly 3 years now
Mar 28, 2024 at 7:20 PM Post #84,866 of 91,276
Honestly , I’m open-minded with trying a specialist IEM. To me it’s like having a good glass of wine or a good meal it’s always fun to try different flavors. Now would I keep it as a go to all the time? Depends and not a lot of stuff out there makes me want to mash the “BUY” button just like I wouldn’t want steak every day even if I had access to be served top shelf Wagyu every day. I haven’t bought an high end IEM in nearly 3 years now
Agreed. I've thought of the trifecta as a specialist iem since I've found my all rounder. It's just price prohibitive at my income to be a quick choice. But it's on the radar, as a special treat perhaps someday. For me, the Anni is also a specialist, just not for the music I listen to. I would have to be more into classical and acoustic to want them.
Mar 28, 2024 at 7:34 PM Post #84,867 of 91,276
I don't think I'll like it, but I should go to Bloom to demo the Trifecta just to be able to say I demoed it, even if I can't afford it if I did like it.

The Xe6 is/was my favorite and I regret ever getting rid of it.

Based on what I've been able to discern of your tastes I would be surprised if the Trifecta was your jam (though I'll look forward to your impressions when/if you do get to hear it). For my money the Trifecta runs circles around the Xe6, an IEM that despite all my best efforts I've never been able to connect with. The Trifecta, on the other hand, far from "murdering" anything for me coaxes out a degree of feeling life and soul from everything I throw at it that is utterly unique in an IEM landscape that I've experienced pretty much the full width and breadth of. I'm under no illusions, however, that everyone will or should hear things how I do and frankly I'm stoked that we have a market that contains vastly different TOTL IEMs like the Annihilator, STORM, Trifecta, Fei Wan, Xe6 (and many others) that each have their own distinct character and each of which is capable of setting someone's world on fire for different reasons. I hope the IEM landscape ever remains this rich and that boutique brands like Campfire, Aroma, Fir, Elysian and others continue to push boundaries and try new things...lest we fall into the sort of audio-communist hell imagined by the measurement fascists and harman enthusiasts.

Yeah, for something $$$$$$ like Trifecta, I would expect perfection

That's a pipe dream. No IEM is perfect...not even the Trifecta :wink:
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Mar 28, 2024 at 7:35 PM Post #84,868 of 91,276
Once again, if a $3k IEM did that to me, I would not own that IEM.
Ditto. Thank goodness the Trifecta doesn't come close to doing this for me. I think we can all assume no one is putting up with massive negatives in the permanent-collection-plus-$3K range, regardless of whether you personally hear those negatives or not. I couldn't get along with the XE6 but there are those for whom it is the bae. Obviously if you heard what I hear in the XE6, you wouldn't buy it either, etc and so forth. The only reason I post in response to the Trifecta posts is to even out the data - I don't like the idea of someone coming along and blind passing on it based on some of what is said. There is literally nothing else that does what it does.
Mar 28, 2024 at 7:40 PM Post #84,869 of 91,276
@Sebastien Chiu - have you considered working with Nostalgia Audio at all? Definitely a brand that could do with more exposure, Camelot in particular is a really fantastic set and remains the one to beat for me for about a year now - most who try it appreciate it immediately.


I would love to but would probably need an introduction.

I’ve reached out blindly but no dice.
Mar 28, 2024 at 7:45 PM Post #84,870 of 91,276
Should treat yourself with a XE6 CIEM :xf_wink:

I would, but the tech industry has been decimated due to layoffs and I've been out of work for over a year. Getting by just fine all things considered, but I might not ever get back to that line of work at this rate. Might be time to try and pivot to doing more reviews just to keep occupied (mostly joking).

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