The Nickerfied Fostex T50RP...................... Impressions and Mod Thread.
Sep 5, 2014 at 3:23 PM Post #18 of 49
Exhibit ( A )

Exhibit ( B )
Something loose? Modify the driver?

Nope don't think the drivers has been modified but there is something that sounds loose on the right side of the sets.
So wait is Exhibit ( A )  the "Bass Enhanced" version with the Sony Headband and Exhibit ( B ) the brighter set with more treble emphasis??? Or vice versa???

No sonic impressions besides the "sizzle" comments??? LoL Let me give ya' a hint, check the right side of the "Bass Enhanced" version with the Sony Headband and see if you can hear anything funky.
Sep 5, 2014 at 4:03 PM Post #20 of 49
  TBH, I didn't listen for very long on the bass version. =]

Welp since you have graphed them already, i'll just gonna tell ya'. The right side cup of the bass version has this funky tizzy Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzssss resonance issue with certain songs. Lets see if you can hear it. :wink:
Not sure if it showed up on your graphs tbh. : P
Sep 8, 2014 at 8:59 AM Post #21 of 49
I will be comparing these to my zmf vibro's and Fostex th600 once they land on my lap!

Then I will send it away with my baby Mikros90 for you guys pleasure.
Sep 10, 2014 at 11:06 PM Post #22 of 49
Hellloooooooo everybody. Just thought I'd chime in with my experience with these puppies. Mr. sfwalcer kindly passed them my way to have a listen.
I was pretty impressed overall. They are very competent for the price. More than I expected in fact. Overall I found they both had excellent micro details and fairly neutral responses. They tended to have a bit of extra low bass and upper treble. Almost a slight v or u shape signature but more on the outer edges of the response.
For me personally there were times where the upper treble lift got a bit annoying. It was never harsh or irritating, but it just sounded boosted sometimes and other times not so much.
Of the two mods I was sent one was a bit more even in the upper mid range while the other sounded a bit more scooped out or v shaped. They both had their benefits. The more v shaped signature sounded great when i was competing with ambient noise, while the more neutral pair, as i heard it, with the upper mids higher sounded better in a quiet environment.
I will say that I definitely needed an amp with these babies. Even if it is just for sheer volume alone these really need an amp. I also found the pair with the extra sony headband to be more comfortable personally.
I'm curious what mods specifically were done to each one? If i were to buy one I'd go for the more neutral sounding set with the upper mids more in tact.
I didn't notice any distortion on either of them and overall they were very capable in general. Ironically, i never heard a hint of problems the entire loan, until the very end when i took one last final listen to them I heard a noise in the right channel of one of the sets, as sfwalcer had described. But it didn't happen the entire time previous to that. Very strange.
I should be posting a video review soon as well. Just been sick and busy. :-/
Sep 10, 2014 at 11:56 PM Post #23 of 49
Sep 16, 2014 at 1:44 PM Post #24 of 49

Ok I have them plus the zmf vibro here and they are not efficient at all next to the vibro which is very much more efficient. .
the sound is a whole different story and I have to say the one on top I like VERY VERY MUCH..
Sep 16, 2014 at 1:52 PM Post #25 of 49
These cans are totally different to the Maddogs I remember as they don't have any mid bass or low mid signature.
They help
Both have a very very clean sound. .
Not dark .
I would say the vibro is dark next to them..

If you don't have power for these babies then you won't here how nice these open up the sound.
I am impressed at the clarity of both..
Yet I am shocked finding myself liking the top one I believe is the "U" type shape but the U is so wide in middle that the whole middle range is very neutral and nice and the bass is not heavy at all just giving that nice weight that is missing on the 3 pairs AlphaDogs I tried..
It also is surprisingly largest soundtage of the two and I need more time to compare to the vibro's but the other one is very nice and close to the vibro which has the most mids, yet a darker sound.

Only initial impressions here..

Clarity is high on all three sets..
Sep 16, 2014 at 4:25 PM Post #26 of 49

Ok I have them plus the zmf vibro here and they are not efficient at all next to the vibro which is very much more efficient. .
the sound is a whole different story and I have to say the one on top I like VERY VERY MUCH..

LMAO you likes the "inferior" set mo'??? TroLoLoLoLoLoLO!!!

Why you think i put that ugly foam on them, just to make them mo' comfy??? Nah tryin' to bring them down from their godly sonic level. : P
These cans are totally different to the Maddogs I remember as they don't have any mid bass or low mid signature.
They help
Both have a very very clean sound. .
Not dark .
I would say the vibro is dark next to them..

If you don't have power for these babies then you won't here how nice these open up the sound.
I am impressed at the clarity of both..
Yet I am shocked finding myself liking the top one I believe is the "U" type shape but the U is so wide in middle that the whole middle range is very neutral and nice and the bass is not heavy at all just giving that nice weight that is missing on the 3 pairs AlphaDogs I tried..
It also is surprisingly largest soundtage of the two and I need more time to compare to the vibro's but the other one is very nice and close to the vibro which has the most mids, yet a darker sound.

Only initial impressions here..

Clarity is high on all three sets..

Great impressions meng, keep em' coming. I just put the pink foam on them cuz after the mod the cans got A LOT more heavier than their stock form so the foam helps with comfort is alls. That's the only thang i had around so.... oh do you recognize where that dark grey foam is from??? LMAO
Logan 90s box.
yeppp these are not "dark" at all and i would say they are very balanced but has great bass weight as well. I don't find them to me a "U" shape at all cuz their mids are very forward and lust to me so..... we all hear different though. :  )
Sep 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM Post #27 of 49
Oh forgot to add that my Schiit Vali plus Audinst MX1 (amp/dac) drives these Nickerfies beautifully. Even though the amp on the MX1 is enough to drive them loud, it doesn't add the slight smooth/silkiness that Vali gives them bit still remaining very transparent. So i am sure that godly "Oppo HA-1 Dac/Amp combo... End game sound(!)" of yours will no doubt pair/sound great with them. ENJOY!!!
Sep 16, 2014 at 5:14 PM Post #28 of 49
The vibro have a bit more body, depth and nuance in the mids but I feel the one without the foam strikes the closest to the vibro without sounding as dark or mid focused.
I am assuming that those are the "balanced" normal ones and the only problem is you will have to return it as the right channel has a vibration sound on some bass passages which may be something touching the driver but those to me have an excellent sound because they have the bass and nice mids.
The vibro bass hits even more solid but not as heavy.
The vibro with all bass ports open has a clean solid bass but these Nickferfied have the deeper bass.
I would go on a limb to say these Nickferfied may have the deepest bass at a more substantial level than any T50rp mod yet..
I do think the trebles can be handled better (just a touch "shiny") in either pair and as is they are very nice out of the way of being excessive like 90% of the time.
Same thing with Vibro so they all at a good level regardless. .
Sep 16, 2014 at 10:03 PM Post #29 of 49
The vibro have a bit more body, depth and nuance in the mids but I feel the one without the foam strikes the closest to the vibro without sounding as dark or mid focused.
I am assuming that those are the "balanced" normal ones and the only problem is you will have to return it as the right channel has a vibration sound on some bass passages which may be something touching the driver but those to me have an excellent sound because they have the bass and nice mids.
The vibro bass hits even more solid but not as heavy.
The vibro with all bass ports open has a clean solid bass but these Nickferfied have the deeper bass.
I would go on a limb to say these Nickferfied may have the deepest bass at a more substantial level than any T50rp mod yet..
I do think the trebles can be handled better (just a touch "shiny") in either pair and as is they are very nice out of the way of being excessive like 90% of the time.
Same thing with Vibro so they all at a good level regardless. .

Great impressions and comparos, much appreciated!!!

So did you hear that tizzy Zzzzzzzsssssss buzz sound right off the bat??? Cuz it should be DEAD obvious tbh. Already sent it back to get fixed once but still happens sadly for some strange reason. I like the sound of the set over the ugly pink foam headband one you really like. haha
The Sony headband set with the right cup/channel buzzy Zzzsssss sound is the "Bass Enhanced" version and the ugly pink foam headband set is the one with more treble emphasis/ brighter sounding. Both sound VERY similar yet slightly different as well. :  )
They are the Nickerfied Twinzies. : P
Sep 16, 2014 at 11:40 PM Post #30 of 49

The Sony headband set with the right cup/channel buzzy Zzzsssss sound is the "Bass Enhanced" version and the ugly pink foam headband set is the one with more treble emphasis/ brighter sounding. Both sound VERY similar yet slightly different as well. :  )

They are the Nickerfied Twinzies. : P

I come to conclusion that I like the Sony headband set best.
It has most balanced sound.

The ugly foam one does not sound brighter to me.
It sounds more wide U shaped and more distant mids.
Not as close as other two but more distant and less mids.
Also yes brighter and reminds me a bit of a Beyer T1 in the upper mids to trebles.
Yet the overall sound seems more laid back and sweet.
The bass is most noticable on this ugly band set. .

The nice Sony band set is most comfortable of the three (!)
And has better mids to me than the ugly foam band unit. .
I think this one has most balanced sound yet depth is not at level of the vibro which is a bit more midrange depth...
You can tell it has that nice wood influenced sound which gives liveliness..

The vibro strength is it is easy to drive but none other T50rp mods I have herd have the awesome satisfying bass that the Nickerfields have without being dark...
They still are not at LCD level in bass but still touch that satisfying nature which is not an easy thing to do without sounding dark..

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