The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Apr 13, 2013 at 3:02 PM Post #1,876 of 29,032
Why would one wish to roll off all the details hidden in the HD800? :wink:
Better dampen the cups. Best 10 USD-investment you'll ever make.

Sorry, that last post of mine was very rambling.
Yes, I want details, but I also want some "musicality" which tube amps seem to provide.  I guess "warmness" is a good term, but "lushness" seems to mean less detail to me.  It's probably just semantics.
I guess I'm worred if the ECZD sounds like it leans toward the SS sound, I will think my headphones sound edgy.  I have read several post on here that the ZD is a SS sounding amp.
Anyway, thanks for your opinion.
Apr 13, 2013 at 4:07 PM Post #1,877 of 29,032
Have the HD800 with a WooA6 and balanced with a Phoenix and I prefer the latter.....don't ask me why,it is just my ears,system etc.!
There is no harshness and plenty of bass with both amps but the Phoenix is ever so slightly more controlled and focused withouth losing musicality.
Apr 13, 2013 at 4:25 PM Post #1,878 of 29,032
Moses -

You may want to look at the Cary SLI 80. It does amazing stuff with the HD800s (especially in triode mode), can be used with speakers and headphones (not concurrently) and has outputs which can be used for preamp duty or to feed a sub. It may not meet your aesthetic criteria, however my wife, who is extremely picky and style-conscious thinks it's beautiful and tells me it looks like a steampunk time machine.

Anyway, I love mine and they can be found for $1500-$1600 used if you are patient.
Apr 13, 2013 at 4:31 PM Post #1,879 of 29,032
Hey, I'm considering an HD800 for sale on the forums. SS#14xxx. I know there have been some posts about potential production variation, and folks seem to ask about serial numbers. Is there any agreement on whether certain runs of the HD800 are better?
Apr 13, 2013 at 4:41 PM Post #1,880 of 29,032
Hey, I'm considering an HD800 for sale on the forums. SS#14xxx. I know there have been some posts about potential production variation, and folks seem to ask about serial numbers. Is there any agreement on whether certain runs of the HD800 are better?

The only agreement is that there is no common agreement. I would say #14xxx should be just as awesome as any HD800.
It has been reported that the first production batches were sounding  a bit different but not all with all agree to even that.
Apr 13, 2013 at 4:58 PM Post #1,881 of 29,032
I really don't want to lose any details.  I like my Woo WA3, but feel I can move up the chain and get more focus.  It's just that I've tried several SS amps (Bryston, Musical Fidelity, Burson) and just thought the 800's were a little brittle with all those amps.
I guess the term "lush" worries me a bit because it sounds like you're losing details.

SS amps and HD 800 never did it for me, and several have commented that the Bryston can sound cold and analytical. I do feel that lush does sacrifice a little bit of detail and precision to improve tonality and smoothness, however, the right tubes will remedy that on a tube amp. I've noticed that on both my WA2 and WA6-SE. The ideal amp for the HD 800 will be fast, transparent, detailed, while maintaining a natural tonality and musicality. To me, the more SS sounding WA6-SE has done that for me. the WA2 can get there as well, but requires alot of tube rolling because i've noticed that if it sounds too smooth, yeah it gets rid of peaks and harshness in the treble, but you lose details and accuracy. 
This i think, is why many find the ZD to sound so good with HD 800.
Have the HD800 with a WooA6 and balanced with a Phoenix and I prefer the latter.....don't ask me why,it is just my ears,system etc.!
There is no harshness and plenty of bass with both amps but the Phoenix is ever so slightly more controlled and focused withouth losing musicality.

the WA6-SE would probably be closer in performance to the Phoenix
Apr 13, 2013 at 6:01 PM Post #1,882 of 29,032
I prefer the HD800 being analytical. It is their nature and they still sound very involving while doing it.
Apr 13, 2013 at 6:28 PM Post #1,883 of 29,032
The 'problem' as far as reviewers have noted with the ZDSE is the lack of rolling options and a comparatively thin bottom and grainy top when compared to other tube options.  It's a trade, what else is new.  That the Decware is far less and has rolling options makes it a safer blind buy.  The beauty of the ZDSE though is what would be super low output impedance on a transformer coupled amp... and it's OTL.  Same thing that keeps it from having a boosted bottom though.
Apr 13, 2013 at 6:34 PM Post #1,884 of 29,032
I would love to audition a ZDSE. However, I am not sure I would discern much more than I get now from the Decware. The new Taboo is in ouse and it will take some time to balance the CSP2+ and the Taboo. Once I get to that point I may be moving the deck chairs around the Titanic....

Apr 13, 2013 at 6:45 PM Post #1,885 of 29,032
My gut feeling says if I bought a Zana Deux, I'd be trading up for a Balancing Act a month or so later. 

I can't go 2.5x the price of my already excellent-sounding (and looking) Decware CSP+... but... I do hope someone brings a BA to a local meet someday.
(and also a Manley Classic 300b, but let's not get too carried away now...)
Apr 13, 2013 at 7:07 PM Post #1,886 of 29,032
If I had a pool of money the EC BA would be an easy buy but unfortunately the cost for entry is high, rolling is also high and maintenance costs also are high.  But if I win tonight's lotto... yes please.
Apr 13, 2013 at 7:16 PM Post #1,887 of 29,032
Apr 13, 2013 at 7:35 PM Post #1,888 of 29,032
ZDSE is ss sounding in that it doesn't give up the best strengths of ss: detailed, fast, dynamic. It clobbers most of them in terms of microdynamics and soundstage, and simply put sounds absolutely magical with many headphones, especially the HD 800 and TH 900 ime. I wouldn't dare say say it rolls off the highs (tube dependant of course), it is just as detailed and fast as any ss I've had, and the nasty sibilance I've heard on my 3 HD 800s on EVERY ss amp I tried, simply vanishes. Bottom line, it isn't warm or lush, it's SILK.

Apr 13, 2013 at 10:43 PM Post #1,889 of 29,032
I  found that the hd800 sounds more natural & is more involving , with the sub bass boosted (i.e below 100  hz).
I  was complaining of a lack of perceived speed, especially while listening music such like psytrance, or metal. It seems to some extent related to a lack of sub bass.
Here's my last eq:

The treble doesn't need much to be tamed (at most by 1 db),
but I  think that boosting the sub bass by roughly 4 db, improve the listening experience.
Note: To avoid digital clipping , volume must be reduced on dsp chain, or on  the eq itself.
Apr 13, 2013 at 11:09 PM Post #1,890 of 29,032
ZDSE is ss sounding in that it doesn't give up the best strengths of ss: detailed, fast, dynamic. It clobbers most of them in terms of microdynamics and soundstage, and simply put sounds absolutely magical with many headphones, especially the HD 800 and TH 900 ime. I wouldn't dare say say it rolls off the highs (tube dependant of course), it is just as detailed and fast as any ss I've had, and the nasty sibilance I've heard on my 3 HD 800s on EVERY ss amp I tried, simply vanishes. Bottom line, it isn't warm or lush, it's SILK.


What i find hard about comparing the Zana Deux to other amps is the dynamic/transparent sound that it delivers.  It just seems to be in a different league of sorts.  It is hard to compare actually, where as other amps i have heard i can say this sounds warmer or this is faster, but the Zana Deux sounds like just a different class.  Much is due to tastes of course so nice to hear it first.  I just got lucky and was able to here one at a meet where i was trying to decide between several totally different tube amps and got to hear it in the mix.  

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