The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Jan 21, 2016 at 3:03 PM Post #21,751 of 29,017
A good , surprisingly good option is the Little Geek Out V2 as well.  incredible good result with the HD800 and HD6X0  especially in balanced mode. that little think made me seriously think about sell all sedentary gear for my HD800.  
I currently have a Schiit Vali2 as well.  Pretty darn good with my HD800.
Nowadays, there's some really good choice for cheap and that's still Hi-End sound even if the price is not Summit-fi. 
Jan 21, 2016 at 3:31 PM Post #21,752 of 29,017
Hey guys, I'm new here. 

Hopefully this is the right thread to ask this. If not, I'll edit my post (I apologize). I recently got the HD800. Been dreaming about getting them ever since they first were released. The money was finally right, and so was the timing. So I grabbed one for my birthday/christmas gift. But I made the classic mistake of not having the proper equipment to drive them (so I bought the headphone first, rather than the set up to properly use them). I know, really stupid. I guess I've just been dreaming about them for so long, I let it finally get the better of me. (I actually cried when I finally got them).

That said, I currently have the Anax Mod 2.0 installed. I have a Schiit Lyr amp, and a Fiio E17 DAC. I'm doing all this from my PC. Personally, I'm in love with the HD800 sound. I guess maybe it's because I'm a casual audiophile, but they are blowing my mind. But I also know that I'm not getting the best out of my headphones (I've tried properly DAC/AMP versions before, so I know the difference in sound). 

Being realistic, I have an $800 budget to get a decent DAC/AMP combo. I know that's not enough, and I'm not expecting to get the best out of my headphones. I plan on getting a really nice DAC/AMP in 3 years. So I'm basically trying to get a decent DAC/AMP to hold me over for 3 years. 

I've considered the Magni Uber 2 and Modi Uber 2 + Wyrd stack. But I've also read that they are too clinical/bright with the HD800, so they aren't a good pair. Also, since I already have the Lyr amp, wouldn't that be a downgrade? I assume my DAC would be a better upgrade though (since I'm currently using the E17). The Magni/Modi/Wyrd stack is very tempting, given the price. And they look so sleek and sexy. But I've also read that might not be the best route.

I also looked at the JDSLABS Objective2 + ODAC combo, which also looked appealing. But again, I also read that this isn't a good pair for the HD800 (I know these are picky headphones). Unfortunately, I don't have any hi-fi shops near me, so I have no way of trying these. Outside of ordering off Amazon, and having a 30 day return. Just figured I would see what you guys had to say. Maybe I should just stick with my Lyr/Fiio E17, and wait 3 years until I can get proper equipment. I was just curious if there was a better DAC/AMP set up I could get in the $800 range. 

Thanks for your time and consideration,

<3 Ellie

EDIT: I just realized this was the High End forum. So I'm probably in the wrong section. I tried to find the HD800 thread in the Headphones (Full Size), but couldn't find an active thread. Hmm. My apologies. 

I have the Valhalla 2 (rolled with Amperex Bugle Boy tubes) + Bifrost Multibit, you could probably make it around ~$800 if you buy used and ~$1000 brand new. This setup is absolutely stellar to me with the HD800, I don't have a desire to upgrade to anything else, it's basically my end game setup. Probably the best setup you can get under 1k for the HD800. Definitely take a look into it!

Jan 21, 2016 at 6:36 PM Post #21,754 of 29,017
Hey guys, I'm new here. 

Hopefully this is the right thread to ask this. If not, I'll edit my post (I apologize). I recently got the HD800. Been dreaming about getting them ever since they first were released. The money was finally right, and so was the timing. So I grabbed one for my birthday/christmas gift. But I made the classic mistake of not having the proper equipment to drive them (so I bought the headphone first, rather than the set up to properly use them). I know, really stupid. I guess I've just been dreaming about them for so long, I let it finally get the better of me. (I actually cried when I finally got them).

That said, I currently have the Anax Mod 2.0 installed. I have a Schiit Lyr amp, and a Fiio E17 DAC. I'm doing all this from my PC. Personally, I'm in love with the HD800 sound. I guess maybe it's because I'm a casual audiophile, but they are blowing my mind. But I also know that I'm not getting the best out of my headphones (I've tried properly DAC/AMP versions before, so I know the difference in sound). 

Being realistic, I have an $800 budget to get a decent DAC/AMP combo. I know that's not enough, and I'm not expecting to get the best out of my headphones. I plan on getting a really nice DAC/AMP in 3 years. So I'm basically trying to get a decent DAC/AMP to hold me over for 3 years. 

I've considered the Magni Uber 2 and Modi Uber 2 + Wyrd stack. But I've also read that they are too clinical/bright with the HD800, so they aren't a good pair. Also, since I already have the Lyr amp, wouldn't that be a downgrade? I assume my DAC would be a better upgrade though (since I'm currently using the E17). The Magni/Modi/Wyrd stack is very tempting, given the price. And they look so sleek and sexy. But I've also read that might not be the best route.

I also looked at the JDSLABS Objective2 + ODAC combo, which also looked appealing. But again, I also read that this isn't a good pair for the HD800 (I know these are picky headphones). Unfortunately, I don't have any hi-fi shops near me, so I have no way of trying these. Outside of ordering off Amazon, and having a 30 day return. Just figured I would see what you guys had to say. Maybe I should just stick with my Lyr/Fiio E17, and wait 3 years until I can get proper equipment. I was just curious if there was a better DAC/AMP set up I could get in the $800 range. 

Thanks for your time and consideration,

<3 Ellie

EDIT: I just realized this was the High End forum. So I'm probably in the wrong section. I tried to find the HD800 thread in the Headphones (Full Size), but couldn't find an active thread. Hmm. My apologies. 

EllieF> +1 on the Mojo recommendation!

Tidal HiFi>Mojo>HD800 w/ BlackDragon>OMG

The Mojo seriously outperformed my RSA SR71A and Centrance DAC port portables, mainly in the sense of space and transparency. To me, music is like a conversation between instruments, and with the Mojo I could now hear ever "voice" clearly, even when everyone was talking at the same time! When you can hear all the parts, it's easier to appreciate the whole and to understand what the composer was hoping to achieve.

FYI: one relative noob to another. All this gear is pretty damn cool, but try not to forget it's all about the music. Not to paint all HeadFi'ers with the same brush, but some here have forgotten to listen to the music. Cheers!
Jan 21, 2016 at 7:19 PM Post #21,755 of 29,017
  Anyone using hd800 with Moon Neo 430HA ? will it be a good investment? or should i go with a tube amp? no i can not audition any of the options :frowning2: i will feed them with naim nd5xs/cd2x ( will add eps soon)....

 Pure and simple the 430HA rocks with the HD-800.  The 800's bass comes to life as never before and Im basing my opinion on a newly purchased unit that Ive put maybe only 30 hours on.
 My recommendation if you can swing it ($$) go for it.
The headphone SS Amp train stops here IMO.
Jan 21, 2016 at 8:49 PM Post #21,756 of 29,017
 Pure and simple the 430HA rocks with the HD-800.  The 800's bass comes to life as never before and Im basing my opinion on a newly purchased unit that Ive put maybe only 30 hours on.

 My recommendation if you can swing it ($$) go for it.

The headphone SS Amp train stops here IMO.
 Pure and simple the 430HA rocks with the HD-800.  The 800's bass comes to life as never before and Im basing my opinion on a newly purchased unit that Ive put maybe only 30 hours on.

 My recommendation if you can swing it ($$) go for it.

The headphone SS Amp train stops here IMO.

I've had a similar experience with the McIntosh MHA100>hd800. In addition, I was blown away with the front to back holography of the stage. There is one track where I could actually "see" how the vocalist was pretty much sitting in the bass players lap (live performance, supper club, very small stage. It was one of those "you-are-there" experiences we all strive for with our gear.

I have a question for those here with experience of uber$$ amps:

At what price point do you start to get that sort of full 3D playback? It seems to me that lots of amps can do left to right staging and separation well, but the front to back resolution is something special.

I could splash for the McIntosh but my sense of fiscal responsibility and self respect would take a beating. It's just a headphone amplifier after all...:wink:
Jan 21, 2016 at 11:26 PM Post #21,757 of 29,017
I've had a similar experience with the McIntosh MHA100>hd800. In addition, I was blown away with the front to back holography of the stage. There is one track where I could actually "see" how the vocalist was pretty much sitting in the bass players lap (live performance, supper club, very small stage. It was one of those "you-are-there" experiences we all strive for with our gear.

I have a question for those here with experience of uber$$ amps:

At what price point do you start to get that sort of full 3D playback? It seems to me that lots of amps can do left to right staging and separation well, but the front to back resolution is something special.

I could splash for the McIntosh but my sense of fiscal responsibility and self respect would take a beating. It's just a headphone amplifier after all...:wink:

Heres the thing, when it stops being "just a headphone amplifier" then it will be the right time for you to maybe pull the trigger (not to be sarcastic either, merely friendly advice) otherwise the ugly sense of buyers remorse may start to creep in.
As far as the MHA-100 goes it has a strong following no doubt, have'nt heard one personally but for me the deal breaker on such a piece would be the lack of balanced outs.  From all accounts though those that own one seem to really love it.
As far as price point correlating with a "3D playback" experience or lack there of, not sure if you can really slice it like that.  The honest truth of the matter what I've noticed is that the higher up the ladder you go the more natural sounding and effortless a pair of headphones can sound.
For the HD-800 this means showcasing what its really capable of. 
Besides, once you've hung around here long enough with the rest of us nutters a decent headphone amp becomes a life priority 

Jan 22, 2016 at 12:06 AM Post #21,758 of 29,017
Let me just say how jealous I am of people who own the HDVD800 balanced with the HD800.
I don't think I need to hear a different pair of headphones in my life.
Jan 22, 2016 at 1:07 AM Post #21,759 of 29,017
Hi everyone,

Wanted to first apologize for not replying sooner. Had some family emergency come up, so had to deal with that (everything is okay, phew). So yeah, I'm reading through all the replies now. I just wanted to thank everyone for being so welcoming and kind. For all the advice and not chewing me out for my stupid questions. I really appreciate your guys patience, and allowing me to ask my question in a High End forum.
I have never heard of the Chord Mojo, but I'm definitely interested in checking it out since it's getting so much praise. It looks awesome. 
I'll be honest, I'm kind of tempted to just stick with my Lyr and just get a Bifrost through Schiit. I hear those two pair decently. But I also see some people suggesting I go up to the Valhalla amp. So not sure. It seems I have a lot of options for a "detour" "decent" set up to hold me over for 3 years, until I can afford to properly jump in for a higher end DAC/AMP. It seems like my Lyr amp isn't all that bad.
But yeah, I'm going to look into the Chord Mojo and Bifrost. And then either keep my Lyr and pair them with either of those, or look into a new amp. If I do go with a new AMP, what would u guys recommend with the Chord Mojo? Or is the Mojo okay with the Lyr given I'm just using this as an in between set up for 3 years? 

EDIT: Oh wow, that Chord Mojo is an amp too! Can it really drive a 300 ohm cans like the HD800? Or are you guys pairing it with an amp too? Sorry if I'm not understanding what it does. 
I have the Valhalla 2 (rolled with Amperex Bugle Boy tubes) + Bifrost Multibit, you could probably make it around ~$800 if you buy used and ~$1000 brand new. This setup is absolutely stellar to me with the HD800, I don't have a desire to upgrade to anything else, it's basically my end game setup. Probably the best setup you can get under 1k for the HD800. Definitely take a look into it!

Oh wow this is so tempting. I actually have that Omega stand too. My HD800 is on them now. I am seriously considering this set up now. Vahalla + Bifrost Multi. And it actually seems reasonable price wise. I could prob stretch and spend around $1500 in 3 months time. So if I can get everything you have, then maybe I could aim for that. Thanks for giving me something to chew on. <3

Jan 22, 2016 at 1:52 AM Post #21,760 of 29,017
Yeah, EllieFreckles, I can confirm Bimby as a nice upgrade for the HD800 on the DAC front. You can get some decent upgrades to the Lyr through tube rolling. I find the Telefunken E88cc tubes from upscale are very smooth with the HD800. Honestly though, the Lyr is pretty limiting in terms of resolution. If you happen upon a Cavalli Liquid Carbon on the For Sale forum, snatch it up, grab a balanced cable and save for a DAC upgrade down the line. I think that's your best option, and the one I would wholeheartedly recommend based on my experience.

The middle road option is opting to build a bottle head crack + speedball, grab a used Bifrost and upgrade to the Multibit board a couple months from now.
Jan 22, 2016 at 1:53 AM Post #21,761 of 29,017
I haven't heard Valhalla, but if you have the stomach for Mjolnir 2, that would really take the Multifrost to the next level (LISST is cool, but the stock tubes are cheaper and I prefer their euphony to the rigor of solid state). You would have to add in the cost of a balanced cable to get the advantages of balanced sound, but the HD800 scale remarkably well when you enter balanced territory. That's what I would do with 1500, at any rate.
Jan 22, 2016 at 1:56 AM Post #21,762 of 29,017
Yeah, @EllieFreckles, I can confirm Bimby as a nice upgrade for the HD800 on the DAC front. You can get some decent upgrades to the Lyr through tube rolling. I find the Telefunken E88cc tubes from upscale are very smooth with the HD800. Honestly though, the Lyr is pretty limiting in terms of resolution. If you happen upon a Cavalli Liquid Carbon on the For Sale forum, snatch it up, grab a balanced cable and save for a DAC upgrade down the line. I think that's your best option, and the one I would wholeheartedly recommend based on my experience.

The middle road option is opting to build a bottle head crack + speedball, grab a used Bifrost and upgrade to the Multibit board a couple months from now.

Question, I have the first Lyr model. I keep getting recommends to get Vahalla 2 + Bifrost. The Lyr 2 is more than the Vahalla 2. Is Valhalla 2 better than the Lyr I have? Or is it a downgrade?
Also as a side note, I'm also looking at the Chord Mojo. Doesn't look like Amazon is officially selling it or fulfilling it. All the prices on Amazon are $630 + and it looks like shipping is pushed way back till March. Is there any place that is legit, that sells it for the base price, and will ship it soon? I'm kind of hesitant going on Ebay. I see Moon Audio has it for sale:
They are legit right? I'm still leaning more towards Schiit, just weighing my options (since I'm looking into the Chord Mojo now). 
Jan 22, 2016 at 2:14 AM Post #21,763 of 29,017
Yeah, [@=/u/444214/EllieFreckles]@EllieFreckles[/@], I can confirm Bimby as a nice upgrade for the HD800 on the DAC front. You can get some decent upgrades to the Lyr through tube rolling. I find the Telefunken E88cc tubes from upscale are very smooth with the HD800. Honestly though, the Lyr is pretty limiting in terms of resolution. If you happen upon a Cavalli Liquid Carbon on the For Sale forum, snatch it up, grab a balanced cable and save for a DAC upgrade down the line. I think that's your best option, and the one I would wholeheartedly recommend based on my experience.

The middle road option is opting to build a bottle head crack + speedball, grab a used Bifrost and upgrade to the Multibit board a couple months from now.

My last post got deleted because I posted an offsite link (oops).

But thanks for the advice. What I was wondering was, I have the first Lyr model. I noticed Lyr 2 sells more than Valhalla 2. I keep being recommended doing the Valhalla 2/ Bifrost Multi combo. Is the Valhalla 2 better than the Lyr? Or is it a downgrade? Going to assume the Valhalla model 2 is an improvement over the original Lyr.

I'm also looking at the Chord Mojo. I'm leaning more towards sticking with a Schiit combo. But the more i read into the Chord Mojo, the more Impressed I am with it. Thing is, Amazon isn't officially selling it or fulfilling it. All sellers are selling it for $630 on up. And shipping is pushed back to March. I'm also weary of dropping that much on Ebay.

I noticed Moon Audio is selling it. I can't link to them, since my last post got removed. By their site has it. Just wanted to confirm they are a legit site. 

moon-audio /chord-mojo-dac-headphone-amp.html

(Left out the beginning, since my account can't post links).

Just wanted to make sure they are a legit retailer (sorry if that is a dumb question). Still think I'm going to go in the Schiit direction. But wanted to know my options. Seems like most places are sold out of the Mojo, or they are pushed back to March and have a mark up on price. 

Moon is legit. Schiit is WAY better at making DACs than amps. Haven't tried the Mojo. People I respect (quite a bit) keep endorsing it, so I may have to buy one soon.
(IMO, YMMV, etc.)
Jan 22, 2016 at 2:28 AM Post #21,764 of 29,017
Moon is legit. Schiit is WAY better at making DACs than amps. Haven't tried the Mojo. People I respect (quite a bit) keep endorsing it, so I may have to buy one soon.
(IMO, YMMV, etc.)


Yeah, the praise for this is crazy. I keep reading site after site, review after review. It's almost too good to be true. I still am drawn more to the Schiit set up. Kind of a lame reason, but I think the Schiit + HD800 looks aesthetically pleasing. Would look amazing on my desktop. Plus I've looked Schiit stuff in the past. But I do see the value in the Mojo (especially from a portable aspect). And that price! I just keep reading people saying that its actually a great pair with the HD800 and that they find it better then some higher end DAC/AMPs. Hard to wrap my head around that.

Thanks for letting me know Moon Audio is legit. Appreciate it. So yeah, I have a lot to think about now. You guys were seriously the best. Thanks so much. 
Jan 22, 2016 at 2:32 AM Post #21,765 of 29,017
Hi everyone,

Wanted to first apologize for not replying sooner. Had some family emergency come up, so had to deal with that (everything is okay, phew). So yeah, I'm reading through all the replies now. I just wanted to thank everyone for being so welcoming and kind. For all the advice and not chewing me out for my stupid questions. I really appreciate your guys patience, and allowing me to ask my question in a High End forum.

I have never heard of the Chord Mojo, but I'm definitely interested in checking it out since it's getting so much praise. It looks awesome. 

I'll be honest, I'm kind of tempted to just stick with my Lyr and just get a Bifrost through Schiit. I hear those two pair decently. But I also see some people suggesting I go up to the Valhalla amp. So not sure. It seems I have a lot of options for a "detour" "decent" set up to hold me over for 3 years, until I can afford to properly jump in for a higher end DAC/AMP. It seems like my Lyr amp isn't all that bad.

But yeah, I'm going to look into the Chord Mojo and Bifrost. And then either keep my Lyr and pair them with either of those, or look into a new amp. If I do go with a new AMP, what would u guys recommend with the Chord Mojo? Or is the Mojo okay with the Lyr given I'm just using this as an in between set up for 3 years? 

EDIT: Oh wow, that Chord Mojo is an amp too! Can it really drive a 300 ohm cans like the HD800? Or are you guys pairing it with an amp too? Sorry if I'm not understanding what it does. 

Hey, Ellie. I took my HD800 to a friend's place one night to audition the Mojo. Took about 3 seconds of the first song and I had to have one. Only the Mojo, no other amp. I too had dreamed of owning the famous Sennheiser hd800, and it finally sounded the way I had always imagined it would.

I have a decent full size rig, vinyl, the whole nine yards, worth about 15k new. When I can't listen because the kids are sleeping or whatever, I put on the Senn's with the Mojo only, or use the Mojo as a dac with my modest tube desktop head amp. I do not miss the big rig.

But here's the thing. I needed a portable, so the Mojo suited me. This isn't necessarily the case for you., and I can't comment on the quality of the Schiit products. Better than the Mojo? Don't know. Maybe you want to roll tubes later? Get the Schiit. Want to avoid that temptation? Get the Mojo. See? Lots to think about.

One thing I can tell you. My desktop amp is worth about 1k. I added 2 highly regarded NOS tubes worth $400. Adding the Mojo to that setup improves the SQ, just to give you an idea of the relative quality of the Mojo.

But, if God herself vouched for the price/performance ratio of the Mojo, you would still have other things to consider before pulling the trigger:blush:

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