The importance of an on-line headphone community.
Jul 16, 2001 at 1:32 AM Post #91 of 92

Wouldn't it be COOL if Sennheiser, Beyer, and Grado had there own sections of the boards here to answer questions?...

Over at the MiniDisc discussion groups at, there are "Resident Expert Boards" that are moderated by, er, "experts." For example, the "New MD products" board is sponsored and moderated by (kind of the HeadRoom of MiniDisc). They allow free discussion, but also offer product advice and answer technical questions. On the other hand, that would mean that some of the general headphone discussion would get relegated to "brand-specific" forums, which I don't think is a good thing.

Maybe a single "Corporate" forum where reps from Grado, Sennheiser, Koss, HeadRoom, etc. could post messages and answer questions. You might need good moderators in there, to make sure that things don't get too feisty
, but it would be a great opportunity for both them and users.

Another idea that might address some of the "money" issues: Jude could add a "Commercial Offers/Sales/Deals" forum where vendors/manufacturers/stores would pay a small fee to post (this could provide overhead revenue to keep the forums going). This forum would be like the For Sale forum, but ONLY for commercial deals and sales, and it's the ONLY place vendors/manufacturers could post those types of messages. This would allow those who don't want to see the ads, etc. to avoid them, while those who are looking for deals/sales could easily find them all in one place.
Jul 16, 2001 at 1:45 AM Post #92 of 92
You guys are wearing me ****ing out !

Jeez !

I go out and come home to a 5,000 word essay

Not to be a pri*k but,cut to the CHASE man

bottom line ,no free rides

you pay now or you pay later

but pay you will

BTW-those tees being designed or just generic headphone related ?

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