The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club")
Aug 16, 2014 at 3:24 PM Post #1,846 of 12,991
Yes really dig ATH got the ws55 and ws99,so would love to hear how the WS77 sound like for sho....
Aug 16, 2014 at 5:22 PM Post #1,847 of 12,991

For basshead movie fans, the new Transformers Age of Extinction flick packs some meaty bass sound effects for sure.

I watched this recently at the cinema and one specific scene involving an alien space craft acting like a huge magnet drawing up everything in its path created a sound effect that was so heavy in sub bass that I could feel it vibrating through my legs!

The film itself is the usual Transformers fare of non stop CGI fight scenes, explosions and good guys being chased around for most of the time, but pretty decent entertainment if you're into this type of action sci-fi movies.

But that bass in that scene was mind blowing and leg vibrating :D

Aug 16, 2014 at 5:25 PM Post #1,848 of 12,991
Yes really dig ATH got the ws55 and ws99,so would love to hear how the WS77 sound like for sho....:L3000:  
It just so happens I bought a pair of WS77's... Getting them next week. Got them for very cheap new.
Aug 16, 2014 at 7:22 PM Post #1,850 of 12,991
Man, you kept that quiet - starring in new Transformers film, and did it hurt when you changed into a gun? :D


LoL :D

I wonder how much MLP paid for that? (product placement advertising)

Hasbro owns both transformers and mlp... So it was free.
Aug 17, 2014 at 12:11 AM Post #1,851 of 12,991
I got 99 problems but a BASS ain't one

I was watching last night and noted the My Little Pony scene and thought of dubs.
I have been busy swimming like a fish lately but I'll be finding some new gems at that shops here soon. Hoping for some surprises Not holding my breath<<<<<see what i did there :wink:  But maybe I get lucky

The original vid for that track cruising with the Producer was dope.
Aug 17, 2014 at 10:09 AM Post #1,853 of 12,991

This deserves some love here - Beats - the most successful headphone brand on the planet with a 60% market share of it's domestic market for headphones over $100 has finally been given it's dues by another legend, namely Mr.Tyll Hertsens of, one of if not the most respected headphone critic and reviewer amongst head-fiers and the rest of the audio world, by his just made review of the beats solo2, which is now being discussed on head-fi as an audiophile basshead headphone.

That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you - beats solo2 is on Tyll's WOF and starting to get respect here on head-fi and no doubt across the globe and it took a legend to give a legend the respect it deserves.

Beats is the original bass can that changed the world, but shunned by audio snobs - now, all that has changed......

All below is a re-post of thread I set up but was swiftly merged into a minuscule thread that was a pale comparison to my prior beats thread that ran only three days before being locked down.

In those short three days, eight pages of solid content was made - unfortunately even a legend like Tyll Hertsens linking his innerfidelity review to my former thread was not enough influence for my former thread to be unlocked :frowning2:

But this is a pretty historic day for the beats underdog to show it's teeth and take a hefty bite at all those who slammed it with beats hate :wink:


Full Transcript of Tyll Hertsens YouTube beats solo2 review

Time to rethink Beats by Dre...The New Solo2 is Excellent!!!

"Hi, Tyll from innerfidelity here today we're going to talk about the new beats solo2 and I'm gonna have to do a little bit of back peddling on my previous position that beats headphones are mediocre at best, and their [COLOR=FF00AA]*[/COLOR]previous solo headphone was horrible,[COLOR=FF00AA]*[/COLOR] which it was, but the new solo2 is really excellent and they've done an outstanding job with this headphone and so, if you've seen my video in the past about the solo headphone it's time to rethink our opinion of beats because with this headphone they have just brought to the world the headphone that is most likely to be the most commonly sold headphone in the world, they've brought to that really good sound and so for the next little while beats is going to be selling really terrific sound to people and people are going to be getting their first experience with really good sound as the artist intended essentially.

So I'm very happy today to bring you this review on the new beats solo2 headphone, this is an on ear sealed headphone, it's very difficult to make this kind of headphone sound good, it's pretty much an all plastic construction although there are some metal bits buried within on the headband adjustment here, there's metal inside there and also on the detentes that allow you to open and close the headphone, there's some metal in there, but mostly it's synthetic materials and it appears to me that they've done a really nice job on these materials, the headband has an ample cushion, it really does touch pretty much right in the middle on the top of your head, but the weight is very light with this headphone and the clamping pressure is such that most of the weight ends up actually being carried on the earpads. The earpads are very nice protein leather and memory foam underneath, they're rather large for an on ear headphone and I find that they seal very well, provide a good degree of isolation and are quite comfortable on the whole so these do a good job of being a comfortable on ear headphone which isn't so easy.

The head ear pieces swivel a moderate amount on the end of the headband and that's the only tilting mechanism that occurs, there's a little bit of sound that it makes when you do that but I didn't hear any sound while it was on my head. As I said the headband can fold and it comes with this little handy dandy soft sided pouch that it goes into and the cable can be left on when you put it in the pouch, I just usually wind it up like that and it works just fine. The cable is attached with a 3.5mm plug to the left ear, has a three button Apple compatible remote control. The centre is a button and the ends are the casing that moves and I found this really quite good at being able to be interpreted by my fingertips, so this remote control works very nicely actually.

Cable's 53 inches long which is just about right for me, has a 90 degree angled connector which does help reduce the strain on your jack personally I like to see 45 degree angled connectors but it's much better than a straight connector, and there's a little bit of reach here that allows it to get into, in through the case of your portable device but I would have liked to see a little more, I think some cases may interfere with this, not many.

So, quite comfortable, good isolation, lightweight, very nice in terms of the mechanics of the headphone in terms of sound quality, they are really astonishingly good. It does have a bit of a bass boost, some of which I think is an appropriate amount in the low bass it may be a little bit high but unfortunately the bass boost continues on up into the mid range finally gets to the zero line at about 500Hz and I would have rather seen that happen at 120Hz so the result is a little bit of extra emphasis between 120 and 500 Hz that causes them to sound a little thick. The bass is really nice and tight and impactful but it's just a little thick sounding because of this extenuated upper bass and lower mid range .

The very top octave above 10kHz is a little withdrawn, maybe 3dB more than appropriate in my view so between this rather little bit thick sounding bass and roll off on the top these become a bit veiled and warm sounding relative to what I'd consider absolutely neutral, however, the response from the mid range through the lower and mid treble is excellent, there aren't any spikes in there, they're not a harsh sounding headphone. The treble above 10kHz or mid treble and above is quite articulate there's no nasty harshness there even though it's down in level just a bit it's still quite accurate and resolving . So all in all this is quite a good headphone and I would say in this price range for this type of headphone is probably slightly superior to the Sennheiser Momentum and v-moda xs, which I have here. These two headphone's are on the wall of fame right now. The Momentum had better treble response, was more inline with where it should be and good treble articulation, but the bass on this is a bit loose and sloppy and there's a little bit of extenuation in the low treble that causes these to be a little bit v shaped sounding and a little bit bright. The v-moda xs is better tonally than the Momentum, also sufferers from a bit of looseness in the bass however and both of these headphone's are a little more uneven through the midrange than the beats solo2 which really does a good job of getting the midrange right, even though it's a little bit warm tilted too much, it's still quite good. So I found that I prefer these to the Sennheiser Momentum on ear and v-moda xs by a small margin, they all had strengths and weaknesses.

So the beats solo2 will be going up on the wall of fame as an OUTSTANDING headphone at 200 dollars. I think they've done just a terrific job of making this a headphone that's good for all people, doesn't have these strong design elements that the v-moda xs and the Momentum have that will cause them to be a little narrower in their appeal by people because a strong design will also cause some people not to like it, whereas the solo is kinda just right down the middle, this does not remind me of a fashion headphone or a celebrity headphone it doesn't scream to be hung around your neck, it's just a good, solid, good performing headphone and I think beats has really done a service to the consumers of the world who're gonna be out there buying headphone's and this time when they get their solo from beats they're gonna be really happy about what they hear.

So it going up on the wall of fame. There wasn't enough difference between them for me to figure out how to decide between these two which to take off the wall of fame, so at the moment they're all three gonna be up there and all I can do for the future is hope that somebody comes along and knocks all three of them off and I can start afresh in that category, but for right now at 200 dollars on the sealed on ears headphone's, I'd say the beats solo2 is my top recommendation with the caveat that the Momentum and xs have strengths of their own that may cause people to prefer them over the beats, it's a close call.

So, good job Dr Dre! You really are giving people the sound as the artist intended it, thank you very much, I really, really appreciate that.

Hope you get to hear one soon, they're only 200 bucks so, pffth, maybe you should just run out and buy one and see for yourself.

Alright, we'll see you guys next time."

[COLOR=FF00AA]*[/COLOR] Refers to Monster beats solo review made on 7th April 2011

I've been singing the new beats solo2 headphones praises from the second I heard them - they are superb in so many ways.

However, my praises here have largely fell upon deaf ears and old prejudices seem to die hard with a lot of negative remarks such as beats are toy headphones for kids, muddy bass, yada, yada, yada - all the old sound bites came rolling in again.

But now, a legend of the headphone industry, none other than Mr. Tyll Hertsens has had the conviction to tell it as it is and made this YT review video that I hope will act to some as an education and finally cease constant beats bashing.

Not only does Tyll rate the beats solo2 above the Sennheiser Momentum on ears and v-moda X's, but he has given the solo2 a place on his wall of fame - high creds for sure.

But I don't want this thread to be a "I told you so" type deal, so I'll give my opinion as why I think the solo2 is such a amazing headphone.

Well, it's design is straight from it's older brother, the Studio, only smaller so ideal for portable on the move use, but unlike the Studio which only works whilst the internal rechargeable battery that powers the ANC function, the solo2 has no ANC function and not reliant on any batteries - they will play as long as your DAP will.

Though having no ANC, isolation is still very good for on ear design, with very comfortable fit and moderate clamping force giving passive noise isolation.

Build quality has been significantly stepped up with the solo2, it feels solid and robust and the high gloss finish, though fingerprint prone, is quite beautiful and sleek.

The sound of the solo2's is the most "neutral" sound to date for a beats headphone. Don't think beats have lost their bass,they haven't, only it's controlled and well measured in the solo2 allowing crisp and clear mids and highs to shine without any bass bleed, really the solo2 has such broad appeal with this sound signature, I think it's suitable for most genres.

But it's not as though the solo2 is just a new turn around for beats in delivering something that Tyll can genuinely rave over, this beats evolution has been going on for some time now - models such as the mixr and new Studio headphones, wired and wireless are also superb - it's just Tyll hasn't reviewed them to give them the credibility they deserve like the solo2.

Beats are what got me into this hobby and I've always found their sound and brand just a fun time and shouldn't but do get dismayed at some of the sometimes incredibly OTT put downs of beats as a brand that just make no sense to me such is there ferocity.

Anyhoot, as Tyll says, it's time to rethink beats by dre as the solo2 really do sound the way the artist intended :wink:

Big thanks to Mr.Tyll Hertsens for taking the time and effort in making this video review, he was already a legend, now with this review - he is an immortal - a Head-Fi Knight who didn't forget about Dre :)

If you are lucky enough to pick up a pair of solo2's as they may become in short supply now Tyll is recommending people to rush out and buy a pair, this track sounds awesome on the solo2's as it should as it's from the main man himself - Dr Dre :cool:


The second track I'm recommending to hear on the solo2's is from the dubstep champion, Skrillex's album, Recess, track, "try it out" - just amazing big synths and drops with a silky female vocal interspersing to break up the mayhem, and a fitting title track, as you really should "try it out" - solo2 - now on innerfidelity's wall of fame to much acclaim :cool: :L3000:


Lets review what's happened here - Mr.Tyll Hertsens has given an Epic glorious review of the beats solo2 and added it to his wall of fame.......

That is just such a beautiful thing ......

I never thought I'd see this day come, I'm welling up *sob* :wink:

Mr. Hertsens has even done me a personal honour of linking my solo2 thread here on head-fi on his more in depth review on found in below link:

Man, I'm so stoked - what an honour - just wow wow!

Here's link to my thread:

Unfortunately my beats solo2 thread got locked, I think after it was trolled by beats haters, but Mr. Hertsens has actually listed my thread as "resources" - he used my thread as a resource!

So awesome - maybe thread could be re-opened due to this momentous solo2 wall of fame occasion?

I'll have to ask permission for that of course, but it's such a shame that the biggest headphone web site, head-fi, doesn't have a beats thread for owners impressions and discussion as there are literally millions of beats by dr dre headphone owners out there and surely a thread for them here on head-fi would simply increase site hits massively?

But dear lord! Pretty epic, just beyond epic, epic doesn't describe just how momentous this occasion is ......Mr. Hertsens I and dare say many beats owners salute you :)

Check my solo2 photos starting from below link:

Link to my solo2 first impressions:

Also big shout out to the original beats headphones king of YouTube unboxing videos - Hifiguy528 - awesome dude, awesome headfier, awesome YT channel

I'm gonna sign off my first post here with one last recommended track to listen to on solo2 headphones - now wall of famer! :D

This is possibly my most favourite Skillrex track - First Catch of the Year

It's epic and I always get goose bumps and an adrenalin kick just before the drop is signalled with screaming female "CALL 911 NOW!

The below video of this track was made from the film " Sucker Punch" and is edited beautifully to do justice to such an awesome track - now go pick up a pair of solo2's already and join me & Mr. Hertsens in the beats revolution :wink:





Aug 17, 2014 at 10:19 AM Post #1,854 of 12,991
Wanna see somethin'?​
@Zaknin  gunna show ya​

Got my E12 - this little amp is real beast compared to E07k, E07k easily feeds SZ2000 for casual listening, but distorts pretty quick with extreme eq'ed bass, with E12 there is no distortion at all.
Here is another bass paper test,SZ 2000 with XX pads, connected to Sony NWZ E473 - Clear Bass +3, flat eq, connected with L5 LOD cable (no volume control from DAP itself) Fiio E12 - 16db gain, bass boost on, almost max volume, it seems E473 output from LOD is weaker (meaning low voltage) than IAudio 10 output (for casual, non extreme bass listening 1/3 of E12 volume is enough).
It is at listenable level (10-15 min listenable) E07k is nowhere that strong when it comes to feeding power hungry SZ2000.

Now this is what I call real bass bombing! SZ is like - what, did you think this test will make me distort?
I think this song fits SZ2000 good enough
I also have HM5 pads, they are more comfy than XX pads (surrounding the ear), thicker, a little more isolating, you can feel the bass, but XX pads are better for extreme bass.
Left: HM5 pad, right - XX pad 

Top: XX pad, down: HM5 pad

Aug 17, 2014 at 10:28 AM Post #1,855 of 12,991

This deserves some love here - Beats - the most successful headphone brand on the planet with a 60% market share of it's domestic market for headphones over $100 has finally been given it's dues by another legend, namely Mr.Tyll Hertsens of, one of if not the most respected headphone critic and reviewer amongst head-fiers and the rest of the audio world, by his just made review of the beats solo2, which is now being discussed on head-fi as an audiophile basshead headphone.

That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you - beats solo2 is on Tyll's WOF and starting to get respect here on head-fi and no doubt across the globe and it took a legend to give a legend the respect it deserves.

Beats is the original bass can that changed the world, but shunned by audio snobs - now, all that has changed......

All below is a re-post of thread I set up but was swiftly merged into a minuscule thread that was a pale comparison to my prior beats thread that ran only three days before being locked down.

In those short three days, eight pages of solid content was made - unfortunately even a legend like Tyll Hertsens linking his innerfidelity review to my former thread was not enough influence for my former thread to be unlocked

But this is a pretty historic day for the beats underdog to show it's teeth and take a hefty bite at all those who slammed it with beats hate


I've been singing the new beats solo2 headphones praises from the second I heard them - they are superb in so many ways.

However, my praises here have largely fell upon deaf ears and old prejudices seem to die hard with a lot of negative remarks such as beats are toy headphones for kids, muddy bass, yada, yada, yada - all the old sound bites came rolling in again.

But now, a legend of the headphone industry, none other than Mr. Tyll Hertsens has had the conviction to tell it as it is and made this YT review video that I hope will act to some as an education and finally cease constant beats bashing.

Not only does Tyll rate the beats solo2 above the Sennheiser Momentum on ears and v-moda X's, but he has given the solo2 a place on his wall of fame - high creds for sure.

But I don't want this thread to be a "I told you so" type deal, so I'll give my opinion as why I think the solo2 is such a amazing headphone.


 Congrats and "I told ya so" is highly underrated 
I do it everytime I throw an SZ video up. It feels good to be right before most others.

Aug 17, 2014 at 10:33 AM Post #1,856 of 12,991
Hawaiibadboy. Thanks Bro :beerchug:

Got my E12 - this little amp is real beast compared to E07k, E07k easily feeds SZ2000 for casual listening, but distorts pretty quick with extreme eq'ed bass, with E12 there is no distortion at all.
Here is another bass paper test,SZ 2000 with XX pads, connected to Sony NWZ E473 - Clear Bass +3, flat eq, connected with L5 LOD cable (no volume control from DAP itself) Fiio E12 - 16db gain, bass boost on, almost max volume, it seems E473 output from LOD is weaker (meaning low voltage) than IAudio 10 output (for casual, non extreme bass listening 1/3 of E12 volume is enough).
It is at listenable level (10-15 min listenable) E07k is nowhere that strong when it comes to feeding power hungry SZ2000.

Now this is what I call real bass bombing! SZ is like - what, did you think this test will make me distort?[

I think this song fits SZ2000 good enough

I also have HM5 pads, they are more comfy than XX pads (surrounding the ear), thicker, a little more isolating, you can feel the bass, but XX pads are better for extreme bass.

Left: HM5 pad, right - XX pad

Top: XX pad, down: HM5 pad






"Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds"

J.Robert oppenheimer
Father of the atomic bomb

If a single headphone could destroy worlds - the JVC HA-SZ2000 would be it :D
Aug 17, 2014 at 10:35 AM Post #1,857 of 12,991
Got my E12 - this little amp is real beast compared to E07k, E07k easily feeds SZ2000 for casual listening, but distorts pretty quick with extreme eq'ed bass, with E12 there is no distortion at all.
Here is another bass paper test,SZ 2000 with XX pads, connected to Sony NWZ E473 - Clear Bass +3, flat eq, connected with L5 LOD cable (no volume control from DAP itself) Fiio E12 - 16db gain, bass boost on, almost max volume, it seems E473 output from LOD is weaker (meaning low voltage) than IAudio 10 output (for casual, non extreme bass listening 1/3 of E12 volume is enough).
It is at listenable level (10-15 min listenable) E07k is nowhere that strong when it comes to feeding power hungry SZ2000.

Now this is what I call real bass bombing! SZ is like - what, did you think this test will make me distort?
I think this song fits SZ2000 good enough
I also have HM5 pads, they are more comfy than XX pads (surrounding the ear), thicker, a little more isolating, you can feel the bass, but XX pads are better for extreme bass.
Left: HM5 pad, right - XX pad 

Top: XX pad, down: HM5 pad

That is a stupid stupid stupid crazy bass display.
The e12 is a good match no doubt and your pic of setup is great since SONY owners and clearbass can consider your display over my Cowon as I assume more folks got that than the Cowon.
Congrats on the set-up and 15 minute listening intervals means we are hearing the same thing since that's my max too.
  So cb got to watch everyone catch up to his evaluation of Beats Solo2...eventually bias has to be overcome by stark's just a matter of time.
And another e12 XXpad combo is proving to be the last best treatment for basshead syndrome.
It is a good day!

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