The FitEar CIEM Impressions Thread
Jun 18, 2017 at 9:36 AM Post #4,982 of 6,700
Yep the stems are much shorter than my already short MH335DW-SR however no impact to seal whenever I open/close my jaws. Still a prefect seal. I don't lose isolation, nor do I hear any loss in bass when I open my jaw.
I am amazed at how short those are and that it does not affect the bass response. I had discussed shortening the stems of my Custom Art Ei.3 after I found out that I grind my teeth and thus constantly change the shape of my ear canal, which in turn caused serious pressure issues. The thing was that Custom Art could not do it without ruining the bass. Seeing these I am beginning to think that I might one day be able to have CIEMs again, especially since learning about the FitEar 334 sound.
Jun 18, 2017 at 10:51 AM Post #4,983 of 6,700
How's the fit Anak? I noticed the canals are especially short. Will that affect the seal when you open/close your jaws?

The TITAN is a 1BA+1DD CIEM based on AIR, which share the same "short leg" design
As an AIR user, can assure you no problem on the seal

Btw, a very beautiful TITAN Anak you have.
As an oversea AIR user, I don't have a chance to order it yet which make me jealous.
I did try the demo once though and do prefer the sound signature of AIR a bit more (specially the treble part, TITAN is "too strong" and make it unpleasant to listen to anime songs IMO)
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Jun 18, 2017 at 12:15 PM Post #4,984 of 6,700

The TITAN is a 1BA+1DD CIEM based on AIR, which share the same "short leg" design
As an AIR user, can assure you no problem on the seal

Btw, a very beautiful TITAN Anak you have.
As an oversea AIR user, I don't have a change to order it yet which make me jealous.
I did try the demo once though and do prefer the sound signature of AIR a bit more (specially the treble part, TITAN is "too strong" and make it unpleasant to listen to anime songs IMO)

How is the treble of the Air as compared to Monet's? I personally don't feel the Monet's treble is 'right' for anison but it's more forgiving than the 335dw, which is one of my go to pair for anisong.
Jun 18, 2017 at 10:04 PM Post #4,985 of 6,700
The TITAN is a 1BA+1DD CIEM based on AIR, which share the same "short leg" design
As an AIR user, can assure you no problem on the seal

Btw, a very beautiful TITAN Anak you have.
As an oversea AIR user, I don't have a change to order it yet which make me jealous.
I did try the demo once though and do prefer the sound signature of AIR a bit more (specially the treble part, TITAN is "too strong" and make it unpleasant to listen to anime songs IMO)
That's funny :D. My tastes is the opposite. I tried the AIR a few years ago (probably wrote about my thoughts in some reports somewhere) and thought it was ok but not my tastes 'cos it didn't have the trebles. Now the Titan has that, it's much more to my tastes - in fact surpassing my MH335DW-SR...but I listen more to jazz, 80's pop, etc. and not so much into anime.
Jun 22, 2017 at 12:08 PM Post #4,986 of 6,700
How is the treble of the Air as compared to Monet's? I personally don't feel the Monet's treble is 'right' for anison but it's more forgiving than the 335dw, which is one of my go to pair for anisong.
Didn't try Monet yet, but people say Monet's sound signature tuned for anisong from the 80's. Will back to you if I have the chance to try it!:grimacing:
For anisong, I recommend 334 which the vocal is sweet.

That's funny :D. My tastes is the opposite. I tried the AIR a few years ago (probably wrote about my thoughts in some reports somewhere) and thought it was ok but not my tastes 'cos it didn't have the trebles. Now the Titan has that, it's much more to my tastes - in fact surpassing my MH335DW-SR...but I listen more to jazz, 80's pop, etc. and not so much into anime.

Sure that's the fun part in this hobby!:blush:
Btw, last time I tried TITAN with WM1Z with the following songs for reference.

The 1st and 2nd seems fine, but the 3rd song? God, it's giving me a headache. :disappointed_relieved:

Jul 18, 2017 at 9:26 AM Post #4,987 of 6,700
Well looks like my MH335DW-SR finally gave out on me.

I may try to glue the pieces back together but dunno if it'll sound the same anymore.

So back in mid-late March, I broke my MH335DW-SR. Being lazy (and having my sights set on the Titan, I didn't do much about the broken MH335DW-SR until recently. I dropped off the broken pieces and FitEar repaired and polished up my MH335DW-SR. They look (almost) like new again. The hairline break is barely visible.

Jul 28, 2017 at 4:44 AM Post #4,988 of 6,700
Today was the annual Sydney HiFI show and Jaben was present with a line of fitear product. I was so excited to finally get to try them as they are the only place to carry them, and yea I got to meet Uncle Wilson, freaking amazing,
Here are my notes regarding Fitear products I tried:
MH334: Clear mids, the most neutral/flat sounding out of the fitear IEM I tried today.
Soundstage width was average, depth was better than average. This to me clearly is what an audio engineer working in a studio would want. To me nothing about this IEM stand out, and perhaps its technical merit would show in the long term. To me this neither got my attention nor disappointed me.
MH335DW: The most noticeable thing was increase in bass quantity, slum and over quality. The soundstage also improved its width where as the depth remained the same as 334. To soundstage width was higher the average. To me this is certainly made for listening than music mixing. I really liked how this sounded and if I was to get a fitear custom most likely it would be it.
Fitear partree: A natural upgrade from F111, and hiss the most out of the Fitear I tried today using my LPG. To me this has the perfect amount of bass and bass definition and detail was better than all the other I tried. This IEM is perfect for Acoustic and jazz music and simple music, put in complex music and compressed pop music this IEM sounded less than average.
Fitear ToGo 334: It has been a while since I last heard the 334 and that was a good thing as since that time I have tried so many other products. The first thing as soon as I put on the 334 (the new one) the fit felt not as secure as I remembered it. At early listen (less than 10 minutes) bass didnt sound as extended, sounded slightly slower than the other fitear mentioned above and something about the sound wasn't right. But slowly it pulled me in and once I was pulled into the music it didnt let go. Darn the mids on this so engaging, so darn engaging that it made it the most unique sounding product in the fitear lineup i tried today. The vocal on this was so natural, the piano notes was very lively to me this was made for listening to music. If it wasn't for the size I would have purchased it.

However having just tried the JH Layla and UERR and certainly compared to my HUM Pristine and KSE1500 I felt technical merit(mico-detail presentation, overall sound definition) of Fitear product perhaps isn't quiet up to the rest of the current high end IEM. There is an argument that one can make is listening to recording engineer skills vs listening to the music itself is too different thing, this is where one product (Layla) allows you to see how good the music is recorded where as something like ToGo 334 allows you to listen to music, no matter how poorly it is recorded. As much as i like my HUM Pristine however I never use it for poorly recorded music.

Now I am left to decide whether to get the MH335DW or wait and see if Fitear AIR will become available soon.
Aug 11, 2017 at 8:30 PM Post #4,989 of 6,700
@AnakChan: Very nice pair of Titans, my friend! Sadly it will likely be a while before it makes it to Singapore. But at least I now know there will finally likely be another addition to my FitEar collection of customs. :)

And the restored pair of 335s look excellent indeed! Lucky you! Enjoy!
Aug 14, 2017 at 8:16 AM Post #4,990 of 6,700
Got a chance to try the MH334SR just a little while ago, and damn how different it is from the original version.

The highs are less smooth, it is now brighter and more transparent while still having a roll off. Sweet mids, but they are not as lush as it was on the original version. The low end doesn't sound all that different but they are a little bit quicker.

For those looking a more open MH334, I think the sr version is the answer
Oct 4, 2017 at 6:24 PM Post #4,991 of 6,700
Sorry to revive this somewhat old thread. I'm looking for new cables, obviously the consensus from having a long read of this is the Toxic Poison or BW, but his lead time is 13 weeks and I'm not that patient. I'm looking to tighten the bass up and give it some high end sparkle, starting to get sick of the bass.

Other options I was considering was the Brise Audio UPG001ref, but I don't really know what the synergy is, SGaudiohive silver cables (Laboriosa) but the guy hasn't got back to me, Null Audio Vitesse Silver, basically around that $500 bracket. Was considering to go slightly cheaper for the Silver Dragon, but it seems like that may be too bright (just reading reviews).

Does anyone else recommend anything else, or is willing to sell me a toxic cable :D
Oct 4, 2017 at 8:08 PM Post #4,992 of 6,700
Sorry to revive this somewhat old thread. I'm looking for new cables, obviously the consensus from having a long read of this is the Toxic Poison or BW, but his lead time is 13 weeks and I'm not that patient. I'm looking to tighten the bass up and give it some high end sparkle, starting to get sick of the bass.

Other options I was considering was the Brise Audio UPG001ref, but I don't really know what the synergy is, SGaudiohive silver cables (Laboriosa) but the guy hasn't got back to me, Null Audio Vitesse Silver, basically around that $500 bracket. Was considering to go slightly cheaper for the Silver Dragon, but it seems like that may be too bright (just reading reviews).

Does anyone else recommend anything else, or is willing to sell me a toxic cable :D
Why not give EQ a try first, it's free.
Oct 4, 2017 at 8:35 PM Post #4,993 of 6,700
Sorry to revive this somewhat old thread. I'm looking for new cables, obviously the consensus from having a long read of this is the Toxic Poison or BW, but his lead time is 13 weeks and I'm not that patient. I'm looking to tighten the bass up and give it some high end sparkle, starting to get sick of the bass.

Other options I was considering was the Brise Audio UPG001ref, but I don't really know what the synergy is, SGaudiohive silver cables (Laboriosa) but the guy hasn't got back to me, Null Audio Vitesse Silver, basically around that $500 bracket. Was considering to go slightly cheaper for the Silver Dragon, but it seems like that may be too bright (just reading reviews).

Does anyone else recommend anything else, or is willing to sell me a toxic cable :D
@AnakChan has covered Brise Audio cable well and knows more than anyone but from my experience I was the first "foreign" buyer to buy their basic cable STD001 and I was so incredibly impressed by their holographic soundstage that I knew once I do find my IEM, the one what will be the "end it all" I must have a Brise cable in my setup.

Only down-side is ergonimics of it can be troubling, pricewise to me they aren't cheap however certainly as flagship cable goes they cerainly arent the most expensive.

As far as improving treble detail I would Brise audio improves sound in a balanced way, has no particular focused on any part of sound.
Oct 6, 2017 at 7:09 AM Post #4,994 of 6,700
Sorry to revive this somewhat old thread. I'm looking for new cables, obviously the consensus from having a long read of this is the Toxic Poison or BW, but his lead time is 13 weeks and I'm not that patient. I'm looking to tighten the bass up and give it some high end sparkle, starting to get sick of the bass.

Other options I was considering was the Brise Audio UPG001ref, but I don't really know what the synergy is, SGaudiohive silver cables (Laboriosa) but the guy hasn't got back to me, Null Audio Vitesse Silver, basically around that $500 bracket. Was considering to go slightly cheaper for the Silver Dragon, but it seems like that may be too bright (just reading reviews).

Does anyone else recommend anything else, or is willing to sell me a toxic cable :D

Try Norne Audio Silvergarde S. It improves the sound from top to bottom, adds more air and separation, more defined bass, blacker background. It’ll sound even better if you apply some EQ adjustment, especially in the upper bass and lower mid region.
Oct 6, 2017 at 1:42 PM Post #4,995 of 6,700
I am waiting for my mh334 to arrive and just saw that the massdrop k10u has started. I didn't have a chance to try the k10. Is the sound similar to the mh334? Price wise is tempting...... us$899. By the way, will be using my mh334 with my Hugo and a glove audio A1 with a AK120.

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