The discovery thread!
Mar 3, 2014 at 11:57 AM Post #22,726 of 124,791
Actually, I find tip rolling is grounded far more in the realm of science. With tip rolling you're changing the way the sound is presented to you. If your headphones come with narrow tips and you place a pair of wide-bore tips on them than obviously that is going to change the way the headphones sound. I still burn-in just in case the headphones do gain something from it. No harm, no foul. Just builds the anticipation and suspense.

Tip rolling makes a HUGE difference. Outside of FAD Heavens, I don't think I use any IEMs with their provided tips.
And even on the Heavens I had to switch from the preinstalled narrow bore ones to the wide bore ones.
Mar 3, 2014 at 12:41 PM Post #22,727 of 124,791
You are having seal issues.

Anyone have tip recommendations for Astrotec AX30?  I've tried stock tips and the other tips that I have and they aren't giving me the bass that is described.  I have Sony Hybrids on the way.
Mar 3, 2014 at 12:45 PM Post #22,728 of 124,791
^ if you think they don't have enough bass try some Sony Hybrid/ MH1C tips on them, as well as some wide bore ones.

But those other tips kills a lot of the airiness, micro details though. Best alternative tips from the stock ones are more narrow bore ones such as the Sony hybrids, but i have found that the VSonic hybrid lookalike tips sounds 2nd best after the stock tips.
Those VSonic tips are hard as hell to get on these TEACs cuz they have a narrow bore and the nozzle on these TEACs are crazy wide.
Stock tips still sounds the best for me though.......

Mochill, Bhazard, Sfwalcer, what are the best tips for the ZE-1000?  I got them for $50, but the stock triple layer tips don't seal for me.  I do have Sony hybrids on the way so I'll try them on the AX30 and ZE-1000.
Mar 3, 2014 at 12:57 PM Post #22,729 of 124,791
  Anyone have tip recommendations for Astrotec AX30?  I've tried stock tips and the other tips that I have and they aren't giving me the bass that is described.  I have Sony Hybrids on the way.

Order some UE900 tips.
Mar 3, 2014 at 3:37 PM Post #22,730 of 124,791
Actually, if any earphone has taught me about burn in being real (although I already knew), it's ironically a BA earphone. I heard absolutely no bass to speak of the first couple of days with the Doppio. Now there's bass (and a fuller sound) in spades. It has become my favorite universal all-BA earphone (even beating the might W4 to my ears). 

How does the bass compare to the IM70?
Mar 3, 2014 at 5:08 PM Post #22,733 of 124,791
How does the bass compare to the IM70?

Not on the same level (i.e. way more bass in the IM70). But definitely adequate deep sub-bass in the Doppio. The only BA  bass I've ever heard go toe to toe with a dynamic nearly basshead (or basshead) driver is the custom 1964 EARS Quad. And those BA drivers are vented to get that low. Again, it's tough to compare these different earphones as to which are better (not saying you asked me that here) because they're all great in their on way and have different sound signatures.
Mar 3, 2014 at 5:58 PM Post #22,734 of 124,791
Wow. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this Estas Tonne is a rather amazing guy:

You can also listen or purchase (name your price) the album that has a version of that song on it here:
The entire album is beautiful.
Edit: if you want the reader's digest version, watch from the 12 minute mark of that video.
Mar 3, 2014 at 6:10 PM Post #22,736 of 124,791
  Mochill, Bhazard, Sfwalcer, what are the best tips for the ZE-1000?  I got them for $50, but the stock triple layer tips don't seal for me.  I do have Sony hybrids on the way so I'll try them on the AX30 and ZE-1000.

^ Congrats on the ZE-1000s!!! How/ where did you get them for $50??? All the ones i see online are now $99 sadly. :/
The best tips for the TEACs are the VSonic tips and shorter the better it seems cuz it's closer to how the stocks tips are.
..... the green and the yellow ones sounded the best for me. They are a pain in the arse to put on though cuz their nozzle is so narrow hence it takes some finger/ elbow grease. : P
Mar 3, 2014 at 7:37 PM Post #22,737 of 124,791
^ Congrats on the ZE-1000s!!! How/ where did you get them for $50??? All the ones i see online are now $99 sadly. :/
The best tips for the TEACs are the VSonic tips and shorter the better it seems cuz it's closer to how the stocks tips are.
..... the green and the yellow ones sounded the best for me. They are a pain in the arse to put on though cuz their nozzle is so narrow hence it takes some finger/ elbow grease. : P

Now wait a minute there woodpulp. Were you not just touting those waffle maxipad tips as the greatest thing ever not too long ago?
Mar 3, 2014 at 7:44 PM Post #22,740 of 124,791
Listening to Avicii's True album... Amazing with the DN-1000!


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