The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 13, 2013 at 2:57 PM Post #5,941 of 21,763
My review sample of the RHA MA350, and the recent talk of IEMs made me feel flippity-floppity with IEMs purchase again. Suggestions for a few IEMs around the MDR7550 price max.

IDk why I keep doing this and never am going to buy any. :\ I guess my disinterest in audio is a thinly-veiled lie I made to myself.
Feb 13, 2013 at 3:30 PM Post #5,942 of 21,763
My review sample of the RHA MA350, and the recent talk of IEMs made me feel flippity-floppity with IEMs purchase again. Suggestions for a few IEMs around the MDR7550 price max.

IDk why I keep doing this and never am going to buy any. :\ I guess my disinterest in audio is a thinly-veiled lie I made to myself.

Better for your wallet. I'm too much of an impulse buyer and as a results I'll have a lot of new audio gear to test over the next few weeks.
Feb 13, 2013 at 3:43 PM Post #5,943 of 21,763
I really don t care much about gender here...the more interesting question is which phones are male or female ? I think my Miracles are female.

I totally relate to the whole IEM thing. On top of the arguments you mention, one is key for me : the miniturization and concentration of technology. I think IEMs are much more fascinating objects than cans.

Well someone referred to my 1Plus2s in an email as "Trannies" lol :p.
Feb 13, 2013 at 3:47 PM Post #5,944 of 21,763
Yeah, some diary members have met him in person. It's just fun to perpetuate the mystery.

There are other females who post on head-fi. Some are more vocal about it than others---for instance dubstepgirl---while others don't advertise the fact. I know of two individuals who post here in the diary who fall under the later heading. There's a female mod here on head-fi, boomana, but she hasn't been active in a while. There's also a female head-fier who lives fairly close to me and is a professor too, which is pretty cool.
Off the top of my head I can think of 11 ladies here on head-fi. Those are just the ones I know about, obviously. I'm sure there are more.


I've gotten quite a few... interesting... PMs to that effect. Some are amusing, while others are actually pretty creepy.

When I first joined I mentioned being a girl in my profile, because I also had a huge list of gear I owned and wanted to make some kind of statement or something silly. Like, "hey girls can be into this stuff too." I honestly didn't expect anyone to even notice or care on a headphone website (unlike, say, xbox live or something). Since then I've taken down any such descriptor along with my list of gear, because the random comments and PMs get to be a little much.
I learned back in high school that mentioning your gender / sex in certain places online resulted in a lot of unwanted attention. Most "gamer girls" for instance were either a.) bored guys or b.) girls who wanted attention more than anything else, even if it came in the form of sexual harassment. Of course you also had your gamer grrrrrrls who were very vocal about being proud of their gender. They'd brag about kicking the asses of male players. But in those cases you'd damn well better be a skilled player, because those male players were going to go out of their way to target you as a result of being emasculated. Some folks would like nothing more than to embarrass someone like that. Most female players just put male on their user profiles to go under the radar.

Females can also be skilled in gaming. I guess I get the point of men being ashamed of getting owned by a "chick" but come on lol. It's just a game. Get over it people.... I actually even vs female players in competitive 1 on 1 tournament style matches and they kick ass. I've lost a game or two to them so I give them props. Still I was playing with 250+ ping on a euro server so that really plays a big roll as well. Not saying they lack in skill because they are very good players (Phon1X, Commander, TheSis; old school players). Then again that is probably what intrigues the Euros about me is that I am able to hang with them with such crazy pings lol. I suppose in that, loosing to someone with such high ping can be quite humiliating.... I'd have to admit I'd also be pissed to get owned having low ping vs someone with high ping....

Feb 13, 2013 at 3:56 PM Post #5,945 of 21,763
Alert! The greatest pc game ever made is being re-released tomorrow in an improved/polished/fit-for-Win7 version:
You can't call yourself a true gamer unless you've experienced the awesomeness that is System Shock 2. If you liked Bioshock/Mass Effect/whatever, now is your chance to see their progenitor in all it's horrifying glory. Enjoy!
Feb 13, 2013 at 4:36 PM Post #5,946 of 21,763
Alert! The greatest pc game ever made is being re-released tomorrowin an improved/polished/fit-for-Win7 version:
You can't call yourself a true gamer unless you've experienced the awesomeness that is System Shock 2. If you liked Bioshock/Mass Effect/whatever, now is your chance to see their progenitor in all it's horrifying glory. Enjoy!

... That's not how you spell Planescape Torment
Feb 13, 2013 at 5:16 PM Post #5,947 of 21,763
Feb 13, 2013 at 6:00 PM Post #5,948 of 21,763
I know, just poking fun at his assertion that SS2 was the greatest PC game ever made
Feb 13, 2013 at 6:20 PM Post #5,949 of 21,763
It's either BG2 or PS:T, I can't decide. Both are the best of the breed.
Feb 13, 2013 at 7:54 PM Post #5,950 of 21,763
My review sample of the RHA MA350, and the recent talk of IEMs made me feel flippity-floppity with IEMs purchase again. Suggestions for a few IEMs around the MDR7550 price max.

IDk why I keep doing this and never am going to buy any. :\ I guess my disinterest in audio is a thinly-veiled lie I made to myself.

I've got that T-Peos thingamajig here. Dunno what that retails for, but I'll be giving it a listen soon before sending it on its way to someone else.
All my favorite IEMs seem to be around the $400 mark lately... namely the Heaven VI and Flat4. If you're patient you should wait for the new Ocharaku entry-level IEMs to materialize. Those hazelnut / atom bomb looking ones.
Feb 13, 2013 at 9:03 PM Post #5,951 of 21,763
I see that some folks here have never experienced a truly awesome pc game before. Only philistines would put Planescape or BG above the System Shocks. On a more serious note, the folks behind the SS games went on to create the Thief and Deus Ex series. Not to mention the original Terra Nova mech-game, also known as "mechs done right"....
Feb 13, 2013 at 9:32 PM Post #5,952 of 21,763
Sorry, nothing profoundly insightful to say today. As always. 
Now you've made us all feel self-conscious about posting here.

Whenever I get the itch for an intellectual challenge shoot craps...

There, fixed for your pleasure
Okay, so you have 10 ball bearings that look and feel identical.  They all weigh the same, with the exception of one, which is of a different weight than the rest.  However, you have no idea whether that oddball bearing is heavier or lighter.  All you know is that it does not weigh the same as each of the other nine.  Using a simple balance scale (two-sided scale with no markings of any kind) - and only three separate weightings - please isolate the ball bearing that is of a different weight than the others. 

Is this initiation or something? 

Pick your poison. 

Though, it sounds like there should be additional rules to your question. Like, you can only weigh 3 balls on each side at a time, or you have to do it in a specific amount of times or else the time bomb explodes, you're in a movie and that oddball bearing is the key to unlock riches beyond your wildest dreams so you get an adrenaline dump that immobilizes one hand and so on.

Got ninja'd (was going to post bubble). They usually start with these on the first few terms of CS, from what I hear. Always good to see another programmer!
I've got that T-Peos thingamajig here. Dunno what that retails for, but I'll be giving it a listen soon before sending it on its way to someone else.
All my favorite IEMs seem to be around the $400 mark lately... namely the Heaven VI and Flat4. If you're patient you should wait for the new Ocharaku entry-level IEMs to materialize. Those hazelnut / atom bomb looking ones.

And I'll be getting it right after you 
 (planx & me in same city). Excited to see what warranted all that hype (although it's died down a lot)
Feb 13, 2013 at 10:02 PM Post #5,953 of 21,763
I've got that T-Peos thingamajig here. Dunno what that retails for, but I'll be giving it a listen soon before sending it on its way to someone else.

All my favorite IEMs seem to be around the $400 mark lately... namely the Heaven VI and Flat4. If you're patient you should wait for the new Ocharaku entry-level IEMs to materialize. Those hazelnut / atom bomb looking ones.

I'm sure if i searxh for some hype thread I'd what the t-peos thingamajig is. Sounds like one of those "giant killers" thing again.

Hmm maybe I should, I'm in no rush to get new toys.
Feb 13, 2013 at 10:25 PM Post #5,955 of 21,763
Yeah, some diary members have met him in person. It's just fun to perpetuate the mystery.

There are other females who post on head-fi. Some are more vocal about it than others---for instance dubstepgirl---while others don't advertise the fact. I know of two individuals who post here in the diary who fall under the later heading. There's a female mod here on head-fi, boomana, but she hasn't been active in a while. There's also a female head-fier who lives fairly close to me and is a professor too, which is pretty cool.
Off the top of my head I can think of 11 ladies here on head-fi. Those are just the ones I know about, obviously. I'm sure there are more.


I've gotten quite a few... interesting... PMs to that effect. Some are amusing, while others are actually pretty creepy.

When I first joined I mentioned being a girl in my profile, because I also had a huge list of gear I owned and wanted to make some kind of statement or something silly. Like, "hey girls can be into this stuff too." I honestly didn't expect anyone to even notice or care on a headphone website (unlike, say, xbox live or something). Since then I've taken down any such descriptor along with my list of gear, because the random comments and PMs get to be a little much.
I learned back in high school that mentioning your gender / sex in certain places online resulted in a lot of unwanted attention. Most "gamer girls" for instance were either a.) bored guys or b.) girls who wanted attention more than anything else, even if it came in the form of sexual harassment. Of course you also had your gamer grrrrrrls who were very vocal about being proud of their gender. They'd brag about kicking the asses of male players. But in those cases you'd damn well better be a skilled player, because those male players were going to go out of their way to target you as a result of being emasculated. Some folks would like nothing more than to embarrass someone like that. Most female players just put male on their user profiles to go under the radar.

Gotcha. I run into them occasionally in other places too, but when it's online, I usually think of people being either of the genders if it's heavily implied and just go with it. 
Thanks, I always forget that second silent j whenever I spell his name!
I'm still in that phase where my journey is one of discovery, and not a desperate attempt to claw my way out of a pit of headphones (or IEMs) that are unable to distinguish themselves from one another.  Unlike many of you, I have the wonderful advantage of coming to this hobby rather recently.  As such, almost everything is new to me.  And being in no particular rush helps me pace myself.  I guess you could say that, in some ways, I've got virgin earholes paired with the innocence of a noob.
If you're really lucky, you just might get the apology.  But I highly doubt they'll give you the stand.
LOL, I'm pretty sure Silent is not female... but I'm also pretty sure that DubstepGirl and roma101 are.

I thought roma was a dude! I haven't seen dubstep on the other hand.
It's ok. This has happened a lot over the years...head-fi, too. Being the author of correspondence, it is difficult for me to see what others see when they look at my writing. But, when I send friends and cousins (female) handwritten letters and notecards, many times their friends wanna see what they received, start reading and proceed to this from the woman in the pix from (blank) or so and so who you traveled with? 
 Who knows, I have no idea! 
Suddenly now, I'm curious...

Oh wait... you're actually an author of ... I know it has silent and her in it... WAIT. You weren't joking? Oh, it's ok. Maybe you women just started copying your typing/writing style...

hohoho... same as the others. Except I think there're only 3 females that I've seen so far. Silent One (unless I'm completely wrong), Muppet (unless I'm also completely wrong, but he also gives off that impression if that's the case), and a person in the animu thread (unless I'm also wrong on this and he really needs to cut his nails... and gives off the impression that he is a she).

There is also Soozieq, Poetic & Mischa23v. There are more ladies in this hobby than you'd be led to believe but it still is largely a male-dominated hobby none-the-less. :)
I c... well I haven't seen any of them 

Anyways, has anyone tried the AD2000x from AT?

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