The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM Post #5,356 of 21,763
All this talk...

Sorry i'm just here sitting on my bed in Istanbul, nursing my throbbing painful leg after walking around to and fro in the light shower, seeing this thread ignite in flames.

@MF if you don't mind, can you pm me some of your recs on this Boris person i've seen you and idsync talked about? I'm suddenly interested because you mentioned anime...

Boris has more roots in Sabbath, Melvins and Motörhead than anime tunes lol. I'd recommend Pink as an album to start out with as it covers a decent swath of their stoner doom/psychedelic/shoegaze output

Oh and I meant to comment on your GB link concerning the Zero Escape series. It's been fun to listen to Patrick gradually come around on 999/VLR on the podcasts. That and the cognitive dissonance the GB crew wrestled with after coming to terms with Asura's Wrath as an amazing over the top experience haha

Lol i see. Well anything is fine by me to expand my music width.

Got 999 *cough* and loooooove it. Really should track it and get it really. That and a 3ds xl just for virtue's last reward.
Jan 31, 2013 at 4:37 PM Post #5,357 of 21,763
94 posts in one night 

Jan 31, 2013 at 4:47 PM Post #5,358 of 21,763
Lol i see. Well anything is fine by me to expand my music width.

Got 999 *cough* and loooooove it. Really should track it and get it really. That and a 3ds xl just for virtue's last reward.

Lol, if you wanna expand the breadth of your music taste try checking out Merzbow, he's a legit renaissance man in this uncultured age and a true musical pioneer

And XL is sooooo good. I immediately regretted getting the vanilla 3DS after seein it. Those huge screens and improved ergonomics are a god send, especially of you're planning to pick up something like Kid Icarus. And there will be a third Zero Escape game as well, so you have much to look forward to. I just hope we get Bravely Default, I'm in love with the way that game looks, definitely a callback to the old school crystal era FF. Give me charming super deformed little warriors and mages over the melodramatic catwalk rejects of contemporary FF anyday
Jan 31, 2013 at 4:58 PM Post #5,359 of 21,763
If only mutabor would extend MF the same courtesy!
Here's what he said 2 pages back:
"Yes, I do disregard everything that she has written."
And he seems to comment every time.

X2, no doubt. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't my intention to take sides. I just don't agree that he's trolling. His arguments are... ahem... ranging from unusual to outrageous, but that doesn't make him a troll, imho.
Oh and btw, it's all Romy's and Eke's fault...

This thread has become boring...

I remember the days when I'd take a 4 hour nap, and wake up to 120 new posts on this thread. 

Jan 31, 2013 at 5:25 PM Post #5,360 of 21,763
X2, no doubt. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't my intention to take sides. I just don't agree that he's trolling. His arguments are... ahem... ranging from unusual to outrageous, but that doesn't make him a troll, imho.
Oh and btw, it's all Romy's and Eke's fault...


Agree and agree!
Jan 31, 2013 at 5:39 PM Post #5,362 of 21,763
Jan 31, 2013 at 6:51 PM Post #5,364 of 21,763
Wow I looked up this "Merzbow" character.

I don't listen to noise music or anything even remotely like it, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Googled Merzbow, one of the top hits:


It's strangely mesmerizing. It's really scary to listen to, like I'm playing a horror game (not to mention that picture they used). And yet I can't stop. It's so addictive. Truly strange. I don't really like it. But I don't not like it.

Freakish gallery where the image came from, which I'm equally entranced by:
Jan 31, 2013 at 7:02 PM Post #5,365 of 21,763
@Achmedisdead your profile pic is godlike.
Jan 31, 2013 at 7:42 PM Post #5,366 of 21,763
Jan 31, 2013 at 8:20 PM Post #5,367 of 21,763
And XL is sooooo good. I immediately regretted getting the vanilla 3DS after seein it. Those huge screens and improved ergonomics are a god send, especially of you're planning to pick up something like Kid Icarus. And there will be a third Zero Escape game as well, so you have much to look forward to. I just hope we get Bravely Default, I'm in love with the way that game looks, definitely a callback to the old school crystal era FF. Give me charming super deformed little warriors and mages over the melodramatic catwalk rejects of contemporary FF anyday

I didn't think I'd like the 3DS as much as I do. They're may not be a ton of titles, but solid ones are always coming out and its usually just infrequently enough for me to be able to keep up with purchases.

The quality of the XL screen is what surprises me the most. The 800x240 3D/400x240 2D display -somehow- doesn't stop games from looking absolutely gorgeous. OTOH Nintendo's decision to go with motion JPEG as the video standard is baffling. I understand that choosing a less common scheme with a 100Mb a minute bit-rate requirement prevents people from loading up their favorite TV episodes, but Nintendo seems to have shot itself in the foot a bit here, as it also results in nearly every prerecorded in-game cut-scene and Nintendo Video looking utterly terrible.

I also have a problem with the Nintendo store constantly adding and removing titles. I share my 3DS with my 10 year old little sister; we bought it together when it dropped to $170. I basically covered half -she payed $100 and I put in $70+an Amazon Basics 32GB SDHC card, which was $30 at the time. If I could, I would buy back all of my games over again, but most aren't available anymore. If I buy a Blue 3DS XL can I register it under the family plan I set up, copy the contents of that card to a new one, and be able to play our games on both?
Jan 31, 2013 at 8:38 PM Post #5,368 of 21,763
Wow I looked up this "Merzbow" character.

I don't listen to noise music or anything even remotely like it, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Googled Merzbow, one of the top hits:


It's strangely mesmerizing. It's really scary to listen to, like I'm playing a horror game (not to mention that picture they used). And yet I can't stop. It's so addictive. Truly strange. I don't really like it. But I don't not like it.

Freakish gallery where the image came from, which I'm equally entranced by:

Now do Ryoji Ikeda.

I kid.

Actually, you might enjoy(?) The Wind Up Bird's album, Whips. It's a really involving listen from beginning to end and a brilliant break up album. To this day, the track "This" never fails to unnerve me. It's jarring, nightmarish, and highly confrontational with its intimate production, but endure the swirling madness and you'll emerge, greeted by a cathartic swell of strings that's just... It's eerily serene like having the eye of a storm pass over you after it's torn everything asunder


Sylverant - on my phone, don't know how edit and quote you into my original post sorry

Nintendo's titles skirt by on brilliant art design, I mean, even in the post HD era, Mario Galaxy and Skyward Sword manage to stun me, so it's of little surprise that effectively doubling the resolution of the XL does little to diminish the polish of their visuals. And really, the adequate DPI of the XL does a lot to gloss over any noticeable artifacts, it's not retina yeah, but it still looks pleasing.

I'm not sure about transferring games from one handheld to another though... I think your purchases are tied to your system unfortunately. I would double check on that. Nintendo really needs to reform the stupid account system they have so everything is unified under a single one like the PSN store

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