Sin City
Apr 13, 2005 at 4:01 AM Post #31 of 42
i didn't think it was all that great, I'm not familiar with graphic novels or any of frank millers works. The first story was a good action packed attention grabber, but elijah wood really pisses me off. He looks more like some prepubescent boy than a psycho killer, and his acting is pretty bad. Thank god they didn't give him any actual dialogue. The second story was very uninvolving and didn't really interest me at all. The last story was pretty good but I couldn't get over the yellow color usuage. It was completely unrealistic and that character looked like something off of star trek. Which scene did quentin tarintino direct? I'm assuming it was the swordplay scene in the second story, which was deja vu kill bill, and sort of overplayed.
Apr 13, 2005 at 5:57 AM Post #32 of 42

Originally Posted by pne
and that character looked like something off of star trek

hahah totally me and my buddy were thinking golden shower quark covered in pee!!! from deep space nine haha
Apr 13, 2005 at 10:51 AM Post #33 of 42
Saw it this past weekend, and liked it. Wouldn't say it is a "great" movie, but worth seeing if you are a comic fan.

I was a huge comic book reader/collector back in the day when things weren't so dark. I've never read Miller's stuff. Still I appreciated the editing techniques that seemed to mirror how it feels to read a comic book, panel to panel. Especially Mickey Rourke's character.

The mere presence of Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, and Carla Cugino is worth the price of admission alone
Apr 13, 2005 at 4:39 PM Post #35 of 42

Originally Posted by pne
The last story was pretty good but I couldn't get over the yellow color usuage. It was completely unrealistic and that character looked like something off of star trek.

I agree, when this guy showed up I thought the movie lost something. Other than that it was a really well done movie. I liked the comic-book like feel to the action and dialogue, I liked the use of color, the cinematography and everything. The movie definitely went out of its way to make the audience uncomfortable and I can appreciate that.
Apr 13, 2005 at 4:49 PM Post #36 of 42
I got to see Sin City last weekend and thought it was a good movie, really enjoyed it. I've read one or two issues of Sin City but didn't keep up with it as I was nearing the end of my interest in comic books. Mickey Rourke was definitely awesome in this movie.
Apr 13, 2005 at 6:54 PM Post #37 of 42

Originally Posted by raif
Yah, I had the same problem with Conan the Barbarian. I mean, I know he was a barbarian and all, but couldn't he have been a little more concerned with how his actions might make women feel.

And the way he kept killing everyone. I would expect that from a destroyer, but imho, Conan should have risen above the sociocultural trappings of his era and solved things in a more politically correct fashion.

Conan the Negotiator might have pissed off prepubescent boys, but anyone mature and socially advanced enough would also share my opinion.

hey, i thought Conan the Barbarian was a pretty stupid move, just my opinion.

i was really psyched to see sin city, but i think it no longer holds the great appeal it did when i was younger. the more i think about it, the more this "adaptation" into film was what left me really unsatisfied.

comic panels are static and have a great dynamism in terms of the way they are layed out. in the movie, when they did the Big Fat Kill, when Miho drops on Jack and his goons, it lost alot of the excitement and pace that the comic had inherently.

my comments on the misogny are reflective not of the film, but rather my own feelings about the matter. i've read every sin city comic and own most of them and i really loved them, but i think theyll be sold off or kept only for nostolgia's sake.
Apr 13, 2005 at 7:12 PM Post #38 of 42
"sin city" was a delightful film. i really dig movies that are that are so unabashedly cinematic--it reminded me of welles. the violence was so cartoony it really didn't bother me at all.

now if you want disturbing, wait for frank miller's "hard boiled" to hit theaters--directed by david fincher (se7en).
Apr 13, 2005 at 8:46 PM Post #42 of 42
i read it on the web, so it must be true!
actually, i remember it being in production a while back with nic cage in the lead. i'd google it more but i have to finish with these test cases (work).

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