Shure KSE1500 Review - Shure KSE1500 Sound Isolating Electrostatic Earphones
Nov 3, 2015 at 9:02 AM Post #511 of 6,081
  My Sensaphonics full custom sleeves for my 846s fit the kse1500s and I was transfixed by the sound, fed from my Lotoo PAW Gold.  Alas, an evil man from Shure came by today and took them back..    sadness sadness......

Next time, you need to call me. I'd have been over like a shot for a quick listen. Maybe I'll call Shure and see is I can stop by.
Nice for this thread to be back on track.
Nov 3, 2015 at 10:12 AM Post #512 of 6,081
Honestly, I have a ton of respect for Shure and there products.  I’ve owned the SE-535, SE-846 and I just dropped (last week) $3K and ordered the new Electrostatic KSE-1500!  Like many of us on HeadFi, music and music sound reproduction is very important as almost the air we breathe.
I’ve been wondering a while now what would be the next “big innovation” in the IEM market space.  Seems like it’s been the same old B/A technology being played out year after year.   The only other companies pushing the innovation envelope or “bleeding edge” of the IEM technology space is companies like Sony, JH Audio and one or two others (arguably).  I do love my JH Layla’s. They sound incredible.  But honestly 12 drivers a side and a 4th order crossover?  It’s a complex engineering effort but COME ON REALLY GUYS…
Shure is in a very unique position as a large muti-national corporation. They had the “balls” (opps.. sorry I meant) foresight, resources (people capital and so on) to truly make “pioneering contributions” in the field and audio technology/engineering in the IEM marketspace.  For all of us lucky enough (to drop 3K of hard-earned money) to enjoy this innovative technology I would like to say THANK YOU SHURE!!!
However that said, as a portable audiophile and commuter (traveling nearly 4 hours per day) I find two issue difficult for me to tolerate. They are:
  • The sheer size of the AMP/DAC and
  • A non-detachable cable
My two cents…
I understand the electrostatic technology enough to realize the requirement for the amp but I would want the amp to be as physically as small and lightweight as possible.  This means (to me) purpose built for portability and on the go only!  If Shure could have decreased the “footprint” or physical profile of the amp it would be a greater pleasure to transport instead of a burden to carry around.  My portable rig includes the AK380 + AK 380 external power amp + now the Shure AMP/DAC really!!!  To save size and complexity maybe considered just a non DAC version?  Have any of these audio companies really tried to get this stuff around?  Has anyone really thought these issues thru to resolution with respect to portable audio and what it means to commute for real?
I will NEVER successfully get this equipment in a single “breast jacket pocket” or a pair of casual blue jeans period!   So I guess I will need to use both breast jacket pockets one for the AK380 + external amp and in the other breast pocket the Shure Amp/DAC.  I will need to purchase a “custom built 2’.6” long cable connecting the entire set up while I’m traveling.  I hope you can see how this is sort of ridiculous…
My second point regarding the non-detachable cable, I’ve read many of the post on this forum and I’ve carefully looked at the patent information (very good reading!). If the cable took Shure several years to design and build why is there not a patent application (pending) and in conjunction with the electrostatic earpieces?  Maybe the cable is not so special after all?  Maybe they didn’t file the patent to safeguard certain elements of the design or the process of manufacturing?  As once you file for a patent you’re required to revile many elements regarding the design of a particular technology and could affect competitive advantage.  I don’t know and one can continue to speculate but from a commuter perspective, the detachable cable is a REAL LIFE SAVER. Why because if you travel in very crowded conditions the cable can get easily hooked around other folks stuff and as people are getting on/off trains is becomes very easy for the cable to get ripped off along with the earpiece “no stress relief” no safeguard and that will inevitably lead to product damage and very upset audiophile.
Your friend in audio,
Nov 3, 2015 at 11:20 AM Post #513 of 6,081
  Next time, you need to call me. I'd have been over like a shot for a quick listen. Maybe I'll call Shure and see is I can stop by.
Nice for this thread to be back on track.

I was going to call you - I thought they were going to give me a bit more time with them, but they showed up a day after I'de determnined that the sleeves fit-- If I can get them to come back with them, I will.  I have that funny feeling I'm gonna grab me a set from our first batch.  If I do, I'll let you try them for a few days.
Nov 3, 2015 at 11:38 AM Post #514 of 6,081
My Sensaphonics full custom sleeves for my 846s fit the kse1500s and I was transfixed by the sound, fed from my Lotoo PAW Gold.  Alas, an evil man from Shure came by today and took them back..    sadness sadness......

Next time, you need to call me. I'd have been over like a shot for a quick listen. Maybe I'll call Shure and see is I can stop by.

Nice for this thread to be back on track.:ksc75smile:  
Can you please tell me more about the Paw player paired up wiyh Shure SKE1500.
I am really interested in that combination.
Thank you,
Nov 3, 2015 at 1:24 PM Post #515 of 6,081
I am glad your headphones arrived ok.
I have not bought from that site yet, so it is good to know that it is a genuine site.
I think I will try and get a listen to these headphones before forking out so much money!
Nov 3, 2015 at 6:37 PM Post #518 of 6,081
That actually looks quite plausible. Throw a couple of axes on that and you could probably get sued by Shure :wink:
Maybe this one won't be a curve after all. Perhaps this is the first set of headphones to have an FR which will be a perfectly horizontal straight line?
P.S. To those folks complaining about the cost - it's all relative:
Nov 3, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #519 of 6,081
  That actually looks quite plausible. Throw a couple of axes on that and you could probably get sued by Shure :wink:
Maybe this one won't be a curve after all. Perhaps this is the first set of headphones to have an FR which will be a perfectly horizontal straight line?
P.S. To those folks complaining about the cost - it's all relative:

Audio Zenith's site shows measurements that are pretty flat.
Nov 4, 2015 at 3:31 AM Post #521 of 6,081
  35 pages so far and no FR graphs here or on Shure's website. Has anybody had a chance to measure these?  I'd really like to see those curves...

Have you seen GoodVibes' avatar?  Those curves look nicer than any FR graph you'll ever see LOL.  
Nov 4, 2015 at 4:52 PM Post #524 of 6,081
  mmm......I'm curious: just how much better is the 3K KSE 1500 compared to the 523 dollar Stax SRS 02?

It is NO brainer; Stax is open headphone/IEM, offering next to zero attenuation of the surrounding noise. 
Which means it can be enjoyed in quiet places, like home, ONLY. 
Shure's  achievement is the fact they could make ES to work in a closed enclosure and they were able to squeeeeeze the size to the size of "regular" size IEM.
Aside operating on the same principle, as different use as truck and a sports car. Regardless of any sound differences among the two. Stax is useless in noisy enviroment.
That from a SR001MK2 owner - who, grungingly, inaugurated yet another piggybank, with KSE 1500 written on it, as of today, when I learned of its existance. 
Europriceblues & all that jazz...
Nov 4, 2015 at 6:22 PM Post #525 of 6,081
Jude, I've checked out that Firebird finale track and while it has pretty spectacular deep bass for a classical orchestra recording, for me personally it's a lot easier to compare low end emphasis and extension between phones with the track I posted. Let me explain, if we just look at (easily discernible) sub-bass content in the finale track, it's basically four massive bass drum beats plus reverb and that's about it:

Here in comparison the Torres track I posted, same steep low pass filter @50Hz, and one can see there's a steady sub-bass beat throughout the entire track:

Jm2c, ymmv, etc.

Patiently waiting for a quantitative / qualitative bass comparison to some well-established IEMs...
Tbh, I've listened to this recording for the first time in years, but what instantly caught my attention was the "crazy" drum hitting you mentioned. I've been to quite a few classical concerts and can't remember ever having heard sub-bass reverb like this, which makes me wonder if that's really how that bass drum sounded in real life?
Being the inquisitive mind I am, I've compared one of these drum whacks to another recording (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra / Paavo Järvi) with interesting results:
Eiji Oue - Waveform  >50 Hz:

Paavo Järvi - Waveform >50 Hz:

Doesn't look all that different, does it? Now for the sub-bass content...
Eiji Oue - Waveform <50 Hz:

Paavo Järvi - Waveform <50 Hz:



No acoustical instrument ( save a few TRULY BIG organs ) has any sub bass of any real high amplitude.  
One recording of electronic bass ( Synclavier ? ) I did find that is "above and beyond the call of duty " is the Civilization Phaze III
If the KSE 1500 "survives" this ( from the CD proper, not YT) ...

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