Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Dec 29, 2014 at 11:19 PM Post #21,526 of 46,554
  Tonight I have had the pleasure of plugging the 650 into the Woo wa3 with some nice tubes. I'm about an hour into listening to the combo, so I'll reserve any judgments, but let me say that I've had a "wow" "hot damn" "holy schiit" moment.

There you go! A Woo WA3 plug from a Bottlehead Crack addict 

I've since updated my power tube to a Sylvania 7236 (NOS) and a Tung-Sol 7236 (from Woo) - so far, the Sylvania is winning my ears and mind, but I'm giving the Tung-Sol a fair shake.
I have on order, and almost in my mailbox, driver tubes: Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8 (NOS), Telefunken E188CC (NOS) and Reflector (Russian) 6N23P-EV (NOS).
Please do post your tubes and your thoughts on your favorites with the HD 650.
Dec 29, 2014 at 11:25 PM Post #21,527 of 46,554
Be aware that HD650 are very picky with gear pairing. I heard them with many different ones, some of them at the meets, and even costing way more than headphones and there is a only 2 I personally heard with are Maverick Audio TubMagic plus and WA7 with stock power supply. Based on what other members I can trust say you can use Bottlehead Crack

Great advice and thanks for the tip. FWIW, I did a lot of reading before committing to the Woo WA3 and read, over and over, how well they pair with the HD 650.  And, you know what, they really do.
I guess what I was saying earlier was that I am finding that some of my music doesn't sit as well with the combination of DAC/amp/650s in my current setup.  That's all... no plans to rip and replace, or anything, and I am really enjoying some Anne-Sophie Mutter as I type this on said setup.
Dec 30, 2014 at 12:59 AM Post #21,528 of 46,554

this agnes obel album i seldom touch..kinda down tempo..some resonance on the piano strikes..
driving me nutssss on the K812..
kinda empathize with what Krutsch went thru esp when he was tired.
My hd650 is sleeping..:p
Dec 30, 2014 at 1:09 AM Post #21,529 of 46,554
  So, you really don't use your 800s anymore?

I do, just not as my primary headphone anymore, right now.  
New AKG 7XX has gotten more head time than the 650s lately.  
I actually had the thought for a split second that those two could be good enough.
Dec 30, 2014 at 1:34 AM Post #21,530 of 46,554
Well, the day has arrived to ask the question: Where do I go from Here?

I love my HD 650s, but post-upgrade of my desktop rig, and a lot of listening, I am finding I want something more. I am discovering a growing collection of music that doesn't sound pleasing with the HD 650s. Basically anything with exaggerated lower-mids becomes fatiguing, at some point.

I was trying to listen to Agnes Obel the other night and some of the tracks were downright painful (Agnes' voice is wonderful, if not a little sibilant, and the piano is a horror-show of bad audio mastering).

Part of my problem may be that I've been listening to my 'phones for at least 5 hours a night (often until 2AM before turning in, and I've wondered if I am just tired and need a break). I've also made a point of keeping the volume low(ish). On the Woo WA3, I rarely dial above 10 o'clock with the HD 650s.

Sometimes switching to my Grado RS2i is like opening a window and breathing fresh air ... until I come across music with elevated higher frequencies, where it doesn't sound like real music anymore, or I am listening to music dominated by warm guitars or vocals, where I really miss the HD 650s.

I've played around with EQ'ing, but what I end up doing in the above cases is just cranking down the mids, at which point I ask myself if I just need different cans.

Do I really need to spend $1,500.00 US for something like an HD 800, or am I better off getting a third pair of mid-tier 'phones and switching between them all, depending on the music?

I suspect anyone that's been a heavy user of the HD 650 has hit a similar point and I am very curious what's a next step that makes sense. Rants/thoughts welcomed.
Well, the day has arrived to ask the question: Where do I go from Here?

I love my HD 650s, but post-upgrade of my desktop rig, and a lot of listening, I am finding I want something more. I am discovering a growing collection of music that doesn't sound pleasing with the HD 650s. Basically anything with exaggerated lower-mids becomes fatiguing, at some point.

I was trying to listen to Agnes Obel the other night and some of the tracks were downright painful (Agnes' voice is wonderful, if not a little sibilant, and the piano is a horror-show of bad audio mastering).

Part of my problem may be that I've been listening to my 'phones for at least 5 hours a night (often until 2AM before turning in, and I've wondered if I am just tired and need a break). I've also made a point of keeping the volume low(ish). On the Woo WA3, I rarely dial above 10 o'clock with the HD 650s.

Sometimes switching to my Grado RS2i is like opening a window and breathing fresh air ... until I come across music with elevated higher frequencies, where it doesn't sound like real music anymore, or I am listening to music dominated by warm guitars or vocals, where I really miss the HD 650s.

I've played around with EQ'ing, but what I end up doing in the above cases is just cranking down the mids, at which point I ask myself if I just need different cans.

Do I really need to spend $1,500.00 US for something like an HD 800, or am I better off getting a third pair of mid-tier 'phones and switching between them all, depending on the music?

I suspect anyone that's been a heavy user of the HD 650 has hit a similar point and I am very curious what's a next step that makes sense. Rants/thoughts welcomed.

Edit: Sorry for the double quote.

I did hit a similar feeling but still love and use the HD-650s for what they do. You may want to look into a different driver technology, such as orthodynamics, to complement your HD-650s. I picked up the HE-500s last year, and they have been incredible. Since then, the HE-560 has come out--another outstanding headphone from HiFiMAN. As I said, both my HD-650 and HE-500 get about equal playtime. If I were not on my phone, I would type more info. PM if you have questions. For now, you might want to check out some reviews on this site for some ortho models. Best of luck
Dec 30, 2014 at 2:12 AM Post #21,531 of 46,554
I did hit a similar feeling but still love and use the HD-650s for what they do. You may want to look into a different driver technology, such as orthodynamics, to complement your HD-650s. I picked up the HE-500s last year, and they have been incredible. Since then, the HE-560 has come out--another outstanding headphone from HiFiMAN. As I said, both my HD-650 and HE-500 get about equal playtime. If I were not on my phone, I would type more info. I have been listening to my father's HE-560 during the holiday break and would be able to offer a more in-depth comparison later. PM if you have questions. For now, you might want to check out some reviews on this site for some ortho models. Best of luck

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I've thought about the HE-500s (and they are clearance priced, right now). However, I keep reading that they really need a carefully matched amp and I'm not sure an OTL amp is the ideal pairing.
I need to read-up and ponder, but will take you up on your PM offer for amp considerations.
Dec 30, 2014 at 2:31 AM Post #21,532 of 46,554
  Did you try the speedball upgrade after?  If so, how did that go compared to the base build?

After installing Speedball everything came alive. To what people have said about the Speedball, it does become more aggressive and powerful. I wouldn't say there is a ultra huge difference though. It really depends on the song's characteristic and mixing. Some songs you can definitely hear a night and day difference between Crack and Speedball but others are more subtle. Crack gives you clarity and separation for all instruments, gives your cans more power, and delivers vocals as if you're listening to them in the studio. Speedball does the same thing x2, with added warmth on vocals, better instrument separation, clarity, and power. I just bought some pretty good tubes which is on the way so I'm looking forward to seeing how they sound after I replace the stock tubes. 
Dec 30, 2014 at 3:06 AM Post #21,534 of 46,554
Nice to see this thread still near the top.  I really enjoy my silver mesh HD650 powered with an earmax OTL amp.  Groovin' to some Steve Vai as I type this.  Amazing headphone even now in 2014!!
Dec 30, 2014 at 3:10 AM Post #21,535 of 46,554
Does anyone here know how well the Schiit Asgard 2 goes with the Sennheiser 650s? I put my Cayin C5 up for sale here and plan to use the money to help purchase a desktop amp for around $200-$300.

I think the Asgard 2 sounds great with the HD650. They seem warm, good separation and bass is there, but not over powering. To me, it is accurate with a hint of warmth. I have it going through a Peachtree DAC iTx. 
I'm now reading up on the Bottlehead Crack that you might consider as well. Very interesting and great price point. I also love DIY projects... 
Dec 30, 2014 at 3:27 AM Post #21,537 of 46,554
I think the Asgard 2 sounds great with the HD650. They seem warm, good separation and bass is there, but not over powering. To me, it is accurate with a hint of warmth. I have it going through a Peachtree DAC iTx. 

I'm now reading up on the Bottlehead Crack that you might consider as well. Very interesting and great price point. I also love DIY projects... 

I have no experience with soldering so a bottle head Crack is out of the question, but are their other good options in the $200-$300 range?
Dec 30, 2014 at 3:38 AM Post #21,538 of 46,554
  Nice to see this thread still near the top.  I really enjoy my silver mesh HD650 powered with an earmax OTL amp.  Groovin' to some Steve Vai as I type this.  Amazing headphone even now in 2014!!

Ah-ha!  Just what I've been looking for, some info on the "old" HD650 of many years past to the "new" HD650.  Can anyone give some info on this por favor?  My friend got his a milliion years ago and they look more silvery than mine, which are a dark gunmetal.  His also seem to be powered more easily.  They have MUCH more bass than mine do when each headphone is fed by a very weak source (like straight into an ipod).  I'm hoping when my Magni 2 Uber amp arrives, mine will out-shine his, but I wonder.  Are both sets 300Ohm?
Dec 30, 2014 at 4:37 AM Post #21,540 of 46,554
Just placed an order for the Bottlehead Crack.. excited and nervous at the same time.  it will be my first build but have read a lot of people saying its perfect for a first timer.  Just hope I can get through it and then get the Speedball upgrade done as well with the skills I acquire in the base build.

Congratulations the Crack is a lot of fun and a great introduction to what is possible with diy audio the build manual is very good and easy to follow. There are a several well documented  upgrade options that can take the stock Crack to a totally different  level. for less than a fancy HD650 aftermarket cable. The new owner of the hot rodded Crack in the pic prefers it to his Meier Corda Classic finding the Crack to have a more natural and realistic sound.



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