Review: PreSonus Central Station (DAC, Preamp, Headphone Amp)
Mar 19, 2006 at 8:34 AM Post #61 of 276

I was just trying to see if K1000 can be properly driven by the headphone amp when using the internal DAC. The volume knob on headphone jack has to be turned to 2 o'clock, but it still seems to work fine. The amount of details I am hearing with K1000+Central Station is, as with analog inputs, quite staggering, crrating a very lively atmosphere. For some music types I like this exciting presentation. I wonder if your Dynalo is a better amp than Central Station.
Mar 19, 2006 at 9:51 AM Post #62 of 276
I also just jumped on the bandwagon, waiting for it to arrive
Mar 19, 2006 at 1:54 PM Post #63 of 276
Apr 10, 2006 at 10:22 PM Post #64 of 276
#&*$! The $399 deal at Musician's Friend is over
Apr 10, 2006 at 10:29 PM Post #65 of 276
may I suggest checking Check often because they go quickly but the price is as good as the musician friends..
Seeing as how the shop wouldn t ship oversea I bought one for 475$ including remote (150$ at the shop)
Apr 10, 2006 at 10:35 PM Post #66 of 276
Checked eBay immediately after noticing that the deal was dropped. The cheapest price on there $469 from a guy with 1 feedback.
Apr 11, 2006 at 8:10 AM Post #67 of 276
Well, keep checking :d.
When I wanted to buy it, I saw a good deal that had been posted for less than 24h. By the time The seller answered a question I sent, it was already sold.
Apr 11, 2006 at 8:24 AM Post #68 of 276
Problem is that I'm going to order soon, so I was relying on the deal still being in effect. I doubt I'll be able to find another $399 deal within 24-48 hours.
Apr 11, 2006 at 9:24 AM Post #69 of 276
$400 was a fantastic deal, but it's still a great deal under $500. There's nothing else like it.

EDIT: I posted too soon. I hit a few links after finishing and found this:

You can get a new one for $499, but a refurbished one is $399. Free shipping, too. I've bought a lot of refurbished gear and have never had a problem. Check it out.
May 4, 2006 at 5:22 PM Post #70 of 276
listening on it for about 2 months now; and im finding it sounds VERY harsh (sibilant ) with my HD 580s

it could be the CDs, could be my really cheap Sony DVP S360 Transport

ill post once my sacd player comes in and i used it as a transport
Jun 25, 2006 at 8:58 AM Post #71 of 276
sorry to bring up an old thread.

i am always talking about placebos. more money more functions, gotta sound better right? if all you need is a headphone amp the hp4 uses six motorola mc3307(p)'s. a better power supply since it is discrete(and needs to power six dual ops instead of one quad) and a input buffer which the central station is lacking(in the headamp path).

it is pretty much the same circuit times 4 and a little better even since it is focused only on headphone amplification. the caps,resistors,diodes are all good quality. so as to the op saying he did not like the hp4 could be due to some other reason. i am not doubting him. maybe it was in a different system or location instead of apples to apples. actually i think he stated something to that effect.

iron dreamer had stated long ago it beats 'maxed' pimetas and meta42's.
a better amp is going to run you $400. this has balanced inputs so in effect it is a several thousand dolar amp since it has four outputs. it is comparable to a grace 902 sans the dac. if you do not need a dac give this a look.

kudos to presonus. i don't know how they do this for $85 even being made in china. i didn't mention it is a two layer surface mount pcb or a linear discrete internal power supply either. the wall wart is simply an a/c divider. the power conversion is in the unit. someone mentioned it had a tiny wallwart in one post. that does not apply here. it is not like a obh-11 with an outboard dc psu.

i decided to post this because i came across this post remembering talking to a presonus engineer two years ago and him stating it is the same basic circuit incorperated into all their products because it is high quality and does not require them to make 20 different designs. which is one way to keep overhead(cost) low.

as you all may know i am a fan of pro audio gear crossing over into the consumer audio arena. anyhow, this amp is not one bit shabby. it will blow the pants of a cmoy and is close to that type of price.

Jun 25, 2006 at 10:04 AM Post #72 of 276
Interesting...has anybody else tried this? I was really hesitant to try the Central Station because I'd only be using the headphone amp and would probably never use any of the other features; it'd seem like a big waste of money and overkill. However, if this really has the same headphone amp circuitry as the CS...

I think I may buy this. It's only $100 and supposed to rival a maxed out PIMETA.
Jun 25, 2006 at 10:20 AM Post #73 of 276
I haven t tried the headphone amp extensively but I d tend to say that the presonus would be way too expensive if you only use it as a headphone amp.
But if you use the preamp/dac functions it s a pretty good deal.
Jun 25, 2006 at 4:16 PM Post #74 of 276
he meant just the hp4 for $99. trust me it is the same thing times 4 with a slightly better psu and an input buffer like i said. unless people think those two differences change the sound for the worse as opposed to the cs? i don't think so. go into gc and bargain for $85. you cannot possibly get a better amp for $85. ok, maybe my rolls even after i replaced everything in it is questionable. i still say that one is better than a ra1. but with the hp4 there should be no questions. it's a no brainer. sure, $400 will do better depending on the amp. but no way you are getting better for this price. just look at the pcb compared to a homebuilt cmoy. no comparisen whatsoever.

plus if you do not like it gc/musiciansfriend will take it back no questions asked!

Jun 25, 2006 at 4:21 PM Post #75 of 276
I'm not sure if I should just get this (HP4) or an M3 ($350). Have you heard the M3? How big of a difference in SQ do you think there'd be? What I like about getting the HP4 over the M3 is the professional look, the 4 headphone jacks, and the extra money that I could spend on music CDs.

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