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Apr 25, 2013 at 4:22 PM Post #3,481 of 6,977
Yeah right, but the story keeps getting better after each completed mission. 

I think I've only done one story mission after climbing the first radio tower lol. I've mostly been collecting pelts so I don't run out of room, and doing a few side missions. I already have 3 weapon slots and am on the 3rd item bag and wallet I think.
Apr 25, 2013 at 4:36 PM Post #3,482 of 6,977
Yeah right, but the story keeps getting better after each completed mission. 

Yup! But Vaas could have had a bit more stage time. And the whole part with the weird drug doctor was a bit too short imo. I liked that guy.
Apr 25, 2013 at 9:15 PM Post #3,483 of 6,977
In case anyone was wondering, you can remove that horribly clipped sound when you open the menu in FC3. This was getting on my nerves and I'm really glad there's a way to take it out. 
Basically you just need to open the DLL with a hex editor and search for sndMenuShow and sndMenuClose and zero them out. More details here , right after the requirements picture on the main post. Just replace the humming sound text with the one's I said.
I just did the mission where you get mushrooms for the doctor though, simple mission really but very well done. I'm really digging the soundtrack for this game.
Apr 27, 2013 at 1:04 AM Post #3,485 of 6,977
Just got Sleeping Dogs for PC on sale. Been playing for the past few hours and it's pretty sweet. It could be soooo much better though if the controls weren't so wonky. Running around just feels choppy and unnatural. Combat is okay, but I can't help but feel let down when comparing it to a game like Batman: Arkham Asylum/City.
I haven't played GTA in a long time, but it makes me miss those games. I love the open world style, especially in a city like Hong Kong. 
Apr 30, 2013 at 12:38 AM Post #3,487 of 6,977
Just finished tearing through Dungeon Siege 3. I had played it before, and got only about half way through before I lost interest. This time, I finished it, and actually really liked it. Loot is pretty decent, story was pretty good, and the combat is a little more involved than most loot-based RPGs. I'd probably give it a 7/10.
I'll probably end up giving it one more playthrough making different choices, just to see how the story changes.
May 2, 2013 at 7:32 PM Post #3,488 of 6,977
Started playing Ni No Kuni recently and it's amazing,for the short time I had with it.

Definitely love Ni No Kuni. Great story (although a little kiddy, but it's supposed to be that way) but battle mechanics are a little flawed. Beautiful visuals. 9/10
Also started playing Tomb Raider recently, way more gritty and dark than I remember the original Tomb Raiders way back in the day. Very pleasantly surprised. 8.5/10
Bioshock Infinite is coming in any day now, I have VERY high expectations for that game!
May 2, 2013 at 7:37 PM Post #3,489 of 6,977
Anybody remember C&C Generals? Recently started that up again... too bad my comp couldn't handle the AMAZING graphics...yeah right lol. It keeps crashing. All the time. If it didn't crash I'd say it had pretty decent gameplay.
And or course, graphics were cutting edge for 2003.
May 2, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #3,490 of 6,977
Anybody remember C&C Generals? Recently started that up again... too bad my comp couldn't handle the AMAZING graphics...yeah right lol. It keeps crashing. All the time. If it didn't crash I'd say it had pretty decent gameplay.
And or course, graphics were cutting edge for 2003.

Definitely! To take it even one step further, I went all the way back to C&C Red Alert. That brought back memories... I'd say my favorite is still Red Alert 2, though. Revolutionized the series. Too bad EA bought out Westwood...
May 4, 2013 at 7:07 PM Post #3,491 of 6,977
Quote:  re: Farcry 3
Yeah right, but the story keeps getting better after each completed mission. 

I played through almost all of the game, the story line got bogged down during the second half (second island). But the first half I thought was a blast, and capturing all the different enemy bases was fun throughout the game.
May 5, 2013 at 5:35 PM Post #3,492 of 6,977
Resident Evil 6 (PC version): 8/10. At first, I didn't like this game. I thought the controls were poor, the cinematic sequences where you have to randomly mush some button(s) to survive drove me nuts and the graphics did not impress me. After a while, the game really grew on me however. I began to appreciate the well executed story, the variety of enemies, the action, the skill upgrades and the different campaigns with each offering unique settings, enemies and tactics. I still hate the button mashing during cinematics and the game doesn't have a whole lot of replay value, but it is very nice overall.
May 5, 2013 at 10:44 PM Post #3,493 of 6,977
Just finished Tsubaki ending of G Senjou no Maou

It geta a 8.5/10 for story and atmosphere but a 7/10 for enjoyment

There are 3 more actual ends to play through and everyone says the same thing that first game end is meh compared to rest.

I also bought many games recently but im back to playing avn's recently.
May 12, 2013 at 8:11 PM Post #3,494 of 6,977
Heavy Rain on PS3. 
100/10. An emotional rollercoaster of a game. I finished the game with the good ending with Ethan not committing suicide. But I also went back and completed the game with the 2 worse endings both of which Ethan commits suicide. One of the few games that has brought a tear my eye. 

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