Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Nov 14, 2014 at 11:02 PM Post #16,231 of 24,687
Interstellar - 9/10, really good, the robot thing reminded me of claptrap way too much haha. The audio at the local theatre I went to was great and I could hear dialog fine besides the scene about the one guy who died and lied.
Nov 15, 2014 at 1:12 AM Post #16,232 of 24,687
  Over here we use subtitles. We never ever ruin movies by dubbing beside movies for children of course. 

Same here. I can't do dubbing anymore. It takes me out of the performance(s) to an unacceptable degree. The best example I can give would be Life is Beautiful, which is my favorite film. I have a "test" of sorts when I consider dating a girl...I ask her to see the movie and I give her a quiz afterwards consisting of two questions. One time in 2000 I was watching it with the girl I was starting to date (she later became my wife), and after the first five mins I had to turn it off, run over to Circuit City, and buy her the DVD (she had the VHS) so I could choose the subtitled version instead of the dubbing. I was shocked at how much it took away from Roberto Bengini's character, and that just wasn't something I could get on board with. 
Nov 15, 2014 at 11:59 AM Post #16,234 of 24,687
Interstellar (2014): 7/10
Awful script and a dumb ending, partially redeemed by Matthew McConaughey's ability to make any dialogue sound good (no matter how stilted it must appear on paper) and fantastic pacing. Overall an underwhelming experience--it almost completely lacks the sense of wonder and deep mystery that numerous other 'hard' sci-fi films have imparted so gracefully (foremost among them 2001: A Space Odyssey, but even some more modern films, like Sunshine, did a better job) and after last year's Gravity, Nolan needed to work a lot harder than he did to ratchet up the tension in the space sequences. Its heart is in the right place though, and Nolan and crew have the technical chops to pull it together and make it a worthwhile experience--it's just not the experience I was hoping for, I guess. And by the way, I saw this in IMAX and didn't experience any of the sound issues that others have reported on this thread--all the dialogue was crystal clear. Guess I lucked out!
Nov 15, 2014 at 11:03 PM Post #16,235 of 24,687
Proof that Nolan must be an idiot or something.
Only man in Hollywood who releases a defective sound mix and claims it's as intended.
No way 5-10% of missing dialogue is "as intended".
Sounded like some sort of April Fools joke.
Nov 15, 2014 at 11:54 PM Post #16,236 of 24,687
  Proof that Nolan must be an idiot or something.
Only man in Hollywood who releases a defective sound mix and claims it's as intended.
No way 5-10% of missing dialogue is "as intended".
Sounded like some sort of April Fools joke.

Weird! I really don't think that I missed any dialogue in my viewing of the film. Or if I did, I somehow didn't notice!
Nov 16, 2014 at 12:16 AM Post #16,237 of 24,687
Blackfish - 9/10.  
Watched this with my wife last night.  Outstanding documentary.  I actually felt a little sick now knowing what goes on behind the show walls that are blatantly hidden from the public.  I had plans of taking my family back to Seaworld, but after seeing this flick and seeing that same "killer" (pun intended) whale, Shamu, in live action last year, well, not going happen. Yes, I'm being somewhat sarcastic with the pun. What I really meant is that corporate greed at the expense of people and animal life/well being makes me sick.
Nov 16, 2014 at 6:14 AM Post #16,238 of 24,687
  Proof that Nolan must be an idiot or something.
Only man in Hollywood who releases a defective sound mix and claims it's as intended.
No way 5-10% of missing dialogue is "as intended".
Sounded like some sort of April Fools joke.

It´s intended. Obviously Nolan is a bass head :D
Nov 16, 2014 at 7:52 AM Post #16,239 of 24,687
  Proof that Nolan must be an idiot or something.
Only man in Hollywood who releases a defective sound mix and claims it's as intended.
No way 5-10% of missing dialogue is "as intended".

Sound effects of Interstellar were the most effective in my memory ( almost on tactile level). Interstellar beats Gravity by its video + sound pairing.
A teaser from an upcoming Russian film Hardcore. The world's first action POV movie.

Nov 16, 2014 at 11:52 AM Post #16,240 of 24,687
Life of Pi bluray 3D. Nice reference movie for 3D and CGI. I failed again to tell the tiger was CGI amazing how well it´s animated. Just on some wet scenes it can look a tad off perhaps.  But I am not an expert on wet tiger fur :wink:
Movie itself is good 8/10.
Nov 17, 2014 at 1:19 AM Post #16,241 of 24,687
Zoot Suit - the 1981 film written & directed by Luis Valdez (La Bamba). An excellent & very unique movie. It's actually a hybrid of a movie and a play. Edward James Olmos is brilliant as "El Pachuco" - I really enjoyed the way Luis Valdez wove the vignette style of a stage play with a movie's ability to perform quick cuts - very impactful.

I suspect most people have no idea of the history of the zoot suiters of LA in the 1940s, or the "Sleepy Lagoon" murder trial, or the violence and rioting that occurred between Chicano zoot suiters and US Navy sailors & Marines. Fascinating stuff.

Nov 17, 2014 at 1:34 AM Post #16,242 of 24,687
To Hell and Back - 7/10 (1955)
Movie about one of the most decorated WWII soldiers. Check out this list of medals and info:
Proof that soldiers as tough as Rambo really did exist! During one part of the movie I was thinking "no way this could have happened!".
Turns out it was true and in worse conditions than what was in the movie.Apparently he held off an entire company of German soldiers for an hour himself on top of a destroyed tank with a .50 caliber machine gun.
Hardly seems possible. He got the medal of honor for it. Wiki says 50 enemy soldiers wounded or killed. Reminds me of something from "Fury"!
Believe it or not the actual WWII veteran played himself! He apparently had a successful 22 years acting career. He died in 1971 (plane crash) and was only 45(!)
BTW I got this in a 4 movie DVD along with "Wake Island" for $5.
Nov 17, 2014 at 1:43 AM Post #16,243 of 24,687
Finally watched Guardians of the Galaxy (about time, I know) to find out what the fuss is all about, and I must say while I think it is a good movie, I personally won't give it a high score. Getting tired of these superhero movies which came out every single year.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Objectively, I'd give it 9/10. Subjectively, I'd give it 5/10.
Nov 17, 2014 at 3:20 AM Post #16,244 of 24,687
I feel like all of the Interstellar super hype isn't going to live up to itself at all with me either. Tons of other people that I've talked to say they missed parts of dialogue too.

It's funny you mention 2001: A Space Odyssey, there was some random youtube comment that called Interstellar "A Space Odyssey for stupid people." So that film went in my queue yesterday, definitely watching it again before Interstellar. Plus I haven't seen it since I was a little kid and there hasn't been a Kubrick film I haven't liked lol.
Nov 17, 2014 at 3:58 AM Post #16,245 of 24,687
Whitey Bulger  - Documentary

This is the real man who was the inspiration for Jack Nicholsons portrayal of an Irish Godfather-like but MAD gangster running Southie in The Departed.
The doc is (I hate this word as its so abused in film reviews, but its fits) riveting,
as all the corruption of the State Police AND the FBI unfolds - and to witness the victims families of Bulgers murderous tendencies  - all the people he had killed and killed himself - including an ex-girlfriend of his partner - they pulled her teeth out and, well... Don't wanna spoil some of the big stuff.
I love docs - a strange life is always better than any fiction, IMO...

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