Qobuz Lossless Streaming Service Thread
Sep 14, 2019 at 9:47 AM Post #871 of 2,156
Look at the AK SP1000 New TOL A&K DAP thread at message#6938 onwards.

For reference, here is a link: post #6938. The discussion was specifically about the Qobuz Android app, not the music stream (see post #6965). His recommendation was that to play a Qobuz stream at 24 bit resolution on Android, use a different app instead of the Qobuz app.

Yes. In that case I hope Qobuz is aware of the bug in their app and fix it.
Many people don't have a DAC that reports bit rate as well as sample rate.
Have you confirmed that the same thing is not happening with the stream? I am not sure the recommendation in the AK thread to use a stream had been tested/confirmed.

That appears to be a problem unique to the SP1000. All of you should report the problem in detail to Qobuz to ensure that it gets attention.

In standard Android DAPs and phones the situation is actually worse: the Qobuz and Tidal apps do not bypass a system downsampling problem that outputs only 16/48 in most cases.

In all of these situations, the solution is to use a third-party player app that bypasses the system. I use UAPP, but that is not supported by the AK "Open APP" service.
Sep 14, 2019 at 10:40 AM Post #872 of 2,156
That appears to be a problem unique to the SP1000. All of you should report the problem in detail to Qobuz to ensure that it gets attention.

In standard Android DAPs and phones the situation is actually worse: the Qobuz and Tidal apps do not bypass a system downsampling problem that outputs only 16/48 in most cases.

In all of these situations, the solution is to use a third-party player app that bypasses the system. I use UAPP, but that is not supported by the AK "Open APP" service.
Yes. There is no special AK app. It is just the Qobuz Android APK.
Sep 14, 2019 at 11:13 AM Post #873 of 2,156
Yes. There is no special AK app. It is just the Qobuz Android APK.

AK and Qobuz will need to cooperate to get this fixed. UAPP is not an option because it requires Google Play to take payment and verify licensing, but UAPP is proof that these system issues can be bypassed.
Sep 14, 2019 at 5:58 PM Post #874 of 2,156
I remember the America quboz rep cares enough to frequent this forum. If he or anybody from qobuz reads this thread, how about qobuz in Czech Republic? It's been like a year since they said it was coming soon...
Sep 15, 2019 at 10:49 AM Post #875 of 2,156
Hi guys, reporting back after a few days of using Qobuz Studio (I don't really need Sublime as I don't intend to buy tracks).

- Sound is great, no complaints there.
- UI is clean and well organized, I vastly prefer it over Spotify and Tidal.:blush:
- Streaming is great, it buffers sufficiently to avoid any interruptions (unlike you know who).
- Album selection is very good, at least for what I'm looking for (mainly Classical).
- Search feature is very poor, in my opinion Qobuz's main weakness. It lacks an algorithm to sort hits by relevance. See below a simple search for "Bach". It shows a motley crew of pretty unknown Bach recordings plus totally unrelated stuff like Bachata albums (music from the Dominican Republic). It takes ages to find the most relevant albums, such as well-known JS Bach recordings by Decca, Deutsche Grammophon or Philips. I continue to use Spotify for searches, but this is a pain in the neck. :persevere:

I'll reach out to Qobuz with this feedback. Hopefully they'll resolve this over time.:fingers_crossed:

Jorge :):):)

Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 11.39.03 AM.png

Sep 15, 2019 at 11:03 AM Post #876 of 2,156
- Search feature is very poor, in my opinion Qobuz's main weakness. It lacks an algorithm to sort hits by relevance. See below a simple search for "Bach". It shows a motley crew of pretty unknown Bach recordings plus totally unrelated stuff like Bachata albums (music from the Dominican Republic). It takes ages to find the most relevant albums, such as well-known JS Bach recordings by Decca, Deutsche Grammophon or Philips. I continue to use Spotify for searches, but this is a pain in the neck. :persevere:

I'll reach out to Qobuz with this feedback. Hopefully they'll resolve this over time.:fingers_crossed:

Thanks for the report! In July over on audiophilestyle the Qobuz product manager promised an upgrade to the search feature. I assume that means sometime this fall. Your feedback will help I'm sure.
Sep 16, 2019 at 10:55 AM Post #877 of 2,156
Thanks for the report! In July over on audiophilestyle the Qobuz product manager promised an upgrade to the search feature. I assume that means sometime this fall. Your feedback will help I'm sure.
Thanks! I've just sent this same feedback to Sébastien from Qobuz. They have reached out to hear my feedback, which shows that they are committed in really becoming THE option for audiophiles.
Sep 16, 2019 at 1:14 PM Post #878 of 2,156
Response from Sébastien:

Hi Jorge.

Thanks for your email and your incredible feedback. You should definitely see improvements to our search in the coming months. I'll pass this email over to our Dev team for you right now. You should expect ongoing improvement to your Qobuz experience. Thank you for your patience as we get off the ground in the US.

Have a great week.

Sébastien from Qobuz

As said above, great customer service. We'll have to be patient because they don't have the same type of resources as Spotify or Tidal. But I think it's worth it.
Sep 16, 2019 at 1:54 PM Post #879 of 2,156
As said above, great customer service. We'll have to be patient because they don't have the same type of resources as Spotify or Tidal. But I think it's worth it.

They also don't cover as many countries. Why not!? Isn't the EU the EU? :p
Sep 17, 2019 at 12:48 PM Post #882 of 2,156
Uh oh the field just got more crowded. Not good for smaller services like Qobuz, but good for consumers as Hi res is becoming more mainstream. Maybe Spotify will get on the bandwagon too?
Sep 17, 2019 at 8:39 PM Post #883 of 2,156
Looks like amazon just launched their HD and ultra HD music service this morning. Can’t wait to hear about it. Hopefully Apple will follow with a similar offering.

I also just noticed that news too I'll be taking a look..

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