Post Your Photography Here #2
Apr 7, 2014 at 5:39 PM Post #12,062 of 15,768
  Are these crops?

I only cropped a bit of the black sky out of the one on the right. The left-hand one is shot through a higher power eyepiece on the telescope (about 120 power), so if you open up the full sized image, then zoom, you can see there's more detail in the craters on that image. I placed both images together in the same file in Photoshop.
Apr 7, 2014 at 11:22 PM Post #12,064 of 15,768
Thanks! But unfortunately about all I can shoot like this by holding the iPhone up to the eyepiece is the moon. Planets are too small to show any detail or come to any sort of crisp focus (I've tried, it doesn't work well!)... If I want to do any more elaborate astrophotography, I need a much more expensive, tracking, mount for the scope. Which makes sort of like the 'sorry about your wallet' slogan here- it can be a scary expensive hobby! 
Maybe I can catch a lunar eclipse sometime... that would photograph nicely at least.
Apr 8, 2014 at 1:01 PM Post #12,065 of 15,768
Snippets from an early morning stroll through my hometown... always have my tiny Fuji P&S with me, which is decent enough for that kind of photography.... not aiming for anything close to perfection, just trying to capture the atmosphere around places and people...
A government official heading for his workplace in an old heritage palais. Lunch secured in both hands, basic needs indistinguishable from those of a blue-collar worker.

A young couple kissing goodbye for the day. Barren trees and a gloomy government building, yet there's a streak of color from the passing streetcar, and spring is already in the air.

A gathering of young berets. This country hasn't been at war for almost 60 years... wonder if they're aware of how privileged we are.

Downtown Vienna. The morning air still frosty, but undaunted Kaffeehaus-goers are having their breakfast in the open. The light is flat, intense, with crazy reflections.

A Fiaker (coachman) having a chat with a passer-by. Soon he'll be on his daily endless rounds, repeating the same things over and over. "And over here's St. Stephen's Cathedral..."

Even before opening hours, the wives and mistresses of Russian oligarchs are already on the prowl. Time is tight, and money no object.

As I cross this place, happily firing away at the street sweeper, he suddenly turns and tries to run me over. I keep pressing the shutter button, hoping my cam will be found some day...


Apr 11, 2014 at 6:17 AM Post #12,066 of 15,768

@Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore
Camera phone - Gionee Elife E7
Apr 15, 2014 at 7:38 PM Post #12,073 of 15,768
Apr 16, 2014 at 3:49 PM Post #12,074 of 15,768
  Cute! She looks a bit "you want to shoot me again?". 

She actually has no idea how to pose. It's like pulling teeth to get her into an acceptable pose. Patience is a virtue when working with non-professionals.

Dusted off an old shot (taken nearly five years ago) and reprocessed it with improved methods for a more aesthetically complete look.
I emphasized muted, earthy reds and browns and paid attention to highlight control on the shirt, while bringing out the catch lights in the eyes.
Retouching was done with a frequency separation technique.


Kowloon Bay, as seen port side from the Star Ferry.

Apr 18, 2014 at 5:47 AM Post #12,075 of 15,768

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