Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:50 PM Post #1,531 of 38,198
What's the alternative ?

Local non international auction sits are great. My local "Trademe"  site is create and got some great deals from it. Same for local fleamarkets. Found a HI-MD player for 25 dollars.
Sometimes the japanese auction sites are good although you pay commision + shipping ontop of the normal price.
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:54 PM Post #1,532 of 38,198
What's the alternative ?

Local non international auction sits are great. My local "Trademe"  site is create and got some great deals from it. Same for local fleamarkets. Found a HI-MD player for 25 dollars.
Sometimes the japanese auction sites are good although you pay commision + shipping ontop of the normal price.

Good info thanks!
Jan 23, 2013 at 7:02 PM Post #1,538 of 38,198
Sony Discman D25 and Panasonic 470 are my current ones, and I don't remember the ones I used when I was a teenager since at that age I was not really into this hobby, I will post some pictures of my rig once I get my laptop back from shop

I am now buying a D25 because of this post. I miss the days of discmen. They force me to focus on one album for a while and really soak in the whole thing as a single work of art.
Jan 23, 2013 at 9:26 PM Post #1,540 of 38,198
Is it "revisit the '90s week" or something? 

Jan 23, 2013 at 9:48 PM Post #1,541 of 38,198
I always wanted a D25 but I could not get over the fact of transporting my cd's. Do you just take one cd with you or a whole bag?

BELIEVE ME once you listen to the Sound Quality of this two cd players you won't care about anything else, when I am on the go most of the time I only carry one Cd with songs  from artists I have never heard of, this way expand my knowledge in music since I have to listen to it! when I am at home you know I have my whole library with me.
Jan 23, 2013 at 10:00 PM Post #1,543 of 38,198
I am now buying a D25 because of this post. I miss the days of discmen. They force me to focus on one album for a while and really soak in the whole thing as a single work of art.

Look buy one and you will know what I am talking about, they have a huge resale value in case you are not convinced!  I spent a lot of money on this two ciems and  my old setups, do you thing that if there was something better out there I would still have these two players with the limitations they have, I only care about Sound Quality!
Jan 23, 2013 at 10:46 PM Post #1,545 of 38,198
I have to admit i dug out my old Sony Discman and it made me sad how much better it sounded the my clip+, E11 combo.  It gave me a sinking feeling that I was going to have a deep pain in my wallet

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