Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!
Mar 3, 2012 at 9:52 AM Post #6,631 of 10,938

For the discerning listener i own that picture ( rolf 312012) u guys inspired me ty

I just shat my pants 

Mar 3, 2012 at 11:43 AM Post #6,634 of 10,938

This is where I'm working at the moment. This simple setup is crammed onto a very small, very old desk that I love.
In the photo:
Apple MacBook Air 11" --> iTunes (with Amarra) --> Fostex HP-A3 USB (bus-powered) DAC/amp --> Fostex TH900 headphone

why the MBA Jude? couldn't you get a dedicated iMac setup? Well portability unplug and go i guess right?

Hahah. Bet you took that because the Fostex was too good not to take a pic of :)


Don't hurt her!


haha. did you use that photo bc the keyboard was made in korea?
Mar 3, 2012 at 11:50 AM Post #6,635 of 10,938
The GPU progression of my FT03:
1. eVGA GTX 580 SC

2. Sapphire HD 6990

3. eVGA GTX 590 Classified

4. Back to the HD 6990 (sold the 590)
5. Back to another eVGA GTX 590 Classified (sold the 6990)
6. (Present) Zotac GTX 480 AMP! (for $200, really impossible to say no)

Next up: 2x 7990s
Mar 3, 2012 at 12:06 PM Post #6,638 of 10,938
No, those are the two tiny twins from the movie Mothra.  LOL 
Mar 3, 2012 at 1:18 PM Post #6,640 of 10,938

For the discerning listener i own that picture ( rolf 312012) u guys inspired me ty
                         I am very happy with a change i made today... cleaned out a bedroom to the bare walls  
then put 2 paradigm 9.v4s monitors behind me
and a craigs list denon  avr-65 receiver probably 75 bucks with a headphone jack.
plus drivin my paradigms on speakers A if i get sick of headphones.

I placed the speakers 100 inches to my at 45 degrees behind me.
i can imagine if i had better than xfi and a dac it could be better
but im tellin u it sounds absolutely amazing.
the point get an old but a good quality receiver. i have a used rotel rx
comin from ebay :wink: gonna swap it with denon to hear. point is it sounds
amazing without costing a fortune buy used imho when u can
maybe im just a noob .......(rolf owns this image 312012.)

equipment list 
old computer for music only audigy 2 nx with foobar 2000 (free)
computer 2 for gaming (q4) but can switch sound to speakers
through denon avr-65 receiver and lower gaming sound and 
play music at simultaneously .. soundz amazing
speakers paradigm 9.v4 look for get em used new ones arent
 as good imho i heard em
old sony 5 disc changer below receiver sounds great 
also using an obi100 with google voice through broadband 
for free phone free texting free answering machine
(no monthly phone bill ) etc TY! google voice and obiha
i hate monthly bills hope it stays free H=K701 headphones 
listen to alison krauss and this guy  is very amazing 
Rodrigo y Gabriela.. 
What could make my system sound better bang for the buck ????? 

I'm still waiting for you to answer J.Pocalypse question... it looks like a dead moth of some kind, I'm thinking of one of my favorite bug a megalopyge opercularis (***** moth,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=809&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=hV9ST5zSNcqI0QGGooXRDQ) with insanely huge poisonous antennas and frightening glare.
Also be aware that we should always put the most weighty stuff lower and on the floor ideally. If a really strong earthquake happen, or if a car run into your house, or if you jump into your desk by mistake, if... you know what would happen bad :p
Edit*: I just discovered pusshy was censored.
Mar 3, 2012 at 3:53 PM Post #6,641 of 10,938
why the MBA Jude? couldn't you get a dedicated iMac setup? Well portability unplug and go i guess right?...

I have both sizes of 2011 MacBook Airs here, and one of the pre-Thunderbolt 2010 13" ones (that was being used by a former employee). So I have two Thunderbolt displays, and one non-Thunderbolt Cinema Display (the one in the photo) for them. I like to move around a lot, so I work in at least a few different locations, and also will regularly go off-site (to a coffee house or library) for a change the scenery and vibe--the MacBook Airs paired with the displays work well for my current workstyle.
For sheer performance, I'm considering having one of my desktops equipped with a more powerful desktop Mac of some sort. That said, I haven't felt hampered by the performance of these Airs, so I'm not likely to do that yet.
...Hahah. Bet you took that because the Fostex was too good not to take a pic of :) ...

The Fostex TH900 is very nice. Last night was my first real night with it, and it's making wonderful first impressions.
Yeah, and how unpractical for everything else.

You are absolutely right, but I just love this old desk (and nothing larger would fit in the little space it's in). It's an antique desk, but I've made the concession to modernity and ergonomics by putting a great (but certainly not antique chair) in front of it.
When I want to write something or sign documents, I have to get up and move to another table, or grab a clipboard. If I know I'll need a real desk, I work at my main home office desk (or my work office desk, if I'm at the office).
Again, you are right, though, that this particular desk is not the height of practicality.
Mar 3, 2012 at 4:08 PM Post #6,642 of 10,938
Oh well, I never thought you would address my point but.. but you do have a much bigger and empowering desk/office I've seen surrounding your person when doing Head-Fi TV, so I guess you're allowed to have a cute computer desk for the smaller deeds :p.
By the way Jude do you have pictures of the unboxing of the TH900 to be uploaded on Head-Fi Flickr Photo Gallery? Or is it just a sample you received for evaluation and you don't want to make it too official just yet?
Mar 3, 2012 at 4:52 PM Post #6,645 of 10,938


Wow, such a creature.
Actually I looked at it upside down, now I see it... it's less scary when you know.
You just happened to have one passing by in your house and you shot it when you took out your camera to take a photo of your rig?
Here's a picture of it up side up

The caterpillar version will eat up to 86 000 its own weight in one month, in order to become so big I guess


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