Pet Peeves
Mar 26, 2002 at 3:45 AM Post #76 of 139
I knew this would be controversial, but these are my personal peeves, not yours... anyways...


Escalators are about big enough for one person.

Doesn't that depend on the person

Anyways, I hardly drive on the highways, and when I do, I'm usually one of the "slow" ones... which makes me question, why, at least here, does everyone go REALLY fast on the highways and slow on the local roads?

As for the red light, I never floor it when there is a red light in front of me, everyone times that correctly... of course, when there are 6 greens in front of me and this guy in front of me is going really slow, I get annoyed...


Incidentally, they tend to have lower insurance rates and have to pay fewer parking tickets. Is it really worth it to be the first one off the line at that next redlight?

Hey now, I've been driving for over a year (and I'm one of those "immature" 17 year old drivers
) and I have a perfect record
All skillz


Chych, if you're ever on the escalator behind me, I promise you this, I am going to let the meanest raunchiest Texas burrito fart you have ever had the honor of savoring and I'm going to block the entire row.

I'll be sure to have my gas mask on when using escalators then
Mar 26, 2002 at 3:45 AM Post #77 of 139
My philosophy is drive 10mph over the speed limit.
I hate slow drivers, period. I pass cops all the time, they drive too ****ing slow. ****s going the speed limit in the left lane should have the common sense to let ppl driving faster than them go by, there's no reason for them to be in the passing lane if they're not passing anybody, especially if they're being passed on the right!!! Elevators and escalators are for lazy people unless you have a legit excuse like you're carrying luggage, physically too tired, physically unable to (out of shape, injured, or disabled), or it's a really long hike/descend and you really need to get moving fast.

I bet slow/bad drivers are the roots of most traffic violation related accidents. People who drive 5mph under the limit for longer than two traffic lights should be fined $200, and have their licenses suspended for six months. Take the bus *******.

There are 3 lanes up here in Maine now. On a 20 mile commute, I pass perhaps 100 cars, I'm always switching lanes but usually cruising @ 80-100mph (depending on traffic) in the right lane. On the freeway, I always stay @ 70mph. On the bridge that I cross everyday (40mph limit), I go 50-60mph depending on traffic (this is where I get really pissed off, cause most of the time I'm held back by slow mofackies doing 35mph, and dumb asses doing 36 in the left lane, What!!!).
Mar 26, 2002 at 4:20 AM Post #78 of 139
I think the escalator issue is getting a little out of hand. I mean come on, if someone really is so impatient that they want to go up faster than someone else on that escalator, then what's the big deal? I also have to agree that an escalator is definitely wide enough to fit more than one person through and personally I do like to walk up escalators. I have never passed anyone on an escalator because I am not usually in a hurry, but I don't see why if someone is in a hurry you couldn't be so polite as to let them by.

Chych, I know exactly what you mean about the cops going the speed limit and everyone else travelling just as slow. However, the exact opposite bugs me. I always get troopers or cops flying by on the northway going 85-90 mph just because they think they're above the law. I don't mean with flashing lights on, just cruising. Why in the hell should they get to drive faster than anyone else out there?? They're not racing to save someone's life here or anything.

Also, another big peeve of mine is stupid drivers. Drivers who don't signal, cut or turn right in front of you and then go slow, are turning but don't move over in the middle of intersection to let other people by, and drivers who drive incredibly slow in the left lane. Kelly, I understand what you're saying about in a busy traffic situation, the third lane needs to be used to maintain the flow of traffic, but if you're travelling your legal limit of 55 and you're in the left lane, you shouldn't be there. The speed limit around here on the highway is 65 mph and I typically travel 80 and 85 mph. There's nothing worse than two people in the middle and left lane, side by side, travelling at the exact same slow ass speed. If you're going to pass him, then do it already. If you want to go .25 mph faster than him, than why even bother passing him in the first place. There's nothing worse than stupid drivers...

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of other pet peeves here, but I'll continue to add them as I come up with more.

Mar 26, 2002 at 4:31 AM Post #79 of 139
I gotta agree with A&M here, people driving too slow cause most accidents because they have no clue what their doing and thus, cause an accident. The worst is driving upstate and getting stuck on route 17 North with some jackass going well below the speed limit and causes TRAFFIC! It's only one lane so it really causes a headache for a good 2 miles. The fast lane is what it is, go as fast as you can without getting caught.

As for patience, i never ask anyone to move when i'm on an escalator, doesn't bother me one bit if it takes an extra 15 seconds.

Oh, a pet peeve:

speed limits, they should be abolished, they cause traffic, accidents and so on.

Another pet peeve:

when a state actually estimates how much "revenue" they'll make from parking violations! THIS IS ********! We pay enough in taxes. Just look at your phone bill!
Mar 26, 2002 at 4:36 AM Post #80 of 139
There's a reason why many drive fast. It's because they know how to drive and CAN maintain full control, yet get from point A to point B quicker, why is that a bad thing? Then there are slow drivers who still get in accidents. Those are the ones who should be carpooling and/or seek public transportation. People whining about pollution, yet they're adding to the problem by being sucky drivers.

I always take the stairs, if there are people in front of me, I wait. If I'm in a hurry, I say excuse me, then shuv them out of the way if they don't move.

God I love this thread.

Speed limits actually hurts the good drivers instead of controlling the bad ones. They're actually there for dumb asses who can't tell the difference between 30mph and 60mph. If everyone knew how to drive properly, there'd be no need for a speed limit, they would know when to slow down and such. A big yellow blind drive way sign usually means someone could peep out at you any moment, so caution, if they're too stupid to know what that means, they shouldn't be driving. Or "stop ahead". This is obvious stuff, but people have no common sense... Such a sad thing. If we could keep the bad drivers off the road or at least reduce them by having random strict driving tests and enforcement, traffic and accidents would decrease dramatically.
Mar 26, 2002 at 4:45 AM Post #81 of 139
If you're doing 85 in a 65, you're looking at a serious ticket. If you're doing 85 in a 55, in most states, the officer could take you directly to jail if he chose and you could have your licesnse revoked if the court so desired it. Just something to think about.

I agree that people who drive too slowly are annoying. However, if your issue is with someone driving the maximum legal speed limit IN ANY LANE, your issue needs to be taken up with the lawmakers and politicians you elect, not with the poor guy just trying to get to work without getting a ticket.

I have not been innocent of traffic violations, though my better judgment prevents me from detailing my life of crime here. This isn't a holier than thou safe driver kind of point I'm making. I'm only making the point that you shouldn't get mad at other people for obeying the law even if you think the law is stupid.
Mar 26, 2002 at 4:52 AM Post #82 of 139
The law IS stupid, and I do get mad at goodie goods.
On the road anyway.

I got extremely PO'd today by some prick c*** of a woman today. There's major traffic on the bridge, and she cuts in front of me abrubtly right before the stop light without using turn signals of course. I wanted to not slam the brake and happen to run over her ass, but didn't feel like going through all the insurance trouble. So I try to pass the bitch on the right lane, but they're moving far too slow, so I go back on the left lane. Come at another stop light, and the whore has the nerve to laugh and wave at me, What? I instantly stomped on the pedal, but had enough self restraint to not let off the clutch. I wanted some other woman to give her a huge backhand. I staggered at the green light, then scared her away by accelerating as fast as my truck would go, then slammed on the brakes nearly rear ending her.
Showed her who not to mess with. Sorry if you think I'm an ******* for this, but when I'm driving, I have a bit of road rage mania, "king of the road mentality" you may call it.
Mar 26, 2002 at 4:55 AM Post #83 of 139
I'm just glad I'm not in Virginia, where you will get a ticket if a cop catches you going even 1 MPH above the speed limit on the interstate.

As for people being afraid to pass cops going the speed limit, yeah that happens some over here. But there are usually enough people that go 5 or even 10 MPH faster anyways, including me, so it's not much of a problem. Hey, since that's normal driving behavior around here, it might actually look more suspicious if you do insist on slowing down. I usually hover around 10 MPH over the speed limit. 15 if I'm on the interstate.

And I'll add my vote for not trying to pass people on the escalators.
Mar 26, 2002 at 5:25 AM Post #84 of 139

Originally posted by Audio&Me

I instantly stomped on the pedal, but had enough self restraint to not let off the clutch. I staggered at the green light, then scared her away by accelerating as fast as my truck would go, then slammed on the brakes nearly rear ending her.
Showed her who not to mess with. Sorry if you think I'm an ******* for this, but when I'm driving, I have a bit of road rage mania, "king of the road mentality" you may call it.

Anyone want to complain that teenagers' insurance premiums are too high now?
Mar 26, 2002 at 5:33 AM Post #85 of 139

Originally posted by chych
Um, I'm pretty sure it is proper to stay on the right of an escalator if you are not walking to allow the people on the left to pass (I've seen it written in some places next to escalators). Seems obnoxious of you acidtrip, since some people need to be moving, not being held back.

Chych is correct.
That does assume the escalator is sufficiently wide.

Someone should miss their train or plane or clock in later for work because you have some irrational dislike of people walking past you?
Mar 26, 2002 at 5:40 AM Post #86 of 139
I never quite understood the road rage mentality. You see people doing stuff like this who are the kindest and most patient people outside of their vehicles. (Note: I'm not implying that A&M is kind or patient outside of his vehicle--just that I do see examples of that.)

What I like to do is wait until someone on the road is acting really pissed off and mean and laugh at them. When they flip me off I like to act really offended and hurt and then wave and smile. Usually I wait until someone like A&M is behind me then see how slow I can go without getting bored. I adjust my mirrors so that the bright lights they shine go back in their faces.

When I had my Type R, it was funny how many V6 Camaros would pull up next to me wanting to race. Talk about insecure--they couldn't catch me if I stopped and got out. So rather than race them I just looked their car over and laughed at them. Sometimes when someone really thought he could take me, I'd get a nice rev competition going at the red light and them let them totally take off and waste tires while I kick back and ease into first slowly. The only times I raced anyone was when the car was clearly superior to mine and there was at least a chance the guy would win. I thought it was funny that someone driving a 911 actually wanted to race my little 4 cyllinder. Funnier still that I kicked his ass. I guess he misshifted. A lot of the yuppies who can afford Porsches don't know that it's ok to rev the engine a little before hitting the next gear. (No offsense, Mark.)

This is definitely proof that we should legalize drugs. You guys are in serious need of something to help you chill out.
Mar 26, 2002 at 6:16 AM Post #87 of 139

Anyone want to complain that teenagers' insurance premiums are too high now?

And yet it's the low lifes of my generation who are getting in all the wrecks... Happen to know, I've never been in an accident. And my only violations that I've been caught was passing a red light (half a second, woop de doo), and illegal parking (side of the road in winter). I wonder why insurance rates on old people arn't quadrupled since they're the ones causing all kinds of chaos.

kelly - I really am quite polite and patient when I'm not behind the wheel.

Well, I feel I had every right to get angry, I mean, dumb woman does something dangerous, then insults you...

Funny, it's the domestic V6 crapos (the truck I happen to drive is a six cylinder as well, heh, 3.9L V6 magnum) that try to race me as well. What really annoys me are the god damn Volkswagon ****mobiles. Lol, I had one dude stall out one time, and a whole bunch of retards that don't go anywhere but smoke their tires. I don't even use first gear. I can still cruise off the line in 2nd if I need to.

Porsches are great cars, but you have to know how to drive them (that's right, you shift at certain rpm levels) to be worth while. Those suckers should stick to their auto tranny wheels Mercedez, Bentley, and other useless overpriced cars.
Mar 26, 2002 at 6:45 AM Post #88 of 139
People who "can't hear the difference, anyways!"

Hehe, just kidding. It doesn't bother me that they haven't seen the light.

Oh, I got one.

People who tell other people how to spend their money.

And how about people who get so offended by comedy. You know, the kind of people who write letters to Leno and Letterman.

These people are the reason that Family Guy is off the air. I mean, how could they??! (Granted, Family Guy is pretty darn offensive and rude, but that's why we, the fans, love it so much. Because it's not afraid of being politically correct, which gives them so much more to work with and results in some really fresh material.)

.....Thank you for taking the time to read my rant.
Mar 26, 2002 at 7:06 AM Post #90 of 139
From what Audio&Me has written I thought he might be some 30 something hot shot. So I looked. He ain't old enough to drive!!! Then again I drove like that at his age. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. I hope you have as good of luck as I had A&M.
One time I remember thinking I should make everyone else drive the speedlimit on the freeway. I think I had gotten a ticket or something. So I would pass anyone that passed me then find a truck or something going slower and just drive along side for a while. Then let the guy pass and start the process all over again. That is until one day a guy pulled a shotgun out of the back seat. That was 1976 and I haven't pulled that stunt since.

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