Oppo PM-3 : The Portable Planar - Impressions
Jan 26, 2016 at 2:49 PM Post #3,273 of 6,319
  Nobody ever tryed to get deep inside of the cups? I mean, to change damping and so on? Or maybe do a open-back mod?

I would also think that the driver was tuned and toleranced to a fully-enclosed design so there is no guarantee that the existing driver would respond well in an open back design (it might of course). I think using a well thought out parametric EQ could more-easily achieve anything that increasing dampening material inside the cup would accomplish.
Jan 26, 2016 at 8:36 PM Post #3,274 of 6,319
Getting more of an audition now with my home system. Works well with the bright and awake character of BiMBy and the ever-so-slightly tube-pretending nature of the Polaris. PM-3 cuts the edges off the high treble but also boxes all of it in. I'm in a cloud of sound, but it's a smaller cloud than the HE-500. Denser, too, though. I can't believe how clear these are for closed headphones.
Jan 26, 2016 at 9:01 PM Post #3,275 of 6,319
  Getting more of an audition now with my home system. Works well with the bright and awake character of BiMBy and the ever-so-slightly tube-pretending nature of the Polaris. PM-3 cuts the edges off the high treble but also boxes all of it in. I'm in a cloud of sound, but it's a smaller cloud than the HE-500. Denser, too, though. I can't believe how clear these are for closed headphones.

Did you say you got the blue ones?
How are they? Is it a nice blue and does it stand out too much? Like you're trying to be all that? LOLOL
Jan 26, 2016 at 9:11 PM Post #3,276 of 6,319
  Did you say you got the blue ones?
How are they? Is it a nice blue and does it stand out too much? Like you're trying to be all that? LOLOL

Um..I can't see them when I'm wearing them. They aren't neon blue. They look like a grown-up person's headphones. Minimalist lines. The white padding does make them 'pop' a bit. 
Blue is my favorite color (Cobalt Blue is my favorite, actually) - but these are a muted and grayer version.
Jan 27, 2016 at 9:56 AM Post #3,279 of 6,319
Why would you need to do an open back mod when the PM-2 already exists?

Becouse PM-3 are twise as cheaper as PM2
Jan 27, 2016 at 2:30 PM Post #3,281 of 6,319
I went and just purchased the PM-3

No regrets, initial impressions are amazing for what they sell these things for ! my goodness

The PM-3 is way way underrated i have to say. 

I mean, they ARE closed headphones, but they're the best ones I've heard so far (my experience with closed headphones is limited - especially in this range).
Jan 27, 2016 at 3:14 PM Post #3,282 of 6,319
For those of you, and I count myself among you, that are very impressed with the value to performance ratio of the PM3 if you are looking to add to your collection and want an open planar the 400i should be on your short list.
Jan 27, 2016 at 3:15 PM Post #3,283 of 6,319
For those of you, and I count myself among you, that are very impressed with the value to performance ratio of the PM3 if you are looking to add to your collection and want an open planar the 400i should be on your short list.

Doesn't make any sense to me since I have the HE-500 - unless soundstage is very large.
Jan 27, 2016 at 3:17 PM Post #3,284 of 6,319
Doesn't make any sense to me since I have the HE-500 - unless soundstage is very large.

Maybe not you, others for sure. There do seem to be a number of 500 owners who like the 400i quite a bit, but yes, as a 500 owner wouldn't make much sense overall.

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