Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones Part II
Feb 4, 2016 at 9:19 AM Post #4,591 of 4,655
I convinced a few people to jump for the HD598SE sale on Amazon. All four of them were impressed and even more impressed when I lent them a FLAC version of music they had.
One of them said pop-rock was for kids and proceeded to boast his audiophile status on facebook with a review of how amazing beethoven is with his new headphones.

What have I done.
Feb 4, 2016 at 9:31 AM Post #4,592 of 4,655
  I convinced a few people to jump for the HD598SE sale on Amazon. All four of them were impressed and even more impressed when I lent them a FLAC version of music they had.
One of them said pop-rock was for kids and proceeded to boast his audiophile status on facebook with a review of how amazing beethoven is with his new headphones.

What have I done.

As an individual with passion in audio...I've never felt the reason to boast my audiophile status at all (this is not directed at you, just kinda saying generally).  I like to listen to good quality music on decent equipment. What do you think?
Feb 4, 2016 at 10:00 AM Post #4,593 of 4,655
  As an individual with passion in audio...I've never felt the reason to boast my audiophile status at all (this is not directed at you, just kinda saying generally).  I like to listen to good quality music on decent equipment. What do you think?

I think to each their own music preferences :)
 I might have worded my friend's findings to sound offensive, but I was just stating that I've incidentally created another headphone freak.
Feb 4, 2016 at 11:35 AM Post #4,595 of 4,655
Some of these stories here are really fun, let me share one of mine, even if it is a bit long.

I don't have an exceptionally high-end rig, but it's generally more than what most people would want to spend on audio.

At the time of this story I still owned a Asus Xonar STU and a pair of Hifiman HE-400s. Now, this was a few years ago, when I would spend a lot of time at the office, doing overtime, going to an average of 15 hours of work per day, so naturally, I bought my stuff along and a flash drive with a lot of FLAC music.

A colleague of mine saw them and said that they looked "fancy" and asked me how much they're worth. I tell him how much I spent on them and he was shocked, he picked up our company standard issue AKG K-66 and waved it around, saying that "It can't possibly be much better than this, it's just a headphone!".

Oh my, while I respected my colleague, we knew each other for years and called him out on being a dolt and he was dumbfounded. He figured out that I feel this strongly about it, then there must be something there. Not necessarily something that makes sense, but something indeed.

So I tell him to come by my department after 6, when only a few of us were left (I didn't want to bother people, since the HE-400 are open-backed).

I let him sit in my chair, power up to ol' STU and connect the headphones and tell him to go wild, while leaving the FLAC music folder open on the PC. Yeah, he didn't really get that Foobar icon, so he ignored the folder and went directly to Youtube for music. I wanted to interrupt him, but I thought it would be a good enough opportunity to demonstrate the differences between Youtube quality and real quality.

So I asked him to pick a track which I already had as FLAC and listen to it on Youtube, then I told him to listen to the FLAC. He was surprised by the difference between the two, but he wasn't that impressed with the overall quality.

I thought to myself "Hmm, this is not the reaction I expected... Let's try something else", I assumed it was not his type of music, but truth be told, I didn't have much else on the flash drive except for blues, jazz and a bit of classical. I didn't know what his musical preferences were, but I thought that he maybe was into EDM or hip-hop or something. Playing them off Youtube would have been in vain, but still he gave it a go and agreed that the combo sounds good, quite better than the standard onboard audio and AKG K66, but not enough to be worth the money.

I did not agree, but I respected his opinion. I was defeated, but there wasn't really anything wrong with that, we had agreed to disagree and there was no harm in it... Except maybe my slightly-bruised pride.

The next day, I had a bit of an idea, I thought that if he didn't really like my music, maybe there was another way to convince him of the quality of the audio.

In our studio we have a foley artist who is an exceptionally talented individual and also a really nice guy and asked him to put together some sounds in there for me to help me showcase depth, soundstage and the various advantages of a well put together presentation (now this guy knows audio and his office is sound-proof and full of high-end gear which I will never be able to afford). So a few hours later he gets back to be with a binaural compilation of various sounds. There was all kinds of stuff in it, rocks falling, bowling balls rolling, dried mud being scraped on, glass sounds, plastic sounds, a whole lot of crazy stuff), but the kicker was that it was all uncompressed. The file that only had a few minutes was 192k/24bit and it had 2.2 GB.

So I call the first guy again to my desk, ask him to put on the headphones and to hit play. He was skeptical and very smug, being sure that I wouldn't be able to change his opinion, so he complied.

He first hears the rocks falling onto a hard surface. He immediately pauses and asks me "What was that?! What is this?" and I tell him to go on with it. He stays still for a second, surprised, but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. He keeps on going, I watch his reaction change from one sound to another. He got to a point where he was moving anxiously in the chair as the sound of tape being rolled around him went round and round, as well done binaural audio does.

At the end of it, he pushes the headphones into me, almost like wanting to hit me and asks "Sooo, how much did you say these were again?". I tell him and he replies "Aha... Do they come in a version that won't wake my wife up?".

So now he is the proud owner of a Asus Xonar STX, a pair of Sennheiser HD600 and another pair of Sony MDR-1R.

Needless to say, he doesn't use the K66 our company issued us.

So, yeah, that's my favorite story, sorry if it's too long. Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed reading yours.

Have fun and keep on spreading the joys of hi-fi audio!
Feb 4, 2016 at 2:52 PM Post #4,596 of 4,655
I just recently dived into the mid-fi scene because I wasn't happy with the sound I've been living with for years. I try not to spend much, which means I usually bought cheap MP3 players and loaded Rockbox on them (I really love the Rockbox interface).

Over the holidays, I brought my (used) Fiio X5 and (used) DT-990s to my parents' to have them listen and see what they thought. I played a FLAC rip of one of my mother's favorite classical pieces, and she was amazed. She attends a ton of local orchestra and band performances, and declared (loudly, since she had the volume cranked way past what I could comfortably handle) it was like she was sitting in the audience. She loved it.

Then I played some Queen (a long-standing family favorite) and she started crying. I count that as another win.

I also introduced the Fiio and headphones to my brothers, one of whom has started upgrading his headphones and experimenting with portable amps, while the other has been deep into vintage amps and Klipsch speakers for years. There was much A/B-ing with combinations of headphones, amps, speakers, and music. Now both of them are in the market for higher-end DAPs.

It starts at home, I guess. :dt880smile:  

One of the best I've read.
Feb 5, 2016 at 2:59 AM Post #4,597 of 4,655
In our studio we have a foley artist who is an exceptionally talented individual and also a really nice guy and asked him to put together some sounds in there for me to help me showcase depth, soundstage and the various advantages of a well put together presentation (now this guy knows audio and his office is sound-proof and full of high-end gear which I will never be able to afford). So a few hours later he gets back to be with a binaural compilation of various sounds. There was all kinds of stuff in it, rocks falling, bowling balls rolling, dried mud being scraped on, glass sounds, plastic sounds, a whole lot of crazy stuff), but the kicker was that it was all uncompressed. The file that only had a few minutes was 192k/24bit and it had 2.2 GB.

Would you be willing to share that file? I would be content with 16 bit FLAC, partly for size reasons. =3
Feb 5, 2016 at 3:18 AM Post #4,598 of 4,655
Sorry, since I worked for a game studio, it was studio property. I don't really have it anymore, since I've moved to Germany and didn't exactly take my office PC with me. I kind of feel bad that I didn't snatch a copy for myself, but I moved in quite a rush, so I didn't even get time to move all of my personal items.
Feb 6, 2016 at 3:22 PM Post #4,600 of 4,655
*upon listening to a Senn 600* "They're good but they're not worth 400 dollars." 
"Why do you need a headphone amp? You want to blow out your hearing? How loud do you need it?"
*upon hearing a Senn 600* "OMG They're so clear!!! Those sound amazing." 
*upon receiving V-Moda XS* "OMG they're so cute and chic! Way better than Beats! These are awesome! They sound amazing too!"
Feb 6, 2016 at 7:33 PM Post #4,602 of 4,655
  *upon listening to a Senn 600* "They're good but they're not worth 400 dollars." 
"Why do you need a headphone amp? You want to blow out your hearing? How loud do you need it?"
*upon hearing a Senn 600* "OMG They're so clear!!! Those sound amazing." 
*upon receiving V-Moda XS* "OMG they're so cute and chic! Way better than Beats! These are awesome! They sound amazing too!"

You need a headphone amp because the quality of sound or music, is improved vastly over the nasty little amplification 'amp'  you tend to use.  Once again I think you should listen to a few headphone amps.   If you heard the  difference  in sound quality using better audiophile approved headphones there is a very good chance you will hear what the different amps supply.    I hope you  find one, that  has the aesthetic you like.  And please try a good tube amp, such as is available from a company called Garage 1217.  If that is a little more money than you care to spend,  check out the Bravo line of one tube wonders used only for the preamp section.  If you are flush there are many tube headphone amps to try.  You need power for certain planar and electrostat headphones which just getting a little warm with small milli watt amps out there.  Good luck I hope you understand why we need power and tubes.     
Feb 6, 2016 at 7:39 PM Post #4,603 of 4,655
  You need a headphone amp because the quality of sound or music, is improved vastly over the nasty little amplification 'amp'  you tend to use.  Once again I think you should listen to a few headphone amps.   If you heard the  difference  in sound quality using better audiophile approved headphones there is a very good chance you will hear what the different amps supply.    I hope you  find one, that  has the aesthetic you like.  And please try a good tube amp, such as is available from a company called Garage 1217.  If that is a little more money than you care to spend,  check out the Bravo line of one tube wonders used only for the preamp section.  If you are flush there are many tube headphone amps to try.  You need power for certain planar and electrostat headphones which just getting a little warm with small milli watt amps out there.  Good luck I hope you understand why we need power and tubes.     

Sorry, there may be a misunderstanding? I was simply quoting someone who had some things to say about amps. I already have an amp (Schiit Vali). I wasn't making any statement or question myself regarding amps or the need for them.
Feb 6, 2016 at 8:03 PM Post #4,604 of 4,655
Why would the logo matter to an audiophile. Audio Technica's logo is a turntable stylus tip but every day I see Audio Technica owners make snide remarks about the inferiority of turntable setups. And Sennheiser logo is just an S inside a stylised box. PSB logo only has the letters P and S and B. Compared to apple, these companies' logo look like they're kids' doodles.

Your argument makes no sense.

I don't know, but logos, names, etc. matter to some people. I have an audiophile friend who refuses to use anything by Schiit because "he doesn't trust a company with that name." He doesn't like bands simply because he finds their name stupid. He hated the Mackie MR5 mk3s because of the green power logo on the front - "that looks stupid'. He seems to care more about how an item looks (audio gear) than what's on the inside. (he claims he wants equal aesthetics and quality, but anything with good quality that has bad aesthetics he trashes) We went over to a guy's house who had all these awesome vintage solid amps/receivers with rack handles. He almost got thrown out of the guy's house because he started insulting them simply based on the rack handles.
There are lots of people out there like that.

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