New Flagship from Audio-Technica: ATH-W3000ANV, 50th Anniversary Headphones
Apr 29, 2012 at 10:30 PM Post #2,476 of 3,599
I would say the lf is as close to a one size fits all amp as anything I've encountered(dedicated headphone amps that is). Some like it with the he6, but it still falls just short of driving them properly imo. But other than those, it sounds fabulous on every other headphone I've heard it with. That's including the other orthos. The darkstar is a killer amp as well, but maybe a bit too much for the low impedance highly sensitive cans. The lf could be the last headphone amp for most people. As it drives most hard to drive cans, and quiet enough to drive many sensitive cans as well. But with anything ymmv.
Apr 29, 2012 at 11:31 PM Post #2,478 of 3,599
Well I didn't play around with the volume a lot. I really don't listen that loudly, but I was able to get it high enough to avoid any channel imbalance issues without going to deafening levels. I haven't compared the lf to the other amps you mentioned.
Apr 29, 2012 at 11:53 PM Post #2,480 of 3,599
Not as of yet, but so many have been suggesting it I wouldn't be surprised if Alex started doing mods.
As of June 1st he'll have his own section on the forums because he's becoming a sponsor. 
I can't speak for him of course, but I don't think you'll be seeing Balanced inputs or outputs anytime soon (on the LF anyway), though I've been riding him for a Pre Out for quite some time. :D
Alex is pretty dedicated to the 1 in, 1 out design of the LF from conversations I've had with him. More inputs means more in the way is generally what it sounds like. A lot of his DIY designs share the same philosophy. His personal CTH (which I still have right now) is the same way. 1 in, 1 out. Simple and functioning.
EDIT: 3250 USD has always been the price, by the way. :wink:
I just checked the LF on ALO and I see the price is $3250. Somehow I thought I remembered it was over 5k. I must be getting old ...
Does Cavalli offer any modification like multiple or balanced inputs?

Apr 30, 2012 at 2:52 AM Post #2,482 of 3,599
You know the W3000s pair very nicely with the Studio V. I thought they would hiss but I don't hear hiss at all :p. The sound stage is very airy, wide and open.
What's even more bizarre is I'm preferring the UHA4 over my O2 amp with these cans. It's always a game of balance and with the O2 these cans become to transparent and fatiguing. The UHA4 is just so smooth and very pleasing to listen to. Looks like I'll be getting the UHA6MKII and possibly a good desktop Amp to compliment the ANVs.
Apr 30, 2012 at 7:22 AM Post #2,483 of 3,599
Hi I am planning to get a W3000ANV soon, i would like to know what dac/amp should i get. Although this is a high end forum, would like to know about mid-fi suggestions. Thanks.
Apr 30, 2012 at 8:10 AM Post #2,484 of 3,599
What's even more bizarre is I'm preferring the UHA4 over my O2 amp with these cans. It's always a game of balance and with the O2 these cans become to transparent and fatiguing. The UHA4 is just so smooth and very pleasing to listen to. Looks like I'll be getting the UHA6MKII and possibly a good desktop Amp to compliment the ANVs.

Not that bizarre. I prefer the UHA-6S over the O2 with these.
Apr 30, 2012 at 8:23 AM Post #2,485 of 3,599
I guess it's just finding balance/synergy. Once you find that though its a dream to listen to these cans. The vocals are really to die for :).
Apr 30, 2012 at 10:28 AM Post #2,489 of 3,599
Hi I am planning to get a W3000ANV soon, i would like to know what dac/amp should i get. Although this is a high end forum, would like to know about mid-fi suggestions. Thanks.

The Asgard and Concerto sound good.  I would think any decent SS amp would do.  They are not hard to drive, but they do sound better with better amps.
Edit:  I would recommend the Bifrost for a DAC.

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