Music City Meet -- Spring 2015 -- Pics & Impressions Thread
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Jul 16, 2015 at 6:05 PM Post #256 of 357
I was wondering as well, Joe have you spoken to Burnley recently?
Jul 16, 2015 at 6:21 PM Post #257 of 357
burnley's profile says he hasn't been on head-fi since 6/10
Jul 17, 2015 at 2:15 PM Post #259 of 357
I was wondering as well, Joe have you spoken to Burnley recently?

Texted him earlier in the week. Apparently he's been out of the country AND buried in work. So that explains his absence.
Jul 17, 2015 at 9:42 PM Post #260 of 357
Can someone tell me the name of a song that Dan had on his playlist that had something to do with cowgirl I think ? It was a female voice that was just awesome and I can't recall it.
Jul 18, 2015 at 8:02 AM Post #261 of 357
Can someone tell me the name of a song that Dan had on his playlist that had something to do with cowgirl I think ? It was a female voice that was just awesome and I can't recall it.

Ballad of the Runaway Horse by Rob Wasserman of the Duets or Trilogy albums
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@funCANS MrSpeakers
Jul 18, 2015 at 8:28 AM Post #262 of 357
That's the one I was thinking of thanks Dan.
Jul 18, 2015 at 2:31 PM Post #263 of 357
That's the one I was thinking of thanks Dan.

It's beautiful! Definitely wanting to pick up the Wasserman album on HDtracks.
Jul 18, 2015 at 2:45 PM Post #264 of 357
It's beautiful! Definitely wanting to pick up the Wasserman album on HDtracks.

I was thinking the same thing. Just checked HDTracks not there.
Jul 20, 2015 at 7:33 PM Post #266 of 357
Hey fellas!! Believe it or not, I ain't dead yet :wink:
Sorry for the incommunicado bit there, work got hellacious right up until I had a trip to Mexico. And honestly, I haven't even been able to do much listening recently. But hey-- things are finally looking up!! And along those lines, I think it's time to start planning out the Fall Meet! 
Now, quick question: I had several of our guys (primarily from the Atlanta contingent) that asked about potentially doing the next meet in Chattanooga instead, and I'm open to that, if it's easier on people, so let me just throw it out there-- would you prefer a Chattanooga or a Nashville meet? And if you don't mind, can you let me know why you prefer one to the other? Oteil has been kind enough to offer to see if he could get us a good rate on a room in Chatt-town, so we're already evaluating our options down there. Reply back here and lemme know what you think!!
Also, I'm working on figuring out when to set the event. My current thought is Saturday, August 29th, as that's the last Saturday before football season, and it happens to be before the typical launch date for the fruit phone, so I shouldn't be causing a ruckus at work by being off. That puts us in a bit tighter window than usual, but my schedule should be getting a bit easier, so I should be able to get everything done on time. As always, though, I'm open to feedback: whaddya think about August 29th as The Day? 
I am very excited about getting this sucker up and running (and I'm guessing I'm not alone here), so I'm going to try to hop on HF every day (or as nearly so as possible) from now until the meet to make sure we have everything set up and ready for another awesome day!! 
Btw, thanks to Joe and Fred for reaching out and checking up on me... It's good to know the aliens couldn't get away with abducting me for long, anyway :p
Jul 20, 2015 at 7:40 PM Post #267 of 357
good to see you weren't "probed" by aliens burnley  

any date, place is good for me, and i'm sure the 'nooga would get more folks from the atl 
Jul 20, 2015 at 7:52 PM Post #268 of 357
  good to see you weren't "probed" by aliens burnley  

any date, place is good for me, and i'm sure the 'nooga would get more folks from the atl 

Hey now, what I do to earn a pack of smokes is nunna your beeswax, Jay!! 

Good to hear that you're game to come hang out!! I felt like some of the new guys missed out by not getting to meet you, and I know we were all wishing you were there. We'll just have to make up for it this time around!! 

Jul 20, 2015 at 8:04 PM Post #269 of 357
I was thrilled to make the Nashville meet my first Head-fi event.  Really enjoyed meeting some really nice people and getting to listen to a great variety of equipment.  Nashville fit me really well coming from Evansville, In.  Chattanooga would almost make it a 3 day event for me as it would be a 5 hr drive.  I would have to regretfull decline attending.
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