MrSpeakers ETHER Flow and ETHER C Flow -- Inspired by Electrostatic Headphones
Aug 7, 2016 at 10:37 PM Post #946 of 5,796
Even better could then be 6 Stars!   
By the way, I don't think that you're easy to impress, just "not" taking the "Long View".  
Then again, you have a group of "eager" consumers to nudge and the job of nudging.  
Tony in Michigan
ps.  I seen some of the closets of active headphone guys who've bought a whole lot of headphone gear, these last 3 years, I never had 2 Channel customers buying compulsively as you're bunch. 
ps. 2,  I just checked Ebay for used Mr.Speakers.  I found a few Dog types but only one of the newer from someone in the far-East ( sold for a bit more than $1,000, sealed-New )

Bourbon or scotch?
Aug 7, 2016 at 10:44 PM Post #947 of 5,796
No reason not to give 5 Stars?


I don't agree with your premise of headphone upgrading.

Here is a few points:
1-Headphones are not same as gear.
Electronic companies have many more areas of design on a single board, that can be changed easily.
Not so with a headphone.
It's just apples to oranges comparison.

2-How many products do other electronics or headphone companies make?
More products than Mr Speakers for sure..

So Those companies have enough on their plate to not be as fast to evolve their headphones.
There Is A Vast Sea of mediocre headphones because of this.
Aug 7, 2016 at 10:50 PM Post #948 of 5,796
Oh and lastly, my usual thought is that I am not inclined to spend over 1k on a dynamic driver...
Only a planar I would.

Of course there are exceptions like the Grados
So I try will keep an open mind on the focals.
Aug 8, 2016 at 12:17 AM Post #949 of 5,796
Mr. Maxx134,
Headphone upgrading, hmm.  
I've modified headphones.  I understand how to do these things, I have no problem with any of this concept. 
Rather, I'm concerned with reviewer's enthusiasm for a NEW product relative to the previous product which was also reviewed favorably, I've seen this sort of thing time and again, it's Standard Commercial Review policy in the Press Industry. ( the Auto Industry Reviewers use it continually ).  It has a ><))))> quality to it.  It's stepping on yesterday's recommended investment. It abuses the Consumer.  
The Reviewers of the Wilson Watt used this same tactic on all the Watts versions, each one being near or at "perfect" only to be later dismissed in favor of the latest version.  
Thankfully, Tyll attempts a better and more trustworthy approach, although he lacks the "Calibrated Standards" type of music that someone like Bob Katz or Ludwig use in their evaluations.
Is it helpful to point out that DSD, Pono are current examples of "recommended" 5 Star products? ( or was that last year's 5 Star stuff? ), this year it's the Chord stuff, isn't it? ( and a Mr.Speaker ) 
Phew, I think your commenting is well thought out, I hope to agree with you but realize that no two thinking people can ever-quite agree 100% of the time.
Nice talking with y'all,
Tony in Michigan 
Aug 8, 2016 at 12:18 AM Post #950 of 5,796
Is anyone here from Nashville?  Just wondering where I could have a listen in the Nashville area.

A bit closer than Chicago, I'll have a pair of C-F in Lexington for review next week.
Aug 8, 2016 at 12:23 AM Post #951 of 5,796
  You'd be surprised how loud some people play.  4 times I've been at meets in noisy rooms where someone cranked it so loud everyone in the room stopped talking.  One guy busted a headphone bottoming out its driver.  Oddly, each time Michael Jackson was being played.  
Coincidence?  I think not!

Yeah.... amazing that they can hear differences in headphones after listening like that.
As an aside, it seems like people should make sure to turn volumes down when leaving a station at a meet.  I've been surprised a few times.
Aug 8, 2016 at 12:27 AM Post #952 of 5,796

Phew, it's a relief to hear that you're getting stronger, I've been looking forward to meeting you and a bit worried.  
Moving is proving to be harder than I imagined, I seem to keep having more loose ends to tie up, Michigan things that need doing, etc. 
I'm now hoping for a Michigan departure in 12 Months ( at the very soonest ).  
I'm itching to float down that InnerCoastal, bicycle the Legacy, and take Flying lessons at the Venice Flight School ( not Boeings but Cessna, maybe ) and all that Florida type sitting under the Palm Tree stuff.
Bon Vivant,
Tony in Michigan
Aug 8, 2016 at 12:43 AM Post #953 of 5,796
Rather, I'm concerned with reviewer's enthusiasm for a NEW product relative to the previous product which was also reviewed favorably, I've seen this sort of thing time and again, it's Standard Commercial Review policy in the Press Industry. ( the Auto Industry Reviewers use it continually ).  It has a ><))))> quality to it.  It's stepping on yesterday's recommended investment. It abuses the Consumer.  

Tony, there are no paid reviewers on Head-Fi, and reviews can just as much come from owners as they could from people who borrow them for review. If someone posts a highly positive review, yet a large number of people who buy the product hate it, then it'd be glaringly obvious something is up.
Regardless, aside from the old Yamaha-era models, planar headphones are a relatively new technology as things go. The technology has improved considerably in the few years since the LCD-2s and HE5s were originally released and there simply has never been anything like we have now in terms of headphones, so of course things will get better as time goes on. Dan, Sankar and Fang are certainly not sitting at their respective desks thinking "I've made the best headphones possible and I'm going to stop right here."
Aug 8, 2016 at 1:34 AM Post #954 of 5,796
I believe its called, Innovation... 

Aug 8, 2016 at 1:45 AM Post #955 of 5,796
Is it helpful to point out that DSD, Pono are current examples of "recommended" 5 Star products?

Phew, I think your commenting is well thought out, I hope to agree with you but realize that no two thinking people can ever-quite agree 100% of the time.

Nice talking with y'all,

Tony in Michigan 

Some technologies like DSD don't catch on well.
I never bothered with DSD when so much out there is not yet DSD.

Regardless, aside from the old Yamaha-era models, planar headphones are a relatively new technology as things go. The technology has improved considerably in the few years since the LCD-2s and HE5s were originally released and there simply has never been anything like we have now in terms of headphones, so of course things will get better as time goes on. Dan, Sankar and Fang are certainly not sitting at their respective desks thinking "I've made the best headphones possible and I'm going to stop right here."

Yep the Audeze Sine is a good example of latest tech and when I owned it I did note the sound quality extremely above what I expected.
It punches way above average. ..
Now when will Dan make a portable?
Aug 8, 2016 at 1:56 AM Post #956 of 5,796

My dear Amos, 
Are you suggesting that Head-Fi staff receive no compensation for all this effort?, you are Staff, aren't you?  No compensation for Reviews seems a miss-representation.  Promotional reviews are part of the business, Clicks finance this whole operation, don't they? 
[size=x-small]Auto Industry clicks on Auto adverts placed on Auto Sites is how guys like Truth About Cars get paid.  Some get [/size]paid[size=x-small] well, some very well, some live an exceptional life from clicks.  There are woodworking guys out there that started doing how-to stuff, a couple of years ago, that now do only woodworking internet stuff.  Sites like this are full-on Professional Sites, just like Stereophile and The Absolute Sound.   You guys have now widened to doing Organized Shows.   Nearly every Industry has Professional Sites doing this exact sort of thing.   Are you telling us that you are not paid by Head-Fi?, if that's true I'll change my thinking but I don't think you've been doing this FREE for all these hours.  [/size]
[size=x-small]However, FREE would help explain the other fellow jumping to work for that Amp outfit in Texas. [/size]
[size=x-small]I think that there are some High End Salesmen, in High End Salons, working for next to nothing, High End sales being what they are! [/size]
[size=x-small]If you Head-Fi guys are working for free I'll feel sorry for y'all and recommend you migrate to LED lighting ( a Boooooommmmming Industry ). [/size]
[size=x-small]Tony in Michigan[/size]
Aug 8, 2016 at 2:01 AM Post #957 of 5,796
For those that have already spent quality time with the ETHER Flow, I'm wondering about the neutrality and accuracy compared to the ETHER / ETHER 1.1
To your ears, is the ETHER Flow less neutral, as neutral, or more neutral than the ETHER / ETHER 1.1?
What attracted me to the original ETHER is its neutrality and accuracy.
I understand the ETHER Flow is a very nice upgrade to the original ETHER. But i'm a studio guy and while editing music, I need what I'm hearing to be accurate so I can make good decisions. Plus, when listening to music for pleasure, I prefer to hear it the way it was intended to be heard with no / minimal exaggerations.
Keywords that apply to what i'm looking for in a pair of high end cans:
- Flat
- Neutral
- Uncolored
- Pure
- Clinical
Is the ETHER Flow what i'm looking for?
- Randolph
Aug 8, 2016 at 2:10 AM Post #958 of 5,796
For those that have already spent quality time with the ETHER Flow, I'm wondering about the neutrality and accuracy compared to the ETHER / ETHER 1.1

To your ears, is the ETHER Flow less neutral, as neutral, or more neutral than the ETHER / ETHER 1.1?

What attracted me to the original ETHER is its neutrality and accuracy.

I understand the ETHER Flow is a very nice upgrade to the original ETHER. But i'm a studio guy and while editing music, I need what I'm hearing to be accurate so I can make good decisions. Plus, when listening to music for pleasure, I prefer to hear it the way it was intended to be heard with no / minimal exaggerations.

Keywords that apply to what i'm looking for in a pair of high end cans:
- Flat
- Neutral
- Uncolored
- Pure
- Clinical

Is the ETHER Flow what i'm looking for?


- Randolph
Aug 8, 2016 at 2:20 AM Post #959 of 5,796
Regardless, aside from the old Yamaha-era models, planar headphones are a relatively new technology as things go. The technology has improved considerably in the few years since the LCD-2s and HE5s were originally released and there simply has never been anything like we have now in terms of headphones, so of course things will get better as time goes on. Dan, Sankar and Fang are certainly not sitting at their respective desks thinking "I've made the best headphones possible and I'm going to stop right here."

 I think that is a little disingenous there Amos. Planar has been around in other forms than the Yamahas for quite some time. The very foundation of the business of this threads manu is a testament too that. Without the work done by those manu's and a few others quite frankly none of the three you mention would exist.
 Lets give credit where it is due and not become completely agog with "new technology" which is built upon the hard work of many others.
Aug 8, 2016 at 2:40 AM Post #960 of 5,796
My dear Amos, 
Are you suggesting that Head-Fi staff receive no compensation for all this effort?, you are Staff, aren't you?  No compensation for Reviews seems a miss-representation.  Promotional reviews are part of the business, Clicks finance this whole operation, don't they? 

When I post a product review in the Head Gear section, it is as a member like everyone else, and I get absolutely nothing from Head-Fi. I don't discuss with anyone, not even the manufacturer, when I'm going to post a review, either here or when my video (if I make one) will be done. Dan found out about my video and review only after I told him, after I posted it. I have no idea what anyone else arranges.  I don't get paid anything to moderate the site either.
So yes, all those reviews you see, are done for free. That is why Head-Fi is a community. Anyone can buy (or sometimes borrow, as there are quite a few review tours going on) something and write up their opinions, good or bad. 
The site is financed by sponsors who sign up with Wikia (who bought Huddler). Staff have nothing to do with the handling of sponsors. You can read the full write-up about it here:
Regardless, aside from the old Yamaha-era models, planar headphones are a relatively new technology as things go. The technology has improved considerably in the few years since the LCD-2s and HE5s were originally released and there simply has never been anything like we have now in terms of headphones, so of course things will get better as time goes on. Dan, Sankar and Fang are certainly not sitting at their respective desks thinking "I've made the best headphones possible and I'm going to stop right here."

 I think that is a little disingenous there Amos. Planar has been around in other forms than the Yamahas for quite some time. The very foundation of the business of this threads manu is a testament too that. Without the work done by those manu's and a few others quite frankly none of the three you mention would exist.
 Lets give credit where it is due and not become completely agog with "new technology" which is built upon the hard work of many others.

Other than Fostex, whom I admittedly forgot. I meant to say that we have not had any progress beyond the Fostex models for a great many years before Audeze and Hifiman came along and started making large-driver planar headphones. Some of the tech used in these headphones either hasn't been seen in headphones before, or not for a very long time. For example, the driver design in the Oppo PM1s, the Fazors in the Audeze headphones or the TrueFlow in these, if they were used before in headphones, I'm not aware of it. I never followed the Ortho thread, so if I've missed something, let me know. My point to Tony was that I believe that there are genuine improvements being made in headphones (and other audio gear). If I didn't think there was, I wouldn't be interested myself. 
(Merged both my posts.)

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