Livewires - California Dreamin'
Feb 10, 2008 at 8:02 AM Post #706 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif

2. Isolation, its ok when music is playing, but on softer songs, I can near clearly hear my surroundings (bus/train etc).


I thought isolation was one of its strengths?
Can other people say how well they isolate as this is my number one concern for getting a pair of these.
State what type of music you listen to and the environment in which you listen to your music.
Feb 10, 2008 at 9:48 AM Post #708 of 3,902
Cecala: I listen to anything and everything, form Rammstein to Trance to Delta Goodrem, so heavy metal, vocal, classical etc.

I mostly listen whilst commuting - walking in the city, on buses/trams etc.

powertoold: The highs are a piercing sound that IS NOT part of the track, I know this because when I listened to the same tracks on my SF5 I did not experience this piercing noise!

At times the highs are so mumbled, like guitar and vocal on The Killers - Jenny Was A Friend of Mine, was horrible at the end, was just a myriad of piercing noise!

Thus far I have been using the Hornet. I have just done about 3-4 hours of burn in with Frequency sweeps, and various white/pink noise tracks - through my Tomahawk.

I will sit down again, with some sample tracks, I am going to compile a special playlist that I will limit myself to, to better understand and feel the music. This playlist will contain songs form all my genres, and a mix of lossless and lossy.

If anyone has any tracks they would suggest, please do so, if I have the track, I will put in the playlist.

Feb 10, 2008 at 10:25 AM Post #709 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cecala: I listen to anything and everything, form Rammstein to Trance to Delta Goodrem, so heavy metal, vocal, classical etc.

I mostly listen whilst commuting - walking in the city, on buses/trams etc.

powertoold: The highs are a piercing sound that IS NOT part of the track, I know this because when I listened to the same tracks on my SF5 I did not experience this piercing noise!

At times the highs are so mumbled, like guitar and vocal on The Killers - Jenny Was A Friend of Mine, was horrible at the end, was just a myriad of piercing noise!

Thus far I have been using the Hornet. I have just done about 3-4 hours of burn in with Frequency sweeps, and various white/pink noise tracks - through my Tomahawk.

I will sit down again, with some sample tracks, I am going to compile a special playlist that I will limit myself to, to better understand and feel the music. This playlist will contain songs form all my genres, and a mix of lossless and lossy.

If anyone has any tracks they would suggest, please do so, if I have the track, I will put in the playlist.


I'm really sorry about your troubles with Livewores vs Amp synergy.
I have never heard piercing highs with my Livewires, but I also don't like the Tomahawk with Livewires because it does make them sound grainier.

The TH is a great amp for my SE530 (or any Shure), PX100, iGrado, Ultrasone iCan (or any of my Ultrasone), JVC Marshmallows, Denon C700 - but I didn't like TH with ER6i, Livewires, or IM716. It was just okay with 5 Pro but better with the 10 pro, but I always felt the 5 Pro were brighter than Livewires (sold mine, my 14 yr old daughter has a set).

For Livewires Synergy, I found the Meier Headsix is a better match as an amp for Livewires, as is my RSA Predator (smoother sounding than a TH), and my SuperMacro 3 with stock opamps, and my Headstage Lyrix, and iBasso D1, and... wait a minute, the TH is the only amp I didn't like with the Livewires or ER6i or IM716 (again, I liked it with everything else, even HD600 sometimes).

I think if you sold the TH, and got a Meier Headsix, you'd be happier and you'd get your "Taxi ride to FedEx" money back. You'd still have a tiny amp (2 of 3 dimensions are the same, and it is only 3/4" longer) and you'd have the Hornet for bigger or different sounding headphones. Or, if small is more important, sell the Hornet for the Headsix or Predator and keep the TH for your other earphones.

Also, the 50 ohm cable is supposed to smooth out and warm up the Livewires, right? You may want to request one from John, but I still think changing the amp or source is a better choice than taking the 30 day money back guarantee...
Feb 10, 2008 at 10:53 AM Post #710 of 3,902
Hrmm, for the record, the Hornet does not belong to me, it just a loan item from a friendly Head-Fier.

I still feel pain with them on, and the memory cable is very annoying.

As for changing amps, I really love the Tomahawk with the SF5s, I was really hoping it went well with the LiveWires as I really love the little guy. I don't think I'd sell just yet, might see if anyone is willing to loan me a Headsix or a Predator, and then buy based on what my ears tell me.

Also, how is your isolation, I am not having the best isolation. I have done the Sensaphonics seal test, and according to the test- I hear both tones clearly - it depicts that I have a good seal.
Feb 10, 2008 at 3:12 PM Post #711 of 3,902

I never found the tomahawk to be a really good match for the livewires. Especially coming from an iPod, there isn't really any warmth in your set up to balance out the highs. The livewires strength is that they are amazingly accurate, thus they translate your source and your amp.

My livewires are magical coming from my zune, which has a really smooth and robust sound to them.

You can just cut off the memory plastic with a wirecutter - just pull off after scoring.

I believe the highs are dependant on your source or amp...try them out of your little dot...that might smooth things out.

As far as isolation. These are not universal IEMS which fit into your ears with expanding tips that put pressure against the walls of your ear canal to maintain the seal. Customs are meant to form fit your ears and thus will not provide the same kind of isolation. Maybe you are comparing it too literally to your super.fis.

To people considering:

What FeedMeTrance is experiencing is what you will experience when you first get the livewires...I went through the same ting actually, with more discomfort and wrenching highs. At that point I had a tomahawk and 5.5g Ipod combo, and since then I have sold that combo to opt for the zune80 ampless. My new source is able to really "synergize" with the livewires, and made me rediscover my love of these much so that after being quiet on the livewires threads for a few months, I refound my love for them. Haha you can even find that "rediscovery" post in my past posts. Be patient and learn more!
Feb 10, 2008 at 4:50 PM Post #712 of 3,902

Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What FeedMeTrance is experiencing is what you will experience when you first get the livewires...I went through the same ting actually, with more discomfort and wrenching highs. At that point I had a tomahawk and 5.5g Ipod combo, and since then I have sold that combo to opt for the zune80 ampless. My new source is able to really "synergize" with the livewires, and made me rediscover my love of these much so that after being quiet on the livewires threads for a few months, I refound my love for them. Haha you can even find that "rediscovery" post in my past posts. Be patient and learn more!

Crap, I Just sold my zune 80, with the intention of using my 5g ipod with the livewires.
Feb 10, 2008 at 5:03 PM Post #713 of 3,902

Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As far as isolation. These are not universal IEMS which fit into your ears with expanding tips that put pressure against the walls of your ear canal to maintain the seal. Customs are meant to form fit your ears and thus will not provide the same kind of isolation. Maybe you are comparing it too literally to your super.fis.

To people considering:

What FeedMeTrance is experiencing is what you will experience when you first get the livewires...I went through the same ting actually, with more discomfort and wrenching highs. At that point I had a tomahawk and 5.5g Ipod combo, and since then I have sold that combo to opt for the zune80 ampless. My new source is able to really "synergize" with the livewires, and made me rediscover my love of these much so that after being quiet on the livewires threads for a few months, I refound my love for them. Haha you can even find that "rediscovery" post in my past posts. Be patient and learn more!

I actually find my livewires isolate better than the SF3s, but i also found the SF3s really uncomfortable, so they probably weren't inserted as deep as they could be. I'd estimate i get 20-25db isolation with the livewires, i can just about carry on a conversation with them in, as long as the other person doesn't talk too quietly.

As for the highs, if anything i would prefer mine to be a little more sparkly up top, but then i'm a Grado fan and i like it that way. Note that i havn't really driven them amped that much (no line out on pCDP) but from my limited testing with my CMOY and Mapletree (using a UE impedance adapter) they do improve with an amp, so one will be on my shopping list whem i get my iriver (hopefully tomorrow

Trance: It took me a good week or so to get used to putting my livewires in with any amount of finesse, so don't loose faith. I found that it helps to open my jaw wide as i put them in, and wiggle it side to side as i apply pressure over the bit that goes into the ear canal. That works them fully into place (most of the time). I probably look like a dork doing it though...
Feb 10, 2008 at 7:45 PM Post #714 of 3,902

Originally Posted by Rav /img/forum/go_quote.gif
II'd estimate i get 20-25db isolation with the livewires...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were rated at 24 or 25db


Originally Posted by Rav /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It took me a good week or so to get used to putting my livewires in with any amount of finesse, so don't loose faith. I found that it helps to open my jaw wide as i put them in, and wiggle it side to side as i apply pressure over the bit that goes into the ear canal. That works them fully into place (most of the time). I probably look like a dork doing it though...

Agreed. I think it's particularly useful the more symmetrical your ear canal, finding just the right place where they align the best.


Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Especially coming from an iPod, there isn't really any warmth in your set up to balance out the highs.

Although I can understand (and agree with) the warmth comment I think it's more the nature of the reproduction of the highs that is FMT's issue - more likely a settling/burn-in scenario that isn't helped by a colder overall system?


Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The livewires strength is that they are amazingly accurate, thus they translate your source and your amp.



Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You can just cut off the memory plastic with a wirecutter - just pull off after scoring.

I remember someone mentioning this before and it worked quite fine for them. Get that precision knife out, FMT!


Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I believe the highs are dependant on your source or amp...try them out of your little dot...that might smooth things out.

I believe he did that. Not a good result, unfortunately.


Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What FeedMeTrance is experiencing is what you will experience when you first get the livewires...I went through the same thing actually, with more discomfort and wrenching highs.

It may not be the same for everybody, particularly those that have tried personalised IEMs before.

However if you are coming from a tips-based IEM then the chances are that, yes, you will have a period of adjustment, both to the level of isolation and the physical presence in your ears - and discomfort such as FMT's is preferable because it means they are at least the right size for your ear canals: too loose and immediately comfortable would prevent a good seal, obviously.

As to the highs being 'wrenching' or 'painful' I think that is more a system synergy combined with burn-in factor. Plus, of course, your own sensitivity to what is being presented to them (as indicated, perhaps Grado fans mightn't find it so 'painful' initially).
Feb 10, 2008 at 8:07 PM Post #715 of 3,902
I dont think Livewires sound grainier with the Tomahawk. I have a Tomahawk has over 1200 hours on it or so. the T1's have about 500 hours or so. One or the other may not be burned in or you have a crummy source. Remember the Livewires are unforgiving to a bad recording. Listen to the T1's with the Tomahawk hooked up to the Alien DAC. That is awesome.
Feb 10, 2008 at 8:24 PM Post #716 of 3,902
I am a firm believer on matching gear, one to another. All these devices (from source to earphones) have particular sound signatures and are built having different impedance in mind. For example, I don't find a tube amp that sounds good with IEMS. Basically, because they are all created and designed for high impedance phones.

We need to remember the design purpose of customs IEMS. They are designed for audio engineers that require to hear the most wide range of frequencies. For fun sound, you might choose others, like the triple-fi's.

Custom IEMS are too sensitive and forward by nature. Like someone mention before, the two options are:

1) Match amp / opamp to IEM

2) Use impedance (cable, adapter) between amp and IEM.

Note: The key is to find the right (sweet spot) impedance for these babies. Livewires uses 50 ohms, but I will try other values.

I will let you guys know, which is the sweet spot, as soon as I receive mine. I will be playing with 50, 75, 100, 150 and 300 ohms.

Until then, my dear friends.

Feb 10, 2008 at 10:13 PM Post #717 of 3,902
Thanks guys, I am toying with the idea of trying out a HeadSix, I didn't realise they ran for under $120, so yeah.

Otherwise, thanks everyone for all the feedback, I am going to retry the Tube amp, and give it a bit more time to warm up, last time I tried, I think I was in a rush too much and got hit with all the internal microphonics and random noises it makes.

I am now using my iPod with a Treble Reducer EQ on, and it seems to be working, however, nearly all songs off my Killers album still have those piercing highs, starting to lead me to believe there may be a fault in the recording or my ripping, not sure?

As for the memory wire, I am a butterfingers, and not a DIY type guy, so it's going to be a challenge to get it off lol.

Burn In: It works for these LiveWires, I have put nearly 15hours of burn in using both music and noise/freq sweeps etc, and I am starting to feel and hear the difference.

I have also had a brief go with using a Etymotic P->S adapter, this reduces the bass, doesn't do much for the highs.

Fit wise, there is still some pain as my ears adjust, but I am getting the hang of inserting and removing with ease.

Thanks Guys n Gals
Feb 10, 2008 at 11:13 PM Post #718 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks guys, I am toying with the idea of trying out a HeadSix, I didn't realise they ran for under $120, so yeah.

Otherwise, thanks everyone for all the feedback, I am going to retry the Tube amp, and give it a bit more time to warm up, last time I tried, I think I was in a rush too much and got hit with all the internal microphonics and random noises it makes.

I am now using my iPod with a Treble Reducer EQ on, and it seems to be working, however, nearly all songs off my Killers album still have those piercing highs, starting to lead me to believe there may be a fault in the recording or my ripping, not sure?

As for the memory wire, I am a butterfingers, and not a DIY type guy, so it's going to be a challenge to get it off lol.

Burn In: It works for these LiveWires, I have put nearly 15hours of burn in using both music and noise/freq sweeps etc, and I am starting to feel and hear the difference.

I have also had a brief go with using a Etymotic P->S adapter, this reduces the bass, doesn't do much for the highs.

Fit wise, there is still some pain as my ears adjust, but I am getting the hang of inserting and removing with ease.

Thanks Guys n Gals

Stick with it, FMT. And, yes, warmed up tubes could be very beneficial.

Source files could be the issue. It's good you can identify the consistency of the problem with a number of tracks off the one rip/album.

If you are serious about butterfingers I'll find my spare Livewires cable (NIB) and remove the memory wires then swap with your's via post if you want.
Feb 10, 2008 at 11:40 PM Post #720 of 3,902
FMT. Forget about tube amps with IEMs. They will sound thin and piercefull. Tube amps are not designed for IEM, unless you put an attenuator in the middle. Use any amp with a known warm sound signature. If you don't do it like that, you will end up frustrated.

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