iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Audio Quality
Sep 30, 2014 at 3:21 PM Post #151 of 1,973
I think I'll keep my iPhone 5S for the time being. From what I've read, I'm not really impressed with the iPhone 6. The fact that It's not waterproof, bends easy in the pocket and the the dreaded awful EU volume cap has saved me from buying one. Also, IMO I prefer the design of the iPhone 4/4S/5/5S. Maybe once a jailbreak is released and it's possible to remove the EU volume cap using iFile I'll think about maybe buying an iPhone 6 but not now.

You should wait for iPhone 6S. 6 is not that more powerful than 5S anyway. I bet Apple will increase ram to 2GB, add some kind of waterproof qualities, change the dac to a better one etc. in 6S.
Personally I didn't enjoy 6's music quality much either. I mean it's good, but not better than an Android with a Snapdragon. I wonder how Exynos Note 4 will sound with its Wolfson dac. For now, I'll stick to my Sony Z1 Compact.
Headphone used: Beyerdynamic MMX 102 IE
Sep 30, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #152 of 1,973
I think I'll keep my iPhone 5S for the time being. From what I've read, I'm not really impressed with the iPhone 6. The fact that It's not waterproof, bends easy in the pocket and the the dreaded awful EU volume cap has saved me from buying one. Also, IMO I prefer the design of the iPhone 4/4S/5/5S. Maybe once a jailbreak is released and it's possible to remove the EU volume cap using iFile I'll think about maybe buying an iPhone 6 but not now.

You should wait for iPhone 6S. 6 is not that more powerful than 5S anyway. I bet Apple will increase ram to 2GB, add some kind of waterproof qualities, change the dac to a better one etc. in 6S.
Personally I didn't enjoy 6's music quality much either. I mean it's good, but not better than an Android with a Snapdragon. I wonder how Exynos Note 4 will sound with its Wolfson dac. For now, I'll stick to my Sony Z1 Compact.
Headphone used: Beyerdynamic MMX 102 IE

After work i crossed the street to the Apple Store again to give the 6 a second shot and came back as underwhelmed as the first time as found it to be no match for the 5s hpo.

Then i checked anandtech review and i could not help to think the same as you: this is not the phone whose hpo used to trump the competition. It's quite good but its hpo does not blow my mind as the 5s or the 4s did. And once the sound it's not mesmerizing the whole smartphone item loses most of the appeal to me.

Time to keep some old trusty friends (aka iPod Classic, iBasso t3 and iPhone 5s)...may be next time around.
Sep 30, 2014 at 4:25 PM Post #153 of 1,973
Here listening to various tracks with Spotify extreme through my Klipsch X10i's.

My UK 64GB 5S sounds nearly identical to my new 128GB iPhone 6. In blind testing with my mate swapping the headphones between the two phones I can't reliably say which phone I'm listening to and Spotify continues track on each device as headphones plugged back in.

I will also have a Note4 to play with on UK release ( I manage phones at work so get to use what I want). Have had/have all iPhone's and all Galaxy's since S2 (also have the new 8.4 tabS but too large as a music player!)

You lot must be deaf as I can't see the issue with the volume cap! If I set to yellow/red areas it hurts my ears!!

Then again I can't be an audiophile as I sold my Shure SE535's preferring the X10's.

PS just done some listening on the TabS 8.4 and that also sounds great, more base than the iPhones but not overpowering.
Sep 30, 2014 at 4:32 PM Post #154 of 1,973
Judging only from my first day experience, I may well  have passed. It was a little rough. But it has mellowed over the last week or so. 
It's too bad Anand didn't include 5s in their comparisons. I don't remember all their earlier tests; did they test anything but Android before? 
p.s. Something else I have noticed: To me, the stock music player with Apple lossless CD rips sounds noticeably worse than the same material on Spotify (extreme). I am new to itunes, and it is possible I goofed up the upload somehow. But that is what I am hearing. Is there a Neutron/PowerAmp equivalent for iOS?
Sep 30, 2014 at 4:49 PM Post #155 of 1,973
Judging only from my first day experience, I may well  have passed. It was a little rough. But it has mellowed over the last week or so. 
It's too bad Anand didn't include 5s in their comparisons. I don't remember all their earlier tests; did they test anything but Android before? 
p.s. Something else I have noticed: To me, the stock music player with Apple lossless CD rips sounds noticeably worse than the same material on Spotify (extreme). I am new to itunes, and it is possible I goofed up the upload somehow. But that is what I am hearing. Is there a Neutron/PowerAmp equivalent for iOS?

I could enjoy it and i could get use to its signature but if somebody asks me i'd say without hesitation that 5s sounds a bit better (which is not to say 6 is bad by any means).

I wish as well that Anandtech had measured previous iPhones with 15 ohm loads as the 6 performance there is flat out disappointing.

Hopefully they 'll keep on measuring audio of other flagships to come.
Sep 30, 2014 at 4:56 PM Post #156 of 1,973
Here listening to various tracks with Spotify extreme through my Klipsch X10i's.

My UK 64GB 5S sounds nearly identical to my new 128GB iPhone 6. In blind testing with my mate swapping the headphones between the two phones I can't reliably say which phone I'm listening to and Spotify continues track on each device as headphones plugged back in.

I will also have a Note4 to play with on UK release ( I manage phones at work so get to use what I want). Have had/have all iPhone's and all Galaxy's since S2 (also have the new 8.4 tabS but too large as a music player!)

You lot must be deaf as I can't see the issue with the volume cap! If I set to yellow/red areas it hurts my ears!!

Then again I can't be an audiophile as I sold my Shure SE535's preferring the X10's.

PS just done some listening on the TabS 8.4 and that also sounds great, more base than the iPhones but not overpowering.

It's not only about how loud it is. Well, that matters if the headphone is kind of hard to drive. What's more important is, the sound loses dynamics when the output is limited by software. Bass doesn't have as much impact, treble sounds less extended, texture becomes worse, the sound gets more congested... It's like driving a Ferrari at 50 km/h.
Sep 30, 2014 at 5:04 PM Post #157 of 1,973
It's not only about how loud it is. Well, that matters if the headphone is kind of hard to drive. What's more important is, the sound loses dynamics when the output is limited by software. Bass doesn't have as much impact, treble sounds less extended, texture becomes worse, the sound gets more congested... It's like driving a Ferrari at 50 km/h.
Sep 30, 2014 at 5:41 PM Post #158 of 1,973
You should wait for iPhone 6S. 6 is not that more powerful than 5S anyway. I bet Apple will increase ram to 2GB, add some kind of waterproof qualities, change the dac to a better one etc. in 6S.

Personally I didn't enjoy 6's music quality much either. I mean it's good, but not better than an Android with a Snapdragon. I wonder how Exynos Note 4 will sound with its Wolfson dac. For now, I'll stick to my Sony Z1 Compact.

Headphone used: Beyerdynamic MMX 102 IE

That's what I do anyway. I wait for the S model of the iPhone. All the iPhones I own are S models (iPhone 4S and 5S).
Sep 30, 2014 at 7:45 PM Post #159 of 1,973
That math does not seem to work. I have listened to it with multidriver balanced armatures and they sounded quite linear to me (which would not be the case with a z of 33).

+1. Listened yesterday with Sony XBA-3s for couple hours. No way can the iPhone 6 have that much. I'd say closer to 3.
Oct 1, 2014 at 6:57 AM Post #160 of 1,973
Has anyone been able to compare the original HTC One (M7) to the iphone 6? With my DBA-02's and my HTC One the sound is good, but there is noticeable hiss/background noise with some tracks.

Also, I am completely ignorant when it comes to stuff like impedance. All I know is that my DBA-02's have an impedance of 43ohms. Is that likely to cause any issues with the iphone 6?

Oct 1, 2014 at 9:56 AM Post #162 of 1,973
  Hey Guys what the best option for a EU resident to get an UNCAP iphone 6?

I got mine just by patiently scanning local forums and classifieds since i only would purchase an iPhone in person. And the first time (5s) i wanted to test live that 4G connectivity was going to be ok (which it was). That's the long way though. It's easier if you happen to have relatives or close pals that live in the US or go there from time to time.
Shortest path is jailbreaking the iPhone and installing the EU uncap kit from hackmyiphone repository. But since i'd rather run non hacked firmware and had no relatives across the pond i took the long road. But eventually i got there and i kind of have an special tie with my US iPhone 5s since getting it was not easy nor short or cheap. It was kind of an adventure really.
This time around i managed lo locate a Gold  128Gb iPhone 6 quicker but sound and back design put me off. For the moment. IMHO the 5s headphone out is a bit more accomplished.

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