Introducing Lawton Audio-- Denon Mods, Re-Cables, Woodies & More.
Mar 13, 2009 at 11:13 PM Post #151 of 279
[size=medium]NEW: Certificates of Authenticity[/size]
After having now repaired a half-dozen so-called "markl mods", some fraudulently alleged to have been performed by me and sold to unwitting customers as being authentic products of Lawton Audio, we have introduced a program of including Certificates of Authenticity with genuine Lawton Audio product.

Some of the "markl mods" I've seen have been sloppy or incomplete at best, downright defective at worst. We advise all our customers to retain these Certificates, in the event (unlikely of course) that you decide to sell your Lawton Audio phone down the line. This will help with re-sale value.

ATTENTION PAST CUSTOMERS: Please contact us here or through our web site if you would like to receive a Certificate for your Lawton Audio product. We will provide free of charge.

[size=medium]Custom Cups Warranty[/size]
In the past, Lawton Audio has shipped cups to our customers for DIY installation in the field. We have recently decided to revise policy on cups installed by customers.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting immediately, Lawton Audio will no longer warrant custom wood cups installed in the field by the customer. If you have any doubt whatsoever about installing the cups, we urge you to send your headphones in to Lawton Audio, and let us do it for you. We will still sell the cups to pre-qualified DIY-ers who wish to complete the install on their own, however, we will not warrant the cups against damage suffered due to improper installation/handling in the field.

If there is a manufacturer defect of some kind, rest assured we will of course replace at our cost.
Mar 14, 2009 at 12:08 AM Post #152 of 279

Originally Posted by markl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[size=medium]NEW: Certificates of Authenticity[/size]
After having now repaired a half-dozen so-called "markl mods", some fraudulently alleged to have been performed by me and sold to unwitting customers as being authentic products of Lawton Audio, we have introduced a program of including Certificates of Authenticity with genuine Lawton Audio product.

Some of the "markl mods" I've seen have been sloppy or incomplete at best, downright defective at worst. We advise all our customers to retain these Certificates, in the event (unlikely of course) that you decide to sell your Lawton Audio phone down the line. This will help with re-sale value.

ATTENTION PAST CUSTOMERS: Please contact us here or through our web site if you would like to receive a Certificate for your Lawton Audio product. We will provide free of charge.

[size=medium]Custom Cups Warranty[/size]
In the past, Lawton Audio happily shipped cups to our customers for DIY installation in the field. In theory, attaching new cups to a Denon should be a relatively simple matter. In practice, however, this has turned out to not always be the case. Cups have been dropped, scratched, installed upside down, installed and un-installed stripping screw holes, etc.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting immediately, Lawton Audio will no longer warrant custom wood cups installed in the field by the customer. If you have any doubt whatsoever about installing the cups, we urge you to send your headphones in to Lawton Audio, and let us do it for you. We will still sell the cups to pre-qualified DIY-ers who wish to complete the install on their own, however, we will not warrant the cups against damage suffered due to improper handling in the field.

I assume that my cups that had the holes drilled wrong before arrival are still covered in case they come loose over time?
Mar 14, 2009 at 12:16 AM Post #153 of 279
Hi HeadphoneAddict, yes, if there is a manufacturer defect of some kind, we will of course replace at our cost.
Mar 14, 2009 at 2:45 AM Post #155 of 279

Originally Posted by markl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi HeadphoneAddict, yes, if there is a manufacturer defect of some kind, we will of course replace at our cost.

Great. I don't want people to worry about build quality, which is great.

As they probably know from previous conversations here, I had a one-of-a-kind problem where the screw holes were drilled at a separate time from the original build and were not quite deep enough. I fixed it on the one set that slipped through; and while I was offered a new set right away, I declined and decided to wait and see if the cups would remain tight. So far months later they are doing fine.
Mar 16, 2009 at 8:55 PM Post #156 of 279
Should I bother to ask for one even? Lol, I've already modified mine from the way they arrived. Well, the basic MarkL mod is still in place. I haven't touched anything inside the cups themselves, but you'd have to be blind to not immediately see that I've changed the cable (actually, being blind isn't enough. You'd have to also have basically no sense of touch since it not only feels different, but has a large connector hanging down. Actually, on that subject, you'd have to not be able to hear very well either since it sounds noticeably different.) Lol, are they even still eligible for such a thing?

Then again, I'd have to be pretty desperate to sell these I think. Even if I later go with some other headphones, I kind of think I'd like to keep these around since they still have advantages over most in their range and even quite a number that are higher (such as comfort and the fact that I can plug them directly into my DAP without needing an external amp.) Should I even bother?
Apr 4, 2009 at 8:27 PM Post #157 of 279
[size=medium]Two NEW Flavors![/size]

[size=small]New Guinea Rosewood[/size]



The New Guinea Rosewood is a special premium wood, and is simply spectacular. The complex banded honey-colored grain pattern is absolutely stunning in person. The burls seem to appear out of thin air when you change viewing angles. This is a very light-weight wood, best suited for rock music lovers or for listeners who like a sound that is very defined, slightly forward of center with plenty of bass. This pair will fit a D2000 or LA2000. As a premium wood, this pair runs $249 plus shipping.

[size=small]Red Cedar[/size]



Our wood turners have obtained a wild batch of the Red Cedar with fantastic grain patterns. A mixture of deep coppers and red-ish hued burnt umber with a golden twinkle when held at an angle, this is sure to please. Not only light in weight but soft in density, the Red Cedar is an ideal wood for those who like a liquid, rich and tubey sound, while maintaining the solid foundation needed for beat-heavy music. A yummy sound for those that value a tasty tonality.

The Red Cedar will be a new standard wood for us going forward, and runs $229 a pair. The pair in the pic is made for a D2000/LA2000.
Apr 5, 2009 at 3:35 PM Post #159 of 279
Hi Miguel,
The Bubinga is going to be slightly warmer and drier in tone, a bit more controlled in the bass, overall a tad more relaxed sound. Red Cedar will be a bit more lively, with a slightly richer tone, plus fuller sounding with a slightly fatter bottom end. These differences, as are all the differences in wood types, are about on par with a fairly significant cable swap; not night and day transformation, but moderately additive in flavor in a way that sensitive ears can certainly spot.
Apr 8, 2009 at 7:07 PM Post #160 of 279
Hi markl. How does the red cedar handle the highs of the D2000? I'm looking for something that can further tame the spiky highs of the D2000. My pair has been modded according to your procedure by the way. Thanks!
Apr 8, 2009 at 8:26 PM Post #161 of 279
Hi K3cT,
For your purposes, you are probably better off with a more dense wood like the Bubinga. It has a warmer sound, and softer treble. I have a nice pair of these available now (don't worry Miguel, I am still holding your pair
) that will fit a D2000. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in this pair. Cheers.
Apr 9, 2009 at 1:12 AM Post #162 of 279
Mark I am interested, the D2000 I got is burning in (it has 48 hours of burn in with me plus about another 50 w/ the original owner). I plan on sending you a PM in about 6 days when the D2000 reaches the 250+ hours of burn in. Thanks.
Apr 9, 2009 at 12:40 PM Post #163 of 279

Originally Posted by markl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi K3cT,
For your purposes, you are probably better off with a more dense wood like the Bubinga. It has a warmer sound, and softer treble. I have a nice pair of these available now (don't worry Miguel, I am still holding your pair
) that will fit a D2000. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in this pair. Cheers.

Hmm... I see but the tonality of the red cedar does intrigue me though.
Apr 13, 2009 at 3:49 PM Post #164 of 279
[size=medium]FS: Final Demo Pair MD5000 DE-- You Choose Cable Length![/size]
This was one of my personal pairs and has very low hours and is in outstanding condition. It has all the markl mods plus the Jena Labs cable. Practically as new, just fully burned in for immediate enjoyment.

It is currently terminated to 17ft. balanced (yes I like a long leash!), but can be shortened to any length you want and made single-ended just by switching out the connectors. If you want to keep them balanced and keep the Furutech balanced XLRs, that can be arranged as well (add $60 to price).

This would normally cost $1060 (plus shipping) with a 7.5ft. cable.

This pair is available for [size=small]$729[/size] (plus shipping) with any length cable you want!

Contact me here or through Home to purchase. We accept Paypal.

Apr 13, 2009 at 5:48 PM Post #165 of 279

Originally Posted by markl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[size=medium]FS: Final Demo Pair MD5000 DE-- You Choose Cable Length![/size]
This was one of my personal pairs and has very low hours and is in outstanding condition. It has all the markl mods plus the Jena Labs cable. Practically as new, just fully burned in for immediate enjoyment.

It is currently terminated to 17ft. balanced (yes I like a long leash!), but can be shortened to any length you want and made single-ended just by switching out the connectors. If you want to keep them balanced and keep the Furutech balanced XLRs, that can be arranged as well (add $60 to price).

This would normally cost $1060 (plus shipping) with a 7.5ft. cable.

This pair is available for [size=small]$729[/size] (plus shipping) with any length cable you want!

Contact me here or through Home to purchase. We accept Paypal.


Sweet. If my wife hadn't put me on a shorter leash so our middle daughter could go to Italy with her school, I'd be all over them. But I have a pending HD800 order and the second half of payment due on an Eddie Current ZDT due in 8 weeks, so I have to be more thrifty at this point in time. As it is, I still have to decide whether to sell the Stax O2 Mk1 or the Mk2.

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