Havi b3 pro 1 thread 2.0
Apr 20, 2015 at 6:19 PM Post #796 of 2,486
These are TERRIBLE!!
.....at being terrible. How can something be so bad at being bad?

Ain't that not a Double Negative?

Apr 20, 2015 at 8:54 PM Post #798 of 2,486
Well They just arrived at noonish. Boy do these SUCK.
Juice that is..... Tried them out of the box with the Large red-cores installed, my initial thoughts were: Hey these are pretty good. Cranked up the Volume noticed that, yes, you do have to turn these up further than most but Oh my. You guys lied about the Bass. There is PLENTY. Maybe not like the Senns or Titans but it's there when called for. Mids, Treble were Crystal Clear. Put on a Mix of Big Room and Progressive Trance music and Hit the 6 DB boost on the E12. Yep. We have a winner.
Okay so I was rolling tips while I listened. I tried all the ones provided, the Red Cores definitely sounded best of the included tips to me. BUT I also had a set of my trusty Auvios from Radio Shack. These put the Havis in a different building. Everything became very tight and defined, awesome Bass response. It seems the Auvio tips are becoming my goto's for over ear IEMs. In case you aren't familiar with them they are similar to Sony Hybrids but with a slight bullet Shape-ish, Large color coded Core and a more substantial, (Heavier), Silicone Material. Kind of a Sony Hybrid on Steroids. You REALLY should try them out.
Now it's off to the Station for 200 Hours to let my "Ears" adjust to them.
I will rave about them in a week or so....

You gotta give the spiral dots a spin too!
  Where can I get some of these Spiral dot tips?
My "Comply" tips arrived from Hong Kong today. Seem like perfect replicas and only £2!

You can get them in single pairs from @Dopaminer 
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:00 AM Post #799 of 2,486
  Where can I get some of these Spiral dot tips?
My "Comply" tips arrived from Hong Kong today. Seem like perfect replicas and only £2!

I got mine (3 pairs of Large JVC Spiral dot tips) from Ebay (seller is from Japan and has got all three sizes) for $15 (free shipping, ordered it on 8th April and got it delivered yesterday)
Here is the link http://www.ebay.com/itm/Victor-JVC-EP-FX9L-B-Spiral-Dot-Earpiece-Size-L-6-pcs-/111639446639?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19fe3ac46f
Apr 21, 2015 at 2:23 AM Post #800 of 2,486
I got mine for less than 10 dollars a box locally here in South Korea. The thing is, they only sell the mediums, which work perfectly fine for me. The thing is, I have noticed slightly better sound quality on the Spiral Dots, but not enough to justify the sound leakage. The thing is, even if you manage a good seal on the tips, the bore/nozzle of the Havis are smaller than those specified by the JVC SD. So there is some give. The give translates to poorer seal and sound leakage (into your ears, not necessarily an outward leakage but rather an inward one). So Isolation suffers and I use the Havis for commuting so I have gone back to the stock tips. The stock tips are actually quite good on the Havis and offer good solid seal and comfort. Definitely spirals where they fit properly. Great eartips. 
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:02 AM Post #801 of 2,486
  I got mine for less than 10 dollars a box locally here in South Korea. The thing is, they only sell the mediums, which work perfectly fine for me. The thing is, I have noticed slightly better sound quality on the Spiral Dots, but not enough to justify the sound leakage. The thing is, even if you manage a good seal on the tips, the bore/nozzle of the Havis are smaller than those specified by the JVC SD. So there is some give. The give translates to poorer seal and sound leakage (into your ears, not necessarily an outward leakage but rather an inward one). So Isolation suffers and I use the Havis for commuting so I have gone back to the stock tips. The stock tips are actually quite good on the Havis and offer good solid seal and comfort. Definitely spirals where they fit properly. Great eartips. 

Those stock red cores really are quite versatile I think. Granted I don't have such a collection of tips as several others of this community but even those who do still agree that the stock tips are pretty decent. Great balance between seal and comfort, doesn't cost a dime, and helps out for the commuting. Call me antisocial, but I focus only on my music when on the bus

Apr 21, 2015 at 4:06 AM Post #802 of 2,486
Lol, here in SK, it's considered weird to (try to) strike up a conversation with a stranger for no reason. When people commute they just go about their own business. 
The red cores are indeed great. The expensive stuff in my collection all have JVC, but the Havis seem to work just fine with the stock tips. 
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:04 PM Post #803 of 2,486
Hello guys. I just want to post here to tell you that I think I've got a faulty product.

He said that Havi is smoother in vocal, where as VSD3S has sibilance.
So, I tried my friend's VSD3S on the other day in the office to play some of the Michael Jackson song that I find sibilance in Havi.
bruh, what sibilance? the vocal is just alright in VSD3S. I know there was something wrong with the havi I owned.
I'm pretty sure I had faulty product, I'm handing over my RE400 to someone and pick up another Havi to try my luck again tomorrow.
I'm slightly worried about the imbalance issue though, if I happen to have an imbalanced product, I'd have to get warranty and that might destroy my enjoyment listening to music in the bus :frowning2:
And this time I'm going to pick a new pair so the chances of previous owner has done something with the IEM will be very minimum.
wish me luck guys.
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:19 PM Post #804 of 2,486
Good luck @yoztpetra! I actually wouldn't worry about the imbalance too much. Yeah, there are sets that have very obviously ruinous imbalance, but I can't imagine someone kept it. I'm thinking my set has channel imbalance, but it's not actually noticeable once both ears are in. I'm also not experiencing any sibilance issues. My set seems to run with the video; the VSD3S I tried a while back had sharper vocals.
Apr 21, 2015 at 9:59 PM Post #805 of 2,486
  Good luck @yoztpetra! I actually wouldn't worry about the imbalance too much. Yeah, there are sets that have very obviously ruinous imbalance, but I can't imagine someone kept it. I'm thinking my set has channel imbalance, but it's not actually noticeable once both ears are in. I'm also not experiencing any sibilance issues. My set seems to run with the video; the VSD3S I tried a while back had sharper vocals.

thanks man!
if there's imbalance problem I can always ask for warranty if I want to, but I don't think they'll accept warranty if I happen to get another sibilant sounding havi :frowning2: but I wouldn't be bothered with imbalanced unit
Apr 22, 2015 at 10:23 AM Post #806 of 2,486
Hello everyone!
Sorry for the double post
I would like to inform you that indeed my previous havi was faulty! my current havi with same setup on the same part of the song does not produce any kind of sibilance! 
However it sounded less transparent and detailed than what I remember, somehow my previous havi had emphasized lower treble region. But whatever the sibilant is gone! It's a little bit smooth though
hooray! I'm going to sell my RE400 tomorrow.
I'm very, very happy right now yay.
thanks everyone!
Apr 22, 2015 at 11:25 AM Post #807 of 2,486
Just had a reference listen to my Havi's at 50 Hours of time on them. Impressions: VERY promising. Comfortable to wear. Sonically THESE have the fabled "SENNHEISER  VEIL" going on in spades. I'm finding that the signature, although being quite a bit Less "bass heavy", to be Very similar to all of my Senns. (IE8's [while I still have them], and my HD650's and 600's).
This is my guess as to probably WHY everyone seems to like them so much. Don't get me wrong, the Mids and Highs are detailed but there is NO way these would exhibit silibance, as compared with the Titans that have a huge bass signature and sparkling treble. I'm finding the contrast between these 2 IEM's to be a perfect match for each other in my collection.
VERY NICE. I can see these being an accurate but relaxing listen to. BTW there is PLENTY of Bass, This IEM is nowhere as thin as I thought it was going to be according to everyone's feedback. I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm also not detecting any imbalance that is in-your-face apparent.
Back to putting more hours on my ears. I will have a listen again at the 100 Hr. Mark. (yes, I keep a running log on Micro. Word.)
Apr 26, 2015 at 9:01 AM Post #808 of 2,486
Had a Listen at 107 hours. They still sound like my HD600's. I'll see them again at about 150. Sounds like the Bass has smoothed and moved a bit into the background?? Other Than that Very nice. I think these could use the 16db Gain boost built into my Fiio E12. Does it affect sound quality much? I generally don't use it because of that reason.
Apr 26, 2015 at 9:30 AM Post #810 of 2,486
That's what they remind me of, they have that "Veiled" sound. Very Detailed but not bright.

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