Havi B3 Pro-1 Impressions Thread
Aug 29, 2014 at 1:47 AM Post #2,043 of 4,032
Just gotta love the looks of that bag chock-full of goodies and awesomeness. Enjoy your time with the Havi B3!
Finally I get to join the Havi family.


Aug 29, 2014 at 2:19 AM Post #2,045 of 4,032
Aug 29, 2014 at 3:31 AM Post #2,046 of 4,032
This just brought a few tears to my eyes. Especially since my first and only girlfriend broke up with me last semester... and 2 times the semester before 

First binaural recording I have ever heard, and Havi made it perfect... :) Hope you guys enjoy! This is what you get if you look up binaural on Google

Aug 29, 2014 at 4:59 AM Post #2,048 of 4,032
who is gonna draw the family tree....? :p

Good idea! If you plan to draw the Havi family tree, you can put @peter123 and @Hisoundfi as my esteemed beloved parents. Incidentally, for KZ family tree, I am also a direct descendant of @hisoundfi from his union with @Wokei.

Aug 29, 2014 at 8:39 AM Post #2,051 of 4,032
Ordered: Penonaudio.com
Source: Dx90 High GAIN volume 230/255
Tracks: (A few to mention): Mountain- Mahi (Mp3 320kbps), Suddenly Morning - Mahi (Original Mix) (Mp3 320 kbps), Happy birthday – Click Five (Flac 16 bit), Mary Jane (Acoustic version) (Flac 16bit), Rude-Magic (Mp3 320kbps), Come back…BE here-Taylor Swift (Flac 16 bit), Fifteen-Taylor Swift (Flac 16bit), Reasons – Project 46 (Flac 16bit)

Ok so yesterday to my surprise I got my Havis delivered to me, because tracking did not show that they were attempting for delivery. Nevertheless I was excited to get them along with the penon iem. Since I was out for class till night, I left them on the burner from 12pm ( when I got them) till 11pm when I got back so I had a good 11 hrs burn in before I tested them so I do not know how much they have changed. I listened to them this morning after additional 5 hours of burn in (Total current burn in time is around 16hrs). Initial impressions upon unboxing them, I was just WOW’ed on how much accessories they came with. It is definitely the most packed accessories I have gotten with any purchase below $100. I am sure this was said many times already but it really hit me at the time, considering the price of around $60 they were quite generous in giving 2 sorts of case; a hard zip case and a soft pouch along with a blue microfiber cloth. Tips I got were 3 pairs of double flanges tips S,M,L ( Said to be Sennheisers) ,3 Pairs of single flange red and black S,M,L, 3 Pairs of soft white silicone tips S,M,L ( Single flange too). Oh and the Penon IEM came inside  a small plastic zip bag packed inside the hard zip case along with its 3 sets of black single flange tips too ( lol even more tips?) :D

Fit wasn’t really a problem for me, the stock red and black fitted with no problem, although after tip rolling I figured the Medium double flanges gave me the best seal. I have not been a big fan of comply tips though. I read that some worry of how they would fit as they seem to look kinda large and triangular sort of shape from pictures. I wear them over my ears I feel they are very comfortable. No issues what so ever even when lying down on my bed. Ckrs are quite large too but I wear them straight down and I don’t use it for lying down on my bed. So the B3s are going to replace my ostrys as sleeping IEM.
Ok now onto the sound of these, it’s definitely the most balanced and neutral phone I have. My ckr 9 is a fairly balanced phone too but it has this sort of in your face, aggressive and raw sort of signature I feel the mids and vocals are more forward on the ckrs compared the the B3s. That would explain why I feel my ckrs are more enjoyable and musical for pop songs. That said, I was very impressed with how they sounded after some time of adaptation. To be honest, I never expected them to sound this good. It just needed the right expectations :) .

Listening for the first time, I could hear right away that they are very balanced and neutral. No part of the spectrum was pushed forward to be noticed. This would explain why the bass, some would say is bass light. To me it it isn’t bass light at all. It’s a very neutral bass indeed and it’s quite fast too which I like but compared to my ckrs, the bass does not dig deep as much nor does it have that strong impact that bass heads would want. But I understood why it’s tuned like that. Havi wanted it to be a balanced and neutral phone, this was what they were rooting for and made it have mindblowing width of soundstage and depth so you could hear all the instruments clearly separated on ambient,classical and instrumental songs. Ckrs has the 3D imaging aspect as the B3s but width wise they aren’t as wide as B3s. To me atleast, the way they were able to get the soundstage out of this iem is mindblowing. One of the best I’ve heard too. I think it has to do with the housings and how they placed the drivers but one thing for certain, they hit the jackpot with that. The mids are again neutral so it’s not pushed forward but it doesn’t sound laid back either. It’s there, you can hear it clear and detailed so clarity and detail retrieval is excellent, though not as clear or detailed as the ckrs but it’s not lacking either just like @ericp10
 said but just ever so slightly behind. For the treble when I heard it after 11 hrs of burned in, I noticed that on some tracks, to my preference and resonance, the highs were somewhat slightly peaky ( I am quite sensitive to certain frequencies on highs as I found the ditas and Jh 13 to have peaky highs too) but not as bad as the ditas and jh 13. And listening to it today after 16 hrs of burned in, I noticed to some extent it has settled down by abit and I’m sure reading from other reviews, the highs will tame down even better after more burned in which is good news for me. Other than that the highs are quite detailed and fairly extensive.

You guys would know by now how I highly rate my ckrs. They are damn good especially for my taste of songs. I have auditioned quite the amount of high end ciem lately like 1964 lineup,Jh audio from 13,16 to Roxanne, fit ear 334,335,Limears 2 and 3 drivers,ditas,se846, even vision ears high end 6 drivers with switch,Lab1,fx850,CTM 5 drivers,Noble audio lineup all the way to Kaiser 10s. I am not saying I know a lot or how they all sounded specificly. But I do have a good idea how high end iem sounds. IMHO most high end will definitely have that bit of refinement in them and sure very good build quality with quite costly materials used but how they sound may or may not justify the premium you pay. They cost 10 times more than my ckrs but they do not sound 10 times better. You feel the brunt of diminishing returns. Tbh I still preferred my ckrs to Jh audio sound sig. If I had the money then Kaiser 10s would be the upgrade to my ckrs but that’s $1600. It justifies my satisfaction with sticking with my ckr and being contented with what I have, knowing that it can uphold with higher end iem. What I am saying here is that for $220 I get a phone that I consider to be high end sounding.

Comparing my ckrs to the B3s, I know this is not fair as they both have different signatures and are tuned differently to meet different genres of songs. I would say the B3s are a compliment to my ckrs. I wouldn’t dare say one is better than the other. Irregardless of price, I still consider my ckrs to have the best quality bass so with pop,edm,trance songs I find the ckrs more enjoyable to listen to. The ckrs are a level ahead with clarity,timbre, and dynamics (more energetic and lively). But when it comes to soundstage and instrument placements, the B3s are also a level ahead of the ckrs IMO. Instruments and vocals sounds more intimate with the ckrs as they sound closer but with the B3s, instruments sounds further apart with slightly better instrument separation. You can hear clearly where they are placed; near, far,behind, moving from far to near, near to far. You can have that accurate sense of direction of where sound is coming from every single instrument of the song even in complex songs. With tracks this complex like the Mahi’s songs it’s amazing. I used taylor swift solely for vocals and found them better than on ostrys as it sounded more natural, but Ckrs edges it by a bit with even more natural sounding vocal being more clear, detailed, airier and extensive. The low notes of the ckrs makes the vocals slightly more full bodied too. I used to love the airy vocals of ostrys but I have to say after A/B’ing them with the B3s I prefer the organic vocals on the B3s to the ostrys, vsd3s, ax35, athckp500, shure215, sens cx300ii. Drums sound very realistic on the B3s compared with those said budget iems, but I also feel the low notes of ckrs and dynamics gives the ckrs a more realistic,natural and lifelike impact on drums with very good amount of details of it. But B3s are not far off either.

Comparing B3s to the ckrs that costs ¼ of my ckrs that I consider end game is something itself. Clearly I prefer the b3s to my ostrys (which I highly rate) and every other iem below $200. Now to me, they are hands down the best iem you can get for sub $100 ( I am yet to hear my vivo800). I will confidently and assuringly recommend this ‘gems’ to anyone. But with the notion that you have or can get an amp. To @vlenbo
 you have to get them man. For a bare $60 there's no way possible anyone can go wrong with them :p

 *Edited Additions: To put briefly, The B3s is like being in a concert but you are part of the audience sitting in the 1st to 2nd row. So you can see and hear all the instruments on stage and where they are. Where as with the ckrs, you are on stage and you're closest to the vocalist and hear it upfront and instruments by your side are nearer so hence slightly more detailed.

BEAUTIFUL comparisons!

I thought the ckr and havi sound stage would be identical with a different flavor and less width. I was right and. I HAVE to buy it just because you and wokei endorsed the havis, eight after eric and danny have. Good comparisons. I am pleased to save my money on this iem now. Keep it up Syedz!

Im not trying to downplay b3 btw, i was just hoping this comparo would encpurage people to buy the ckr9 or ckr10 for a cheap price whenever is on a sale in the forum or amazon japan. It is an underrated iem IMHO.

Now people who want budget SHOULD buy the havi first and enjoy them for a long time
Aug 29, 2014 at 11:00 AM Post #2,052 of 4,032

BEAUTIFUL comparisons!

I thought the ckr and havi sound stage would be identical with a different flavor and less width. I was right and. I HAVE to buy it just because you and wokei endorsed the havis, eight after eric and danny have. Good comparisons. I am pleased to save my money on this iem now. Keep it up Syedz!

Im not trying to downplay b3 btw, i was just hoping this comparo would encpurage people to buy the ckr9 or ckr10 for a cheap price whenever is on a sale in the forum or amazon japan. It is an underrated iem IMHO.

Now people who want budget SHOULD buy the havi first and enjoy them for a long time
Edited by vlenbo - Today at 9:15 pm

Do it ...get it ...vlenbo.......it is the one to get before saving enuf money to get CKR9 according to SyedZ2ez4. ....on a serious note ....Havi is a deal ..a steal at 60$....cant go with this baby ....the most amazing soundstage and 3D imaging ...period ...

Wokei out ...
Aug 29, 2014 at 11:05 AM Post #2,053 of 4,032

I just revisited the first post in this thread and it's freaking amazing, really great work!

In the future I'll just point newcomers to this theqd there......
Aug 29, 2014 at 11:09 AM Post #2,054 of 4,032
BEAUTIFUL comparisons!

I thought the ckr and havi sound stage would be identical with a different flavor and less width. I was right and. I HAVE to buy it just because you and wokei endorsed the havis, eight after eric and danny have. Good comparisons. I am pleased to save my money on this iem now. Keep it up Syedz!

Im not trying to downplay b3 btw, i was just hoping this comparo would encpurage people to buy the ckr9 or ckr10 for a cheap price whenever is on a sale in the forum or amazon japan. It is an underrated iem IMHO.

Now people who want budget SHOULD buy the havi first and enjoy them for a long time
Edited by vlenbo - Today at 9:15 pm

Do it ...get it ...@vlenbo.......it is the one to get before saving enuf money to get CKR9 according to @SyedZ2ez4. ....on a serious note ....Havi is a deal ..a steal at 60$....cant go with this baby ....the most amazing soundstage and 3D imaging ...period ...

Wokei out ...

Oh damn it, I don't have enough money to save for the ckr9. 

I will buy the havi and then purchase the ckr9s later on along with the fx850. 
(just playing along, lol :D)
I am not lying when I said I will buy this and the kc06. These chinese iems need the most attention out of most iems so far since their cheap price and bang for buck actually merit their attention. I have no doubt it is a steal, especially when the havi team might make a more expensive iem later down on the line due to our purchases. :) That and the soundstage and 3d Imaging is what I want for a cheap iem, and it is A MUST.
Have fun with the b3s while I wait for mine, lol. I'll lurk some more here.
Aug 29, 2014 at 11:16 AM Post #2,055 of 4,032
Oh damn it, I don't have enough money to save for the ckr9. :xf_eek:

I will buy the havi and then purchase the ckr9s later on along with the fx850. 

(just playing along, lol :D)

I am not lying when I said I will buy this and the kc06. These chinese iems need the most attention out of most iems so far since their cheap price and bang for buck actually merit their attention. I have no doubt it is a steal, especially when the havi team might make a more expensive iem later down on the line due to your purchases. :) That and the soundstage and 3d Imaging is what I want for a cheap iem, and it is A MUST.

Have fun with the b3s while I wait for mine, lol. I'll lurk some more here.

Wokei extend the Havi family invitation to you ..don't lurk no more ...come out of the closet ..and join this fun lovin dysfunctional family .....you seem to be a decent bloke and you'll fit right in here .... we believe you .....and you know Havi is calling you .." Come baby ....you know you want me ....mmmmmm"


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